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CBSE Guide Vistas On the Face of It class 12 Notes English Core
CBSE guide notes are the comprehensive notes which covers the latest syllabus of CBSE and NCERT. It includes all the topics given in NCERT class 12 English Core text book. Users can download CBSE guide quick revision notes from myCBSEguide mobile app and my CBSE guide website.
12 English Core notes Chapter 6 Vistas On the Face of It
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Vistas Chapter-6
Vistas On the Face of It class 12 Notes English Core
The play “On the Face Of it” depicts beautifully yet grimly the sad world of the physically impaired. It is not the actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment that trouble a disabled man but the attitude of the people around him. Two physically impaired people, Mr. Lamb with a tin leg and Derry with a burnt face, strike a band of friendship.
Derek, a young lad of fourteen was sinking in the abyss of despair and frustration. He disliked every one. Once he enters a garden thinking it an empty place but Finds an old man Mr. Lamb minding the apples. Derek feels embarrassed and wants to go back. Mr. Lamb assures him that he does not mind strangers and the gates of garden are open for everyone. Derek has low self esteem and thinks people are afraid of him for his burnt face because of acid and thinks even his mother kisses him only on the good side of his face. He has bitterness for the world.
Mr. Lamb has a friendly and positive attitude. He tells Derek that he too is handicapped and loves all creatures made by God because nothing in this world is worthless, even weeds have their own value. He advises Derek to think of the beautiful objects of the world and never believe on your eyes but to believe your ears. Avoid people’s comments and love all mankind because hatred corrodes us and hurts more than acids. He considers Derek to be his friend.
Mr. Lamb tells a story to give Derek a lesson. Once there was a timid man who refused to come out in fear of fatal accident. In his own room a picture fell of the wall on his head and he died. This changes Derek’s attitude and he takes interest in Mr. Lamb’s talking and likes to listen more to Mr. Lamb and wants to help Mr. Lamb in his work.
Derek wants to go home and inform his mother that he would be late. He promises to come back. His mother stops him but he is adamant saying if he does not go now it would be never. When he comes back he sees lamb lying on the ground. It is ironical that when he searches a new foothold to live happily, he finds Mr. Lamb dead. In this way, the play depicts the heart rendering life of physically disabled people with their loneliness, aloofness and alienation. But at the same time, it is almost a true account of the people who don’t let a person live happily.
- The play depicts beautifully yet grimly the sad world of the physically impaired.
- It is not the actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment that trouble a disabled man but the attitude of the people around him.
- Two physically impaired people, Mr. Lamb with a tin leg and Derry with a burnt face,strike a band of friendship.
- Derry is described as a young boy shy, withdrawn and defiant.
- People tell him inspiring stories to console him, no one will ever kiss him except his mother that too on the other side of his face
- Mentions about a woman telling that only a mother can love such a face.
- Mr. Lamb revives the almost dead feelings of Derry towards life.
- He motivates him to think positively about life, changes his mind set about people and things.
- How a man locked himself as he was scared-a picture fell off the wall and got killed.
- Everything appears to be the same but is different- Ex. of bees. And weeds
- The gate of the garden is always open.
- Derry is inspired and promises to come back.
- Derry’s mother stops him but he is adamant saying if he does not go now it would be never.
- When he comes back he sees lamb lying on the ground
- It is ironical that when he searches a new foothold to live happily, he finds Mr. Lamb dead.
- In this way the play depicts the heart rendering life of physically disabled people with their loneliness, aloofness and alienation.
- But at the same time it is almost a true account of the people who don’t let a person live happily
Vistas On the Face of It class 12 Notes English Core
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