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Class 12 English Core Syllabus, Sample Papers, Revision Notes, Test Papers

Access CBSE class 12 English Core NCERT solutions, revision notes, question papers, online tests, and important questions on myCBSEguide. Our sample papers and test papers are available in PDF for…

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Senior Secondary education is the stage where students are at the final leg of their preparation for university education. Here, it is expected that students must have acquired a reasonable degree of proficiency in a language apt for common communication. It goes beyond mentioning that the English Language is the most important one for this purpose. The course of CBSE English Core for senior secondary aims, essentially, at promoting higher-order language skills. Students can prepare for this course with the help of the most reliable educational app myCBSEguide which provides the CBSE class 12 English core revision notes, updated syllabus, NCERT solutions, and important questions for free download in PDF for session 2024-25. Our chapter-based, sample papers, and online are valuable resources offered at a minimal price.

CBSE Class 12 English Core Study Material

The senior secondary English course is so designed that it should cater to both groups by promoting the language skills required for academic study as well as the language skills required for the workplace. Students who intend to choose language as their professional domain should have had enough knowledge of the English language at this level.

Students need to have robust preparation at this level to fairly good command of the language. We, at myCBSEguide, have every little thing related to CBSE Class 12 English 2024-25 all in one place. Our study material has been vouched for by the teachers and students equally.   

The CBSE-designed course for class 12 English Core covers everything in its three sections. Reading is a Section-A where students have one or two comprehensive passages for perusal. Section-B is the creative writing section where the writing skills of the students are tested. While the literature portion is covered in section-C. Let's check out what myCBSEguide study material for class 12 English has to offer. 

Class 12 English Core Syllabus

Our Class 12 English course has all the details related to the updated and deleted syllabus for senior secondary English core. We update our syllabus and the CBSE course accordingly as and when there is any change done by the CBSE. The syllabus is one such thing that serves as the basis of our preparation. It sets the target for the year which the students need to meet before appearing for their final examination. Every year CBSE makes some changes in the English curriculum. Sometimes it changes the book as well. We keep our data updated in accordance with the updated CBSE curriculum. To get the latest 2024-25 syllabus for class 12 English check out the Class 12 English syllabus.

Section Competencies Total marks
Reading Skills Conceptual understanding, decoding, Analyzing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary, conventions and vocabulary, summarizing and using appropriate format/s. 20
Writing Skills
Conceptual Understanding, application of rules, Analysis, Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency, inference, analysis, evaluation and creativity. 20
Literature Text Books and Supplementary Reading Texts Recalling, reasoning, critical thinking, appreciating literary convention, inference, analysis, creativity with fluency 40
   Total 80

Class 12 English Core NCERT solutions

It is ideal to begin the preparation for Class 12 English with the literature section since we have a prescribed textbook for it. These NCERT textbooks have a few questions for each chapter according to the English syllabus prescribed by the CBSE. These NCERT textbook questions and answers are important in many ways. It provides the basic question pattern and structure. This is the reason why teachers always emphasise having a thorough knowledge of NCERT questions. These questions with detailed explanation are now available in myCBSEguide for free to view and download. NCERT solutions are considered to  You can get more details about Class 12 English Core NCERT solutions here.

Class 12 English Core Revision Notes & Important Questions

Chapters-based revision notes for Class 12 English Core are available for free download in PDF format on myCBSEguide. These notes provide a synopsis of each chapter (based on the latest CBSE syllabus) that helps students to prepare for their CBSE board examinations or school-level annual examination. Get all the details related to Class 12 English Core Revision Notes on the myCBSEguide website. The chapter list of the revision notes is as follows:

Class 12 English Core Revision Notes - Chapters



Class 12 English Core Grammar & Passage

If you study the class 12 English questions of the last few years, you will get an idea of what type of questions the CBSE asks in its Grammar section. Mostly we can see that these questions are based on:

  1. Gap filling (Tenses, Clauses) and
  2. Sentence re-ordering/transformation of sentences.

Whatever may be the format, the CBSE syllabus for English mentions the topics on which Grammar questions are usually asked. These are basically to test students' conceptual understanding of the basic grammar rules. Besides knowing the rules, students should be familiar with their appropriate usage. Our senior secondary grammar section covers a range of topics, which can adapt to any changes in the syllabus.

CBSE curriculum for Class 12 English core aims that students must know the use of passive forms in scientific and innovative writing. They are expected to convert one kind of sentence/clause into a different kind of structure as well as other items to exemplify stylistic variations in different discourses modal auxiliaries- uses based on semantic considerations. Therefore, to achieve these competencies students need to know and practice the grammar rules seriously. For this, they need a well-furnished question bank which is available on myCBSEguide. To test the reading skills of the students a total of 20 marks is allotted for the comprehension passage section. This section tests conceptual understanding, decoding, analyzing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary, conventions and vocabulary, summarizing, and using appropriate format/s.

Class 12 English Core Unseen Passage

There is a specific objective behind incorporating unseen passages in the English curriculum specifically in Class 12 English core syllabus. Students of a senior secondary level are expected to read and comprehend extended texts in almost all the genres of science fiction, drama, poetry, biography, autobiography, travel, sports literature, etc. They should skim for main ideas and scan for details With this motive one unseen passage is given to assess comprehension, interpretation inference, and vocabulary. This passage may be factual, descriptive, or literary. There are various types of questions asked from the passage, for example, students are supposed to make use of contextual clues to infer meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary.

Class 12 English Core Case-Based Passage

There is another comprehension passage in class 12 English core which is an unseen case-based passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data, charts, etc. Students are required to interpret and decode the data and statistics present in the given passage because questions are based on them. Data analysis, drawing inferences, and having an analytical approach is the pre-requisite for solving the questions of these kinds of case-based passages. Students need to practice such passages as much as possible, Our data on myCBSEguide dashboard for these kinds of class 12 case-based comprehension passages.

Hence, we conclude that reading is not merely decoding information or pronouncing words correctly. It is an interactive dialogue between the author and the reader in which the reader and the author share their experiences and knowledge. Good readers are critical readers with an ability to arrive at a deeper understanding of not only the world presented in the book but also of the real world around them. To get this level of proficiency in reading, solving comprehension passages is the best way. Download myCBSEguide app now to access a variety of class 12 English passages and begin your preparation now.

Class 12 English Core Creative Writing Section

There are various tools to check the writing abilities of class 12 English students. CBSE specifically tests the ability of the students to summarise a text,  draft papers to be presented in symposia, draft notices, write official and personal letters, etc. Conceptual Understanding, application of rules, analysis, reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency, inference, analysis, evaluation, and creativity. Basically, students are supposed to write examination answers according to the requirement of various subjects. This is again a section that requires a lot of practice just like the reading section. Apt questions on creative writing for class 12 English are available on myCBSEguide which can be very helpful to ace this section. You can find these questions along with solutions so you can self-examine your own writings. 

Class 12 English Core Sample Papers

It is always advisable to have enough practice before taking the final term examination, be it the board or school annual exam. Sample papers are the best tool to check your preparation of a complete syllabus for any given subject. Soon after the CBSE releases its official sample papers, our team in myCBSEguide prepares more such papers for our students. We prepare sample papers for every main subject which can help to score you best if practiced properly in a time-bound manner. You can access our Class 12 English Core English Sample Papers 2025 from our student app or can get them on our website in PDF format.  It has the same question pattern and these questions are prepared by experienced CBSE teachers. These CSBE class 12 English Sample Papers are available with complete solutions.

Class 12 English Core Mock Test & Test Paper

Students should do their homework by testing their progress with the help of different kinds of tests. This rule applies in the case of all subjects. For class 12 English core, we have only a limited known section to be prepared beforehand, that is the English Literature part. Students should have the chapters at their fingertips so that they do not miss a single mark from this section. The Class 12 English core mock tests and test papers available on our students' dashboard can be utilized for this purpose. Students can prepare the way they like and select the chapters they want and take a mock test for class 12 English.

We also prepare test papers, based on the CBSE sample papers. Unlike the full-length sample paper, these test papers have fewer marks (mostly like formative assessments) which makes it easier for the students to practice them. Apart from English literature, these papers have overall questions, from the grammar section and writing sections as well. 

For students who want to prepare gradually chapter-wise, Class 12 English test papers are best for them. They should use these test papers and check their progress, this will bring a positive result. Our mock tests are like online tests, which are very helpful for grammar questions.

Class 12 English Literature Value-Based Question

Literature Text Books and Supplementary Reading Texts of the Class 12 English Core Section has a total of 40 marks. Out of these 40 marks, 10 marks are marked for Value-Based Question. These questions draw references from any incident, theme, or event of the prose and poetry. The purpose of the class 12 English core value-based question is to assess global comprehension and extrapolation beyond and across the text. Such questions elicit analytical and evaluative responses from students and test their creativity with fluency and critical thinking. These kinds of value-based questions for literature are available in our Class 12 English Core module of the myCBSEguide app.

Secondary-level English education has two important purposes:

  • First, it must leave a student confident enough to excel in their work field.
  • Secondly, it must give them enough foundational knowledge to make them competent for a professional journey.

To achieve any of the two aforementioned objectives, brisk preparation with serious attention is a must. Students can make this happen with the help of myCBSEguide.

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