CBSE - Class 12 - English Core - CBSE Value Based Questions
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CBSE Value Based Questions for Class 12 English Core
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CBSE Value Based Questions class 12 English Core
Class 12th English Core CBSE Value Based Questions in for free download in PDF format. The most CBSE Value Based Questions for annual examination from are given here for download. The additional questions for practice from XII class CBSE exam are collected from various sources. It includes questions asked in previous year exams, questions provided by Kendriya Vidyalaya KV schools, DoE, Delhi government school, Navodaya Vidyalaya samiti NVS and other government and private schools in India and abroad that are affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Class 12 English Core have different set of questions. The questions include 1 mark questions, 2 mark questions, 3 mark questions, 4 mark questions, 5 mark questions and other questions as per the latest CBSE curriculum for the current session.
Chapter Wise CBSE Value Based Questions Class 12 English Core
CBSE Value Based Questions, guess papers, most expected questions and best questions from 12th English Core have CBSE chapter wise CBSE Value Based Questions with solution for free download in PDF format. 12th English Core have many topics. All these topics are included in CBSE chapter wise Value Based Questions of class 12 English Core.
English Core Solved CBSE Value Based Questions for 12th Chapter Wise CBSE
Class XII English Core NCERT book, refresher books and other reference books have many CBSE Value Based Questions. These questions are repeatedly asked in exams in one or other way round. Practicing such most CBSE Value Based Questions certainly help students to get good marks in exams. The solved question papers from have all type of questions may be asked in annual exams such as VSA very short answer type questions, SA short answer type questions, LA long answer type questions, VBA value-based questions and HOTS higher order thinking skill based questions.
NCERT Class 12 English Core Chapter-wise Exemplar Solutions
Flamingo Ch 1: The Last Lesson
Flamingo Ch 2: Lost Spring
Flamingo Ch 3: Deep Water
Flamingo Ch 4: The Rattrap
Flamingo Ch 5: Indigo
Flamingo Ch 6: Poets and Pancakes
Flamingo Ch 7: The Interview
Flamingo Ch 8: Going Places
Flamingo Ch 9: My Mother at Sixty-Six
Flamingo Ch 10: An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
Flamingo Ch 11: Keeping Quiet
Flamingo Ch 12: A Thing of Beauty
Flamingo Ch 13: A Roadside Stand
Flamingo Ch 14: Aunt Jennifers Tigers
Vistas Ch 1: Third Level
Vistas Ch 2: The Tiger King
Vistas Ch 3: Journey to the End of the Earth
Vistas Ch 4: The Enemy
Vistas Ch 5: Should Wizard Hit Mommy
Vistas Ch 6: On the Face of It
Vistas Ch 7: Evans Tries an O-Level
Vistas Ch 8: Memories of Childhood
CBSE Value Based Questions and Answers for CBSE Exams
1) Kamala Das is shattered to see her mother ageing & nearing her death. On the other hand she feels agonized on her inability to take care of her. You feel that youth should take care of the aged. Write an article on Taking care of the aged, our duty.
Ans. i) Pathetic condition.
ii) Soft targets for criminals.
iii) Emotional support from family.
iv) Financial security and respect.
2) Stephen Spender is pained at the indifferent attitude of the society as well as the authorities towards the poor, who are concerned to lead a life of deprivation, penury and want. You empathize with those children & want something to be done for this section. Comment Education and exposure can change the plight of the poor children.
Ans. i) Education empowers.
ii) Exposure to outside world
iii) Education Prepares for the battle of life.
iv) Brings out the best in them.
3) Keeping Quiet is an expression of the poet to silence. He highlights the need of quiet introspection and mutual understanding leading to peace. Do you think that in the present situation keeping quiet may prove the way to peace. Comment.
Ans. i) Keeping quiet leads to introspection.
ii) Helps in understanding others.
iii) Must for world peace.
iv) Lessens arguments and disputes.
4) “He prayeth well Who loveth well, all things big & small” (Coleridge) A thing of beauty provides a platform for all to be one with God. Appreciating beautiful things is appreciating God. In the present times man is stressed & you feel that proximity to values (beautiful things) will lead him to everlasting happiness. Comment.
Ans. i) Appreciating beautiful things.
ii) What man has made of man.
iii) Nature has a pacifying effect.
iv) Sustenance through hardships.
v) Must be preserved.
5) The Roadside stand is a pathetic description of poor rural people who find themselves dejected on the breach of trust. The social agencies & political parties though make promises but do not keep them. Robert Frost is in insufferable pain & seeks suggestions from all. As the aware & concerned citizen you feel anguished and pen down your ideas on improving the condition of rural poor.
Ans. i) Role of social agencies.
ii) Empathy.
iii) Education and training.
iv) Financial support.
6) Aunt Jennifer is the representative of exploited women. She succumbs to the tortures & ordeals. In the wake of twenty first century we boast of development but exploit women. Write an article on woman empowerment.
Ans. i) Women empowerment – necessary for country‟s growth.
ii) Education for women.
iii) Gender sensitization.
iv) Women are future leaders.
CBSE Value Based Questions for class 12th CBSE
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