CCE Syllabus for class 10 English Communicative for session 2010-2011 prescribed for First Term (April 2010 to September 2010) and Second Term (October 2010 to March 2011) issued by CBSE, New Delhi. The complete syllabus is divided into four sections i.e. Reading, Writing, Grammar and Literature. Each section has equal weightage of 20 marks. CBSE has issued new revised text books for English Communicative this year. Students are advised to follow them.
Tips & Tricks
CBSE Rules for Persons with Disabilities in Board Exams
CBSE has given the following exemptions to Spastic, Blind, Physically Handicapped, Autistic, Dyslexic and candidates with disabilities as defined in the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995:- 1. Exemption from studying third language up to middle school level (i.e. Class VIII); 2. At Secondary School level a candidate has an option to opt for one language … Read more
CBSE Starts Counselling for 2010 Board Exams
First phase of CBSE counseling has been started in the beginning of February 2010. CBSE started this pioneering community work 13 years back in 1998 for the first time.
The highlights of CBSE Tele-counselling are:
(i) It is offered by trained counselors and Principals from within CBSE affiliated schools located in and outside India.
Conduct of Class IX March 2010 Examination under Summative Assessment II
CBSE recently issued a letter to all principals of affiliated schools regarding conduct of class 9th March 2010 Examination under Summative Assessment Part –II.
The Letter follows as below:
Dear Principal,
You are aware that the Central Board of Secondary Education has introduced Examination Reforms and Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation in its affiliated schools from this academic year.
CBSE Tele Helpline Call 1800117002 Toll Free
The CBSE telephonic helpline is one of the services provided to the students for counseling. CBSE Tele-Helpline has started from 1st of Feb. and will continue till 8th April, 2010. For the First time this year, CBSE introduced a Centralized Access System similar to that of a call centre. For further convenience of the students, … Read more
New CBSE Practice Papers for class 12 added
We have added new Practice Test Papers for class 12 at for FREE downloads. Almost all the subjects at CBSE Class 12 level are covered under these downloads. These practice papers include Unit Test papers, Half Yearly Examinations and terminal examinations held by Kendriaya Vidyalaya Sangathan KVS and other Public Schools. CBSE Test Papers given here are FREE to download for personal use.
CBSE Sample Papers and Marking Scheme 2010
Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi has issued Sample Papers for class 10 and Sample Papers for Class 12. CBSE also issued Marking Scheme for 2010. These Sample Papers for 2010 exams and CBSE Marking Scheme 2010 exams can be downloaded from the official site of CBSE or from for FREE of cost.
To download CBSE Sample Papers 2010, go to sample papers section of and click the desired class and subject. Then choose Sample Papers for 2010 and Click Download File Link.
Queries Related to CCE answered by CBSE Chairman
Question: It is mentioned in the Circular that March 2011 Class X examination will be based on the syllabus published in 2011 Curriculum document. But nothing has been mentioned about question paper pattern. Please clarify
Answer by CBSE: In the light of recent changes introduced under CCE scheme, the termwise details of syllabus and question paper pattern for March 2011 are being worked out. Please wait for some time.
Promoting Reading Habits as part of CCE in English Language
Inculcating good reading habits in children has always been a concern for all stakeholders in education. Now with the introduction of CCE and grading in secondary education there has been a paradigm shift from getting marks at an end of the term summative examination to the process of learning and acquiring better language skills.
With everything – information, entertainment, videos and even books within reach through the internet, it is indeed a challenge to convince students to pick up books and engage with the author, story, character and ideas presented in the reading passage or book.
FAQ for CBSE Board Exams
Frequently asked questions by students preparing for CBSE Board exams
Q.1. I am studying from NCERT books and I have completed latest CBSE Sample Papers. Will I be able to score good marks ( say 80% or more ) ?
Ans. Marks scored by any student depend upon their preparation and performance during examination. The students are adviced to remain focussed and do their best.
Q.2. How many sets are there for a particular question paper ? Can questions in one sets may be easier than the other set ?
The first phase of CBSE counseling will begin from 1st Feb. to 2nd April, 2009. This is the 12th consecutive year that CBSE will be providing counseling services to students and parents during examinations to overcome their anxiety and examination related stress.
The CBSE outreach programme is carefully designed keeping the heterogeneity of students’ population and geographical spread.
Modification in external Science practical examination syllabus
The salient features of the scheme included :
a) One Theory paper of weightage 60 marks with duration of 2.5 hours.
b) A year-end school based practical examination for 20 marks.
c) A separate paper on practical skill based multiple choice questions of weightage 20 marks and duration of 1.5 hours.
Thus a relative weightage of 60 marks and 40 marks was assigned to theory and practical work in the subject in the restructured syllabus. Class X March 2007 examination of the Board was conducted on the basis of above scheme.