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CBSE Test Papers | Printable Worksheets | Chapter wise Tests

Selective Study Vs Comprehensive Study

Selective study means learning some selected scoring topics with the help of some selected resources. For example, we have the chapter probability that carries 8 marks but there are only two exercises, and students will select it for study because with less effort they can score more. Another example is, that students will do only some selected questions from the whole exercise and then try to attempt 4-5 CBSE Sample Papers only. 

Comprehensive study means learning not only for marks but for understanding as well. Here, the focus will be on understanding the concepts in a comprehensive manner and students will attempt all the questions from all the chapters. They won't rely on a few model papers but they will study every topic thoroughly. 

Why you should not rely on Sample Papers?

We noticed that most of the students feel that if they will practice 8-10 sample papers, they will get most of the questions in exams from these papers only. But it is the biggest mistake. It never happens. 

Even few publishers provide guess papers. They claim that the actual question paper will have the same or similar questions. Again, it never happens. Such selective approaches are always misleading and finally harm the student. 

What is the purpose of Sample Papers then?

Sample papers are meant for practicing questions in an exam-like environment. Here students is having the same number of questions, same difficulty level and same timeframe to complete the test. This helps the students gain confidence and get ready for the actual exam. 

With the help of sample papers students:

  • Learn to complete the exam within a given time duration.
  • Understand what to write, how to write and how much to write.
  • Get an idea about the difficulty level of the questions.
  • Analyze weak areas and make a strategy to practice them.

Test Papers Vs Sample Papers

As discussed Test papers belong to a particular chapter only. In other words, these are chapter tests. On the other hand, sample papers are full syllabus tests. It includes questions from the whole syllabus.

Why Test Papers are Recommended?

You can not practice sample papers from day 1 of your academic session. You should go for it only when the whole syllabus is completed. So, what to do when only one chapter is done and you want to check your performance? You will obviously choose chapter tests that are Test Paper we are talking about. 

CBSE Chapter-wise Test Papers

CBSE Test Papers are chapter-wise tests with complete solutions. Students must attempt the test papers as soon as one chapter is completed in their class. This will certainly help them to get a better understanding of the areas where improvement is required. 

We at myCBSEguide provide CBSE chapter-wise test papers with solution and answer keys for CBSE class-9, CBSE class-10, CBSE class-11 and CBSE class-12. We have included questions from CBSE practice papers, unit tests and internal assessments in these test papers. 

Printable Worksheets & Assignments

CBSE printable worksheets for classes 3 to 8 with answers are also available for download on the myCBSEguide App or Student Dashboard. In junior classes, students need continuous practice. They must be given worksheets to attempt at regular intervals for longer retention of concepts. These worksheets are designed in such a manner that all the important concepts and learning outcomes are covered so that the child will not miss anything.

cbse test papers

CBSE Test Papers for Class 12

CBSE chapter-wise test papers with solutions are provided here for free download in PDF format. These test papers include NCERT questions, board exam questions and important questions asked in various class tests and unit tests. CBSE test papers and solutions in Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology for class 12 are given below. 

Class 12 Chapter Tests

CBSE Test Papers for Class 11

CBSE class-11 test papers for practice in Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Physics with complete solutions are given under this download. CBSE practice papers for each and every chapter in class XI are included in this section. The practice papers are prepared by a team of expert teachers for CBSE students. Each test paper has 10-12 questions with a solution and answer keys.

Class 11 Chapter Tests

CBSE Test Papers for Class 10

CBSE practice papers and chapter-wise test papers with solutions for class-10 are enlisted here for free download. The practice papers comprise all important questions from the textbooks. It includes questions from previous year's board papers and NCERT textbooks. 

Class 10 Chapter Tests

CBSE Test Papers for Class 9

Practice papers for class IX with solutions are provided here for free download. There are around 4-5 test papers from each chapter with 10-12 questions in each test. It includes VSA, SA and LA questions with proper explanations and examples. All the answers follow the standard blueprint and marking scheme issued by CBSE, New Delhi.

Class 9 Chapter Tests

Printable Worksheets for CBSE Class 8

Worksheets for class-8 Maths and science in printable format are given in this section for free download. There are around 60-70 worksheets with answer keys in each subject. The worksheets include all types of questions such as fill-ups, matching questions, true-false questions, MCQ and descriptive questions. These CBSE printable worksheets cover the whole syllabus as issued by CBSE. 

Class 8 Worksheets

Printable Worksheets for CBSE Class 7

Printable worksheets for class-7 Maths and Science include Integers, Fractions and Decimals, Data Handling, Simple Equations, Lines and Angles, The Triangle and its Properties, Congruence of Triangles, Comparing Quantities, Rational Numbers, Practical Geometry, Perimeter and Area, Algebraic Expressions, Exponents and Powers, Symmetry, Visualizing Solid Shapes in Maths and  Nutrition in Plants, Nutrition in Animals, Fibre to Fabric, Heat, Acids Bases and Salts, Physical and Chemical Changes, Weather Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate, Winds Storms and Cyclones, Soil, Respiration in Organisms, Transportation in Animals and Plants, Reproduction in Plants, Motion and Time, Electric Current and its Effects, Light, Water A Precious Resource, Forests Our Lifeline, Wastewater Story in science. 

Class 7 Worksheets

Printable Worksheets for CBSE Class 6

CBSE Printable worksheets in class-VI maths include Knowing our Numbers, Whole Numbers, Playing with Numbers, Basic Geometrical Ideas, Understanding Elementary Shapes, Integers, Fractions, Decimals, Data Handling, Mensuration, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Symmetry, Practical Geometry and class-VI Science includes  Food-Where does it Come From, Components of Food, Fibre to Fabric, Sorting Materials into Groups, Separation of Substances, Changes around Us, Getting To Know Plants, Body Movements, The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings, Motion and Measurement of Distances, Light Shadows and Reflections, Electricity and Circuits, Fun with Magnets, Water, Air around Us, Garbage in Garbage out.

Class 6 Worksheets

Printable Worksheets for CBSE Class-5

In primary classes, the importance of worksheets is well known. It is the best tool to evaluate the learning process of the child. Small worksheets with 10-12 questions from a particular topic are given to students for concept-based evaluation. We have prepared these worksheets to evaluate the child concept by concept. The printable worksheets for class V maths and science are available here for free download in PDF format. 

Class 5 Worksheets

Printable Worksheets for CBSE Class 4

CBSE worksheets for class 4 EVS (Science and Social Science) in  Plants and animals, Habitats, Air and Water, Our Environment, Our Food, Human body and Health, State of Matter, WorkForce and Energy, Our Universe, India Our Country, Our Natural Resources, Map and Directions, Land and People of India, Indian Government, Means of Transport, Means of communication, Things we make and do. Class-IV Maths includes  Number systems, Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, Factors Multiples Estimation, Patterns and symmetry, Fractional Numbers, Decimal Numbers, Geometrical Shapes, Measurement, Money, Time and calendar, and Data Handling.

Class 4 Worksheets

Printable Worksheets for CBSE Class 3

CBSE Worksheets for class-3 include Number System, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractional Numbers, Time, Measurement, Geometry, Pattern And Symmetry, Money, Data Handling in Maths and  Things around Us, World of Plants, World of Animals, Air and Water, Human Body and Health, Foods we eat, Clothes and dresses, Festivals, Works around Us, Our helpers, Means of Communications, Means of Transport, India Our County, Earth is our Home in science.

Class 3 worksheets

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