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Class 3 Olympiad Questions, Syllabus, Worksheets, NCERT Solutions

Class 3 course contents for Environmental Science, Maths, English and Hindi for CBSE students includes free to download worksheets, online tests, practice papers and videos. CBSE class 3 study material covers complete NCERT syllabus and CBSE curriculum for current session.

CBSE class 3 Mathematics study material in PDF format. MyCBSEguide provides solved papers, board question papers, revision notes and NCERT solutions for CBSE class 3 Mathematics. The topics included are number system,addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, time, measurement, geometry, pattern and symmetry, money and data handling.

CBSE class 3 English study material in PDF format. MyCBSEguide provides solved papers, board question papers, revision notes and NCERT solutions for CBSE class 3 English. The topics included are Magic Garden, Nina and the baby Sparrows, The Enormous trip, A little Fish story, The yellow Butterfly, The story of the road, Little Tiger Big Tiger, My Silly Sister, He is my Brother, Ship of the Desert, Poem Good Morning, Poem Bird Talk, Poem Little by Little, Poem Sea Song, Poem The Balloon man, Poem Trains, Poem Puppy and I, Poem Whats in the Mailbox, Poem Dont Tell, Poem How creature move.

CBSE class 3 Hindi syllabus, question papers, online tests and important questions as per CBSE syllabus. Notes, test papers and school exam question papers with solutions. हिंदी पाठ्य पुस्तक रिमझिम के लिए सिलेबस, प्रश्न पत्र, ऑनलाइन परीक्षण और सीबीएसई पाठ्यक्रम के अनुसार महत्वपूर्ण सवाल, नोट्स और समाधान के साथ स्कूल परीक्षा प्रश्न पत्र myCBSEguide में उपलब्ध हैं | एन सी आर टी पाठ्य पुस्तक रिमझिम, कक्कू, शेखीबाज़ मक्खी, चाँद वाली अम्मा, मन करता है, बहादुर बित्तो, हमसे सब कहते हैं, टिपटिपवा, बंदर-बाँट, कब आऊँ, क्योंज़ीमल और कैसे—कैसलिया, मीरा बहन और बाघ, जब मुझे साँप ने काटा, मिर्च का मज़ा

CBSE class 3 EVS study material in PDF format. MyCBSEguide provides solved papers, board question papers, revision notes and NCERT solutions for CBSE class 3 EVS. The topics included are Things around Us, World of Plants, World of Animals, Air and Water, Human Body and Health, Foods we eat, Clothes and dresses, Festivals, Works around Us, Our helpers, Means of Communication, Means of Transport, India Our County, Earth our Home.

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