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CBSE Guide Vistas Evan Tries an O Level class 12 Notes English Core
CBSE guide notes are the comprehensive notes which covers the latest syllabus of CBSE and NCERT. It includes all the topics given in NCERT class 12 English Core text book. Users can download CBSE guide quick revision notes from myCBSEguide mobile app and my CBSE guide website.
12 English Core notes Chapter 7 Vistas Evan Tries an O Level
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Class 12 English Core Revision Notes Vistas Chapter 7 Vistas Evan Tries an O Level
James Roderick Evans was a prisoner who had earlier escaped thrice from the prison, therefore titled ‘Evans the Break’. Now he was in the prison for the 4th time and all of a sudden developed curiosity to appear in O-level German Examination which also was an effort to break the prison.
He started night classes in O-Level German and Govt. arranged to examine Evans for O-Level in his prison cell. The Governor takes utmost care to see that he would not be fooled. Every care was taken to make Evans prepare for the exam. He was tutored by a German tutor for 6 months. The day before the exam the tutor wishes good luck but makes it clear that he had hardly any ‘chance of getting through.’ But Evans gives an ironical twist to the tutor’s observation by saying “I may surprise everybody.”
On the day of the exam Jackson and Stephens visited Evans cell and took away everything that may help him injure himself. Evans was insisted to take away the hat but he refused saying that it was lucky charm. Evans cell was bugged so that the Governor could himself listen to each and every conversation in the cell.
The invigilator Rev. S. McLeery left his house at 8:45 am as the exam was to begin at 9:15 am. McLerry came, having a brown suitcase, semi-inflated rubber ring, needed for haemorrhoids too was searched and left him to complete the task. Stephen sitting outside the cell every now and then peeped into the cell.
The Exam Begins and Evans was asked to write index No., centre No, 313 and 271. At 9:40 a.m. Mc Leery asked for correction slip. Evans hardly understood anything, kept his pen between lips and staring towards the door. At 10:15 Evans requested for a blanket. The exam got over at 11:20. Stephen escorted the invigilator to the main gate and took a look into Evans cell and found the invigilator (actually Evans) wounded, informed the Governor. The latter was to be hospitalised but informed that he was alright and asked them to follow Evans.
Thus, he escaped the prison. When the invigilator was not found in the hospital they went to the residence of Rev. S. McLeery only to find him ’bound and gagged in his study in Broad Street”. He has been there, since 8.15 a.m. Now everything was clear to the Governor. Evan escaped the prison the 4th time. But by taking the hint from the question paper the Governor reached the hotel where Evans was and captured him and came to know how he planned his escape and said that his game was over.
Evans surrenders himself to the Governor. The Governor tells Evan they would meet soon. The moment they are rid of the Governor, the so-called prison officer-a friend of Evans-unlocks the handcuffs and asks the driver to move fast and Evans tells him to turn to Newbury. Evans, thus, has the last laugh.
• Evans a kleptomaniac was imprisoned thrice and all the time escaped from the prison. Now he was in the prison for the 4th time and all of a sudden developed curiosity to appear in O-level German Examination which also was an effort to break the prison.
• The Governor takes utmost care to see that he would not be fooled. Every care was taken to make Evans prepare for the exam.
• He was tutored by a German tutor for 6 months. The day before the exam the tutor wishes good luck but makes it clear that he had hardly any ‘chance of getting through.’ But Evans gives an ironical twist to the tutor’s observation by saying “I may surprise everybody.”
• On the day of the exam Jackson and Stephens visited Evans cell and took away everything that may help him injure himself. Evans was insisted to take away the hat but he refused saying that it was lucky charm.
• Evans cell was bugged so that the Governor could himself listen to each and every conversation in the cell. The invigilator Rev. S. McLeery too was searched and left him to complete the task. Stephen sitting outside the cell every now and then peeped into the cell.
• The exam went on smoothly. Stephen escorted the invigilator to the main gate and took a look into Evans cell and found the invigilator (actually Evans) wounded, informed the Governor. The latter was to be hospitalized but informed that he was alright and asked them to follow Evans. Thus he escaped the prison.
• When the invigilator was not found in the hospital they went to the residence of Rev. S. McLeery only to find him ’bound and gagged in his study in Broad Street”. He has been there, since 8.15 a.m. Now everything was clear to the Governor.
• Evan escaped the prison the 4th time. But by taking the hint from the question paper the Governor reached the hotel where Evans was and captured him and came to know how he planned his escape and said that his game was over. Evans surrenders himself to theGovernor.
• The Governor tells Evan they would meet soon.
• The moment they are rid of the Governor, the so called prison officer-a friend of Evansunlocks the handcuffs and asks the driver to move fast and Evans tells him to turn to Newbury. Evans, thus, has the last laugh.
Vistas Evan Tries an O Level class 12 Notes English Core
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