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CBSE class 11 Manipuri New Syllabus 2018-19

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CBSE class 11 Manipuri New Syllabus 2018-19 in PDF format for free download. Manipuri syllabus for 2018 2019 class 11 CBSE is now available in myCBSEguide app. The curriculum for March 2019 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT text books for the session 2018-19.

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CBSE class 11 Manipuri New Syllabus 2018-19
Class XI (2018-19): THEORY

One Theory Paper Total Marks: 100
3 Hours Marks: 30
70 Periods

  1. Brief history of Indian Dance and Traditional Dance/Drama.
    Yashoda ties up Krishna to the pounding block), Kaliya Daman.
  2. Acquaintance with theme of the puranas
    • From Gita Govinda:- Dashavatar, any suitable poem.
    • From Rayana:- Lanka Dahan by Hanuman, Kumbhakarna, Seeta Haran
    • From Local Legend:- Guru Sidaba and story of creation, Nangpok Ningthou and panthoibi
    • From Mahabharataa:- Ekalavya, Dyuta Kreeda, Chira haran, Gita Updesha, Abhimanyu
  3. History of Manipuri Dance
    • From Shrimad bhagvat:- Makhan Chori, Vakasura and Dhenukasura Vadha, uduka Leela When
      1. Prayer dances of early times beyond recorded history. Dance was always a necessary part of worship. Lai Haraoba.
      2. Beginning of compositions based on Hindu Gods as people started worshipping vishu in 15th Century.
      3. Birth of Ras leela and Sankrirtana in 18th Century during the reign of Maharaja Bhagyachandra leading of cultural chain reaction.
      4. Birth of Goshtha Leela during the reign of Maharaja Chandrakirti.
  4. Acquaintance with its repertorie and literacy contents.
    Edited versions of Ras Leelas, Goshtha Leela, Balram Krishna Composition from the Gita Govinda, Krishna abhisar, Radha abhisar, Krishna Nartan, Radha Nartan, Isei Jagoi, Punglon jagoi, Dashavatar, Shreeta Kamala Kucha Mandala, Lalita Lavanga Lata, Chandana Charchita, Rajanijanitaguru, Pung Cholom and Kartal Cholom.
  5. Distinctive aspects of Manipuri dance.
    The style is rich both in Lasya and Tandava Modes.

    • Footwork in Manipuri.
    • Sarvanga Abhinaya.


CBSE class 11 Manipuri New Syllabus 2018-19

One Theory Paper Marks: 70
170 Periods

  1. Practice of Basic postures movements and footwork in Tanchap Tala.
  2. Practice of hand movements specially flexibility of wrists, Chali, Champra Okpi and Khujeng leibi.
  3. Chai for both feminine and masculine, including Chali Areibi
  4. Five Punlon Jagois each of lasya and Tandava.
  5. Acquaintance with Matras and Talas of Manipur pung in talas Tanchap, Menkup, Rajmal and Charital.
  6. Lai Haraoba both Lasya and Tandava (Khamba Thoibi.) Thougal Jagoi, Maibi Jagoi – Lai Ikouba and Laiching Jagoi.
  7. Folk Dances: Thabal Chongi, Kaburi Naga Dance (Male and female) Keetlam and chaplam.

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