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CBSE Guide Flamingo Going Places class 12 Notes English Core
CBSE guide notes are the comprehensive notes which covers the latest syllabus of CBSE and NCERT. It includes all the topics given in NCERT class 12 English Core text book. Users can download CBSE guide quick revision notes from myCBSEguide mobile app and my CBSE guide website.
12 English Core notes Chapter 8 Flamingo Going Places
Download CBSE class 12th revision notes for chapter 8 Flamingo Going Places in PDF format for free. Download revision notes for Flamingo Going Places class 12 Notes and score high in exams. These are the Flamingo Going Places class 12 Notes English Core prepared by team of expert teachers. The revision notes help you revise the whole chapter 8 in minutes. Revision notes in exam days is one of the best tips recommended by teachers during exam days.
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CBSE Class 12 English Core
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Flamingo Chapter-8
Flamingo Going Places class 12 Notes English Core
The lesson explores the theme of adolescent fantasies and hero worship. It is natural for the youngsters to idolize successful people and dream of following their footsteps. But their dreams drive them away from the harsh realities of life and later on when this fact dawns on them it becomes difficult for them to come to terms with life.
Sophie and Jansie are both in the last year of high school and both know that they are destined to work in the biscuit factory as they belong to a working class family. Yet, Sophie, always dreams of big and beautiful things, glamour and glory. She dreams of opening a high end boutique. But her ambitions are not rooted in reality i.e., have no relation with the harsh realities of life.In contrast Jansie, Sophie’s friend, is a realistic and practical girl.
Sophie lives in male-dominated family where her mother was only a shadow. The men were football fans and the conversations around the dinner table were about Danny Casey, their Hero. Sophie wants some attention from her father and brother Geoff and tells them that she met Casey, the wonder boy of football. When she gave the footballer’s detailed physical appearance he believed her. Also that she had asked for his autograph but since neither of them had pen or paper, they had decided to meet next week and Casey had promised to give her autograph.
But she carries her fantasies too far when she starts to live them. She waits for Casey at her favourite spot and imagines him coming. She tries to balance her excitement by weighing the prospects of his coming with the prospects of his not coming.
Her thoughts make her feel sad and miserable.
- The lesson explores the theme of adolescent fantasies and hero worship.
- Sophie and Jansie are both in the last year of high school and both knew that they were destined to work in the biscuit factory as they belong to a working class family.
- Yet, Sophie, always dreams of big and beautiful things, glamour and glory.
- Her ambitions are not rooted in reality i.e., have no relation with the harsh realities of life.
- In contrast is Jansie, Sophie’s friend, a realistic and practical girl.
- Sophie lives in male-dominated family where her mother was only a shadow. The men were football fans and the conversations around the dinner table were about Danny Casey, their Hero.
- Sophie wants some attention from her father and brother and telling them that she met Casey, was her way of drawing their attention towards her.
- But she carries her fantasies too far when she starts to live them.
Flamingo Going Places class 12 Notes English Core
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CBSE Class-12 Revision Notes and Key Points
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