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Political Science is a key subject in the humanities stream, and thorough preparation is essential for success. Solving CBSE Sample Papers Class 11 Political Science is an excellent way to prepare for exams. These sample papers familiarize students with the exam format and help improve time management skills. By regularly practicing CBSE Sample Papers Class 11 Political Science, students can assess their understanding of key topics and focus on weak areas. Incorporating CBSE Sample Papers Class 11 Political Science into your study routine ensures effective revision and boosts exam performance. In addition to studying the concepts, practicing CBSE Sample Papers 2025 for Class 11 Political Science is crucial to understanding the exam pattern and improving exam performance. These sample papers are based on the latest CBSE marking scheme and blueprint, ensuring they reflect the structure and difficulty level of the upcoming exams. The Examin8 App and Examin8 Website are powerful tools for teachers to create customized exams and practice papers.
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CBSE Sample Papers Class 11 Political Science 2025
Class 11 – Political Science
Sample Paper – 01 (2024-25)
Maximum Marks: 80
Time Allowed: : 3 hours
General Instructions:
- The question paper consists of five sections (A, B, C, D and E) with 30 questions in total.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Question numbers 1-12 are multiple choice questions of one mark each.
- Question numbers 13-18 are of 2 marks each. Answers to these questions should not exceed 50-60 words each.
- Question numbers 19-23 are of 4 marks each. Answers to these questions should not exceed 100-120 words each. There is an internal choice in two of the 4 marks questions
- Question numbers 24-26 are passage, cartoon and map-based questions. Answer accordingly.
- Question numbers 27-30 are of 6 marks each. Answers to these questions should not exceed 170-180 words.
- There is an internal choice in 6 marks questions.
- Section A
- Arrange the following in chronological order-
- Constitutional status was accorded to local government institutions.
- Geeta Rathore was re-elected.
- Geeta Rathore was elected Sarpanch from a reserved seat.
- Tamil Nadu government allotted two hectares of land to government employees.
a)d, a, c, b
b)a, c, b, d
c)a, d, c, b
d)a, c, b, a
- Territorial representation means
a)Class representation
b)Minority representation
c)Geographical representation
d)Functional representation
- When did India develop a system of parliamentary standing committees?
- How many seats are in Lok Sabha reserved for Scheduled Tribes in India?
- From which country the provision of the idea of the Rule of Law has borrowed?
a)British Constitution
b)French Constitution
c)Russian Constitution
d)Canadian Constitution
- Assertion (A): Indian secularism allows for principled state intervention in all religions.
Reason (R): Religiously sanctioned caste-hierarchies are not acceptable within Indian secularism.a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b)Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c)A is true but R is false.
d)A is false but R is true.
- Who said equality is the preferred value?
- The longest tenure as the Prime Minister of India is enjoyed by
a)Jawahar Lal Nehru
b)V.P. Singh
c)Charan Singh
d)Lal Bahadur Shastri
- ________ is a group of people binds together by certainties like religion, culture traditions, conventions and literature.
- Assertion (A): The Motilal Nehru committee had demanded a bill of rights as far back as in 1928.
Reason (R): When India became independent and the Constitution was being prepared, bill of rights was ignored.a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b)Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c)A is true but R is false.
d)A is false but R is true.
- The term justice is derived from the word ‘Jus’ which is a word from
a)Greek language
b)French language
c)Latin language
d)English language
- The purpose of Feminism is:
a)To exploit women
b)To discourage women
c)To weaken women
d)To empower women
- Section B
- Is Indian Constitution rigid or flexible?
- Have local bodies been successful in action? Why or why not?
- In the absence of no single majority party, how is the Chief Minister appointed?
- What is the difference between equality and uniformity?
- What are the provisions for social justice in the Indian Constitution?
- Write two demerits of Nationalism.Enhance Your Exam Preparation with myCBSEguide & Examin8 AppsTo excel in your exams, download the myCBSEguide App and myCBSEGuide Website, which provides comprehensive study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (Main), NEET-UG, and NDA exams. This all-in-one app offers sample papers, mock tests, chapter-wise practice questions, and detailed solutions, allowing students to strengthen their understanding of key concepts and improve exam performance. Whether you’re revising for school exams or preparing for competitive tests, myCBSEguide offers the best resources to help you succeed. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Political Science provide a valuable resource for students to practice and assess their understanding of the subject.For teachers, the Examin8 App and Examin8 Website is an excellent tool to create customized exam papers. Teachers can design personalized assessments with their own name and logo, ensuring papers adhere to CBSE guidelines. This makes it easier for educators to generate professional question papers quickly.
Download myCBSEguide and Examin8 apps today and start preparing with the most effective and user-friendly exam resources available! By solving CBSE Sample Papers Class 11 Political Science, students can familiarize themselves with the exam format and question types.
- Section C
- Explain the term political participation in the light of the citizens of a country.
- Do you think that Judicial activism can lead to a conflict between the Judiciary and the executive? Why?
- Why the rights are necessary for the development of individuals?
What are rights and why are they important? What are the bases on which claims to rights can be made?
- Which of the two Houses of Parliament is called Permanent House and why?
Describe the amendment procedure of constitution.
- Why is Political Science stated as Science of Power?
- Section D
- Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Machal Lalung was 23 when he was arrested. A resident of Chuburi village of Morigaon district of Assam, Machal was charged of causing grievous injuries. He was found mentally too unstable to stand trial and was sent as under trial to Lok Priya Gopinath Bordoloi Mental Hospital in Tejpur for treatment. Machal was treated successfully and doctors wrote twice to jail authorities in 1967 and 1996 that he was fit to stand trial. But no one paid any attention. Machal Lalung remained in “judicial custody.’’ Machal Lalung was released in July 2005. He was 77 then. He spent 54 years under custody during which his case never came up for hearing. He was freed when a team appointed by the National Human Rights Commission intervened after an inspection of undertrials in the State.- Which of the following rights is addressed in the given Machal Lalung’s case study?
a)Right to life and personal liberty
b)Right to freedom of religion
c)Right against exploitation
d)Right to Dignity
- Following an examination of pending cases in the State, a team from the ________ played an active role to free Machal Lalung.
a)Priya Gopinath Bordoloi Commission
b)Human Rights Nation Commision
c)Consumer Redressal Commission
d)National Human Rights Commission
- Machal’s entire life was wasted because ________.
a)He was declared mentally unstable to stand trial
b)Proper trial against him never took place
c)A team of social scientists never paid any attention
d)He was declared mentally stable to stand trial
- Machal’s case shows what happens when ________.
a)A person is arrested without being told the grounds for such an arrest.
b)Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of Religion is not available.
c)All of these
d)Rights granted by the Constitution are not available in practice.
- Which of the following rights is addressed in the given Machal Lalung’s case study?
- In the given outline political map of India, four states have been marked as (A) (B) (C) and (D). Identify these states on the basis of the information given below and write their correct names in your answer book, along with their respective serial number of the information used and the concerned alphabets as per the following formate:-
- The states where women put a ban on the sale of arrack and stopped its auction.
- State which is related with article 370 of the Indian constitution.
- State from where the J.P. Narayan demanded the dismissal of congress govt. in 1974.
- State which is highly affected the Naxalites.
- Look at the given cartoon. Read the following statement and question. Answer as per requirement:
- What do these different people stand for?
- Compare the conflict depicted here with the European Union and India.
- Section E
- Citizenship as full and equal members of a political community involves both rights and obligations. Which rights could citizens expect to enjoy in most democratic states today? What kind of obligations will they have to their state and fellow citizens?
Define nationalism. Mention its advantages and disadvantages.
- Explain different kinds of liberty.
Distinguish between Political Equality and Social Equality.
- Write any four changes that have been made in the Panchayati Raj System under 73rd Constitutional Amendment.
List main features of the Indian constitution that give greater power to the central government than the state government.
- What are the characteristics of Indian secularism?
Is politics different from political science? Why or why not??
To excel in your exams, download the myCBSEguide App and myCBSEGuide Website, a comprehensive learning tool designed to provide complete study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (Main), NEET-UG, and NDA exams. The app offers a wide range of resources, including sample papers, mock tests, chapter-wise practice questions, and detailed solutions to help you improve your exam skills and boost your performance. The CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Political Science are designed to help students improve their time management skills during exams.
For teachers, the Examin8 App and Examin8 Website is an ideal solution for creating customized exam papers. Teachers can design papers with their own name and logo, making it easy to craft professional assessments aligned with CBSE guidelines.
Whether you’re a student preparing for board exams or a teacher creating unique assessments, myCBSEguide and Examin8 provide the best resources to enhance your exam preparation. Download now and start practicing with the most effective study tools available! Accessing CBSE Sample Papers Class 11 Political Science is essential for students who want to excel in both their theoretical and practical understanding of political science.
Class 11 – Political Science
Sample Paper – 01 (2024-25)
- Section A
- (c)
a, d, c, b
Explanation: Constitutional status was accorded to local government institutions in 1993.
In 1997, the Tamil Nadu government allotted two hectares of land to 71 government employees.
Geeta Rathore was elected Sarpanch in 1995 from a reserved seat.
In 2000, the village people rewarded Geeta Rathore for her admirable work by electing her again. - (c)
Geographical representation
Explanation: Geographical representation
- (a)
Explanation: Since 1983, India has developed a system of parliamentary standing committees. There are over twenty such departmentally related committees. Standing Committees supervise the work of various departments, their budget, their expenditure and bills that come up in the house relating to the department.
- (c)
Explanation: Of the 543 elected seats in the Lok Sabha, 84 are reserved for Scheduled Castes and 47 are reserved for Scheduled Tribes (as on 26 January 2019).
- (a)
British Constitution
Explanation: The provisions of the idea of the Rule of law, Parliamentary government, Legislative procedure, Single citizenship, Cabinet system etc. have been adapted from the British constitution.
- (a)
Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
- (a)
Explanation: Plato has said equality is the preferred value. In the modern period, the equality of all human beings has been used as a rallying slogan in the struggles against states and social institutions which uphold inequalities of rank, wealth status or privilege, among people.
- (a)
Jawahar Lal Nehru
Explanation: Jawahar Lal Nehru
- (b)
Explanation: Nation
- (c)
A is true but R is false.
Explanation: A is true but R is false.
- (c)
Latin language
Explanation: Latin language
- (d)
To empower women
Explanation: Feminism is a political doctrine of equal rights for women and men. Its purpose is to empower women. According to feminists, inequality between men and women in society is the result of patriarchy.
- Section B
- The Indian Constitution is rigid in areas dealing with Fundamental Rights, amendment procedures etc. However, provisions for amendment themselves indicate that the Constitution is flexible also. So, Indian Constitution is rigid as well as flexible.
- Yes, to a great extent, the local bodies have been able to meet the objectives with which these were established. India is a big nation and therefore, it takes time for smooth functioning of an institution. Though, not much effective initially, over the years, these bodies have been successful and meeting the objectives with which these bodies have been institutionalised.
- The Chief Minister is appointed by the Governor. If no single party commands a majority in the Legislative Assembly, the Governor can use his discretion in appointing the Chief Minister to the person whom he thinks fit to get the support of the majority in the Legislative Assembly. Example-Appointment of Bhajan Lal, Congress (I) leader, by Governor G.D. Tagore in 1982 in Haryana.
- Equality refers to a common identity of rewards and treatment as well. But uniformity refers to put each and every individual at one stage which is against the law of nature because men are unequal naturally, i.e. a mathematician cannot be placed to manual work as a mason.
- The Article 46 says that the state shall within the limits of its economic capacity make provisions for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance in areas of unemployment, old age, sickness, etc.
- Article 42 says, that the state shall make provisions for securing just and human conditions.
- Article 46 says, that the state shall promote the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the society, particularly scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and shall protect them from social injustice.
- Article 39-A added by the 42nd amendment act says that the state shall try to secure equal justice and free legal aid to citizens.
- Two demerits of Nationalism are:
- One Nation and One State Principle is dangerous for world peace: By accepting this principle, the world government can’t be established.
- Nationalism teaches to hate other Nations: A Nation upholding the values of Nationalism regards its nations as superior to others and thereby hatred for other nations is created.
For effective exam preparation, download the myCBSEguide App and myCBSEGuide Website today. The app offers complete study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (Main), NEET-UG, and NDA exams, including sample papers, mock tests, chapter-wise practice questions, and detailed solutions. With resources tailored to each exam, students can easily boost their confidence and improve performance across all subjects.For teachers, the Examin8 App and Examin8 Website is a powerful tool that allows them to create custom exam papers with their own name and logo. Teachers can design personalized assessments that adhere to CBSE guidelines, making it easy to create professional papers in no time.Whether you’re a student preparing for competitive exams or a teacher creating customized assessments, myCBSEguide and Examin8 apps offer the best resources to achieve success. Download now to access top-notch exam preparation tools and resources! Practicing with CBSE Sample Papers Class 11 Political Science boosts confidence and helps in identifying key areas that require more attention.
- Section C
- In the context of the citizens of a country, political participation refers to the role that citizens play in the democratic process. While all citizens cannot be directly involved in making every decision in a large democracy, they exercise their political participation through various means, primarily by electing their representatives through elections. These elected representatives then take on the responsibility of governing and administering the country on behalf of the citizens.Political participation of the citizens of a country covers:
- Participate in the election process of the country.
- Apply and work for government posts.
- To be a member of the Executive as an organ of the government.
- Encouraging fellow citizens to actively participate in the country’s politics.
- Judicial activism can lead to a conflict between the judiciary and the executive. Judicial activism has had a deep impact on the political system.
It has forced executive accountability. By judicial activism, it becomes easier to make the electoral system much more free and fair. The courts have asked the candidates contesting elections to file affidavits indicating their assets and income along with educational qualifications.
This gives dissatisfaction to the candidates and judicial activism has blurred the line of distinction between the executive and legislature on the one hand and the judiciary on the other. The court has been involved in resolving issues that belong to the executive.
Reducing air or sound pollution or investigating cases of corruption or bringing about electoral reform is not exactly the duty of the judiciary. These are matters which are the duties of administration and hence sometimes judicial activism can lead to a conflict between the judiciary and the executive. - The rights are necessary for the development of individuals as:
- Rights create supportive conditions for the development of one’s potential as they create necessary conditions to fulfill this requirement.
- The fundamental rights fulfill the requirements of expression and speech so that ideas could emerge through intelligence.
- Fundamental rights grant an opportunity to every individual to possess any profession as per one’s own choice.
Rights are those conditions and guarantees which the state should provide to every citizen in order that he may attain his best self in society.
According to Wilde, “A right is a reasonable claim to freedom in the exercise of certain activities”.
According to Bosanquet, “A right is a claim recognised by society and enforced by the state”. In fact, rights are those conditions of social life without which human personality cannot develop.
Importance of Rights:- Rights are necessary for the betterment of individuals.
- Rights are the conditions that help in the development of one’s personality.
- Rights motivate individuals to develop their potential to the fullest extent.
- Rights give individual full opportunity for development and progress.
Basis of Rights: A right is a claim recognised by society and enforced by the state. There are various bases on which claims to right can be made. Each individual possesses all intrinsic value. Hence, all individual must have equal opportunities to be free and to realise full development.
- The Rajya Sabha is known as the Permanent House of Parliament because it does not face dissolution like the Lok Sabha. The tenure of each member is six years. Only one-third of the members retire every two years. Unlike the Lok Sabha, which can be dissolved before its full term, the Rajya Sabha remains a constant body, which is why it’s called the “Permanent House.”
The constitution of India is partly rigid or partly flexible to make some necessary amendments in the following manner:
- By Simple Majority: The Parliament of India has the power to amend the constitution by its own initiatives in the following cases:
- Article 3 of the constitution brought out the States Reorganisation Act of 1956 to form new states or to change in the name of the states. These matters are carried out by a simple majority of both the Houses of Parliament on the desire of President.
- Under Article 169, the formation or abolition of the second chamber can also be decided by a simple majority only.
- Article 240 provides the provisions on the good administration of the centrally administered territories if the amendment is required.
- By Special Majority:
- Article 368 has provisions for the process of amending the constitution.
- Bill for such amendments can be introduced in either the house.
- If both the houses pass the bill with the absolute majority or 2/3 majority of the members present and voting, it will be sent to the President for his signatures.
- All the subjects which are not mentioned in the first list and the third list can also be amended through this procedure only.
- By a special majority along with the consent of the states: If an amendment is concerned with the subjects given in Article 368, it is supposed to be approved by 1/4 of the state Assemblies after being passed by both the houses with the absolute majority or 2/3 majority of the members present and voting.
- By Simple Majority: The Parliament of India has the power to amend the constitution by its own initiatives in the following cases:
- Modern political scientists regard Political Science as a science of ‘Power’.
- According to Lasswell and Kaplan, “The concept of power is perhaps the most fundamental in the whole of Political Science; the political process in the shaping, dissolution, and exercise of power”.
- William A. Robson has declared it is with power in a society that Political Science is primarily concerned—its nature, basis, processes, scope, and results”.
- Max Weber has regarding the use of power or threat of use of power as the basic elements of politics. According to Max Weber, “Politics is the struggle for power or the influencing of those in power, and embraces the struggle between states as such and between organized groups within the state”.
- Section D
- (a)
Right to life and personal liberty
Explanation: Right to life and personal liberty
- (d)
National Human Rights Commission
Explanation: National Human Rights Commission
- (b)
Proper trial against him never took place
Explanation: Proper trial against him never took place
- (d)
Rights granted by the Constitution are not available in practice.
Explanation: Rights granted by the Constitution are not available in practice.
- (a)
i Andhra Pradesh B ii Jammu and Kashmir D iii Bihar C iv Chhattisgarh A - Different ethnic groups in Iraq are:
- Shiites
- Sunnis
- Kurdish
The above groups stand for their own interests, philosophy, and ideology.
- Here the Iraqi people are hoping to frame a new constitution and to be excepted by all ethnic groups of Iraq.
- In the European Union, the attempt of the people failed but in India the attempt of the people got success.
- Different ethnic groups in Iraq are:
- Section E
- Citizenship has been defined as full and equal members of a political community. In the contemporary world, states provide a collective political identity to their members as well as certain rights. So we think ourselves as Indians or Japanese or Germans. Equality of rights and status is one of the basic rights of citizenship.
Expected Rights: In most democratic states, citizens expect certain rights from their state as well as help and protection whenever they may travel. These rights would include some political rights like the right to vote, civil rights like the freedom of speech or belief and socioeconomic rights which would include the right to a minimum wage or the right to education.
Types of obligations of the citizens towards state and fellow citizens:- Citizenship is about more than the relationship between states and their members. It is also about citizen relations and involves certain obligations of citizens to each other and to society.
- Obligations would include not just the legal obligations imposed by states but also a moral obligation to participate in and contribute to the shared life of the community.
- Citizens are also considered to be the inheritors and trustees of the culture and natural resources of the country.
Nationalism is the right of self-determination to imply that every nation in the world should exercise a right to determine its destiny in all walks of life without interference from other states in the world.
Advantages of nationalism:
- It promotes independent living and thinking among the country’s citizens.
- It gives an opportunity to each nation for the development of its culture and develops a sense of pride towards the culture and heritage of the country.
- It creates healthy rivals at the international level to get a better standard of living, social life etc.
- It makes an individual feel that the nation is above all.
- It makes a country self-sufficient to meet the basic necessities of a nation during a crisis.
- It creates a sense to make a country free from colonial rule or from those who rule over the nation from outside. (Any three points)
Disadvantages of nationalism:
- There is an exaggeration of each fact.
- It misuses authority, widening the gap between the rich and the poor. When it is abused, it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.
- It resulted in two World Wars due to the greed of people to expand their own nationalism beyond the territories.
- The different kinds of liberty are:
- Natural liberty is natural to a man who is born free with it. But it has no existence in the civilized society.
- Individual liberty refers to enjoy complete freedom in their personal and individual matters, i.e. food, clothing, religion, shelter, etc. But an individual should get the liberty upto the extent not to harm any other individual.
- Political freedom refers to the complete freedom to citizens to participate in the formation of a government and to elect their representatives as well as to be elected as a representative.
- Economic liberty refers to equal wages and works opportunities to all and the absence of exploitation, unemployment, unfair wage, insecurity, etc.
- Religious liberty refers to the right to adopt and preach any religion of their choices and no interference from the state in this matter.
- Civil liberty refers to enjoy all liberties to be permissible under the laws and everybody should be treated as equal before the law.
Political Equality is best guaranteed in a democracy in which, as Bentham has pointed out each citizen is to count for one. In other words, from political equality we mean to say that all citizens have equal political rights. All high offices and posts should be open to all citizens without any distinction whatsoever. The people are given a share in the affairs of their administration and law-making process. Political power and authority is not made the monopoly of a few citizens alone. The elections should be cheap and conducted on a very economical and fair basis. It should not be considered that only a few are to rule and others are to be ruled.
While Social Equality implies that all should be treated as equal partners of society and there should be no privileged and unprivileged classes. There should be no distinction on the basis of race, caste, color, and creed. There should also be no rigid class distinction but free intercourse between various communities. There should be no racial discrimination. There should be a healthy relationship between the employer and the employee. In fact, social equality is more an ideal than a reality. There is no state in the world which is not the victim of either one evil or the other in its social set up. - The provisions of the 73rd Amendment Act made the elections to Panchayats mandatory in due time on a regular basis. It makes provisions for the reservation of seats at all the three levels in favour of women, the scheduled castes, the scheduled tribes and the other backward classes. The Panchayats have been given the power and responsibility of local planning and mobilization of their own resources. As per the provisions of the Act, elections should be held within a period of 6 months from the date of dissolution of the local body. It has been left to the State Legislatures to make provisions for constituting District Level Committees. In the Panchayats at both block and district level ex-officio memberships have been given to the members of Parliament and the State Legislatures. The minimum age required to become a member of these Panchayats has been reduced to 21 years. The provisions have been made for the establishment of an independent State Election Commission. The provisions have also been made for the establishment of a State Finance Commission every five years to review the finances of the Panchayats.
Certain areas where the 73rd Constitutional Amendment shall not apply: According to Article 243, nothing provided in this amendment shall apply to the Scheduled Areas referred to in clause (1) and the Tribal Areas referred to in clause (2) of Article 244.
Also, no provision of the 73rd Amendment shall affect the functions and powers of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council, constituted under any law for time being in force for the hill areas of the district of Darjeeling in the state of West Bengal.
However, it is provided that notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, Parliament by law can extend the provisions of the 73rd Amendment to the scheduled areas and tribal areas referred to in clause (1) and (2) of Article 244 subject to such exceptions and modifications as may be specified in such laws and no such laws shall be deemed to be an amendment of the Constitution for the purpose of Article 268. In 1996, a separate act was passed extending the provision of the Panchayat System to these areas.OR
- Establishment of a Strong Centre: The Constitution of India establishes a strong Centre. The important 97 subjects have been included in the Union List on which only the Central Parliament is empowered to make laws. There are 47 subjects in the Concurrent List on which Central Parliament, as well as the State Legislatures, are authorised to make laws, but if there is any conflict between a law of the Centre and a law of a State Legislature on any subject of the Concurrent List, the latter will automatically be void to the extent of conflict. This clearly indicates the stronger position of the Centre. The residuary powers also have been given to the Centre.
- The Emergency Powers of the Centre: The powers of the Centre increase much during the emergency. When an emergency is declared because of external aggression, war, internal disturbance or a threat of any one of them, the form of Government will change from the federal to unitary which implies that the Centre will be empowered to exercise the legislative and executive powers of the States. But the state legislatures and the state executives will not be dissolved during the emergency.
- Appointments of Governors: The Governors of the states, are appointed by the President of India. The entire state administration is run in the name of the Governor. The Governor is the head of the state as well as the agent of the Centre. The Governor remains in office on the pleasure of the President. In order to remain in office, the Governors are to act in accordance with the wishes of the Central Government.
- Single Citizenship: Normally, there is double citizenship in a federation just like the USA. But in India, there is single citizenship i.e. the people of all states equally have only one citizenship i.e., citizens of India. This factor also indicates the trend towards the Unitary Government.
- The most important characteristics of Indian Secularism are:
- Indian secularism is not a static but a dynamic affair. It is not a blind but an enlightened one in the sense that, while it disallows the religion to interfere in politics; it allows the latter to interfere in the sphere of the former.
- Indian secularism not merely looks to the religion in keeping it off from the sphere of the state, it goes ahead in the direction of combating communalism.
- It is owing to the actual practice of dynamic secularism in our country that special seats are reserved for the members of the backward and depressed classes not only in matters of their admission into public institutions but also in respect of public employments and elections. Special care is given to the upliftment of the weaker sections of the people of our country.
- The union and the state governments may be seen to have given due representation to the minority communities of the country. The election of Dr. Zakir Hussain, Fakruddin Ali Ahmed and Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam as the President of India are examples of secularism. Similarly, our Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh is also well taken as the triumph of secularism in our country.
Politics is completely different from Political Science. This is because the characteristics and features of politics are quite different from those of political science.
Characteristics of Politics:
- It is related to satisfying needs and desires.
- It encompasses politicians’ actions.
- It aims for the common good.
- It involves negotiation and decision-making.
- It focuses on practical power.
- It is subject to diverse interpretations.
- It is dynamic and context-specific.
Characteristics of Political Science
- It is a scientific study.
- It is concerned with political rules and principles.
- It examines social virtues like freedom, equality, secularism, etc.
- It influences government policy and decision-making.
- It analyzes political systems, structures, and behaviour.
- It offers theoretical and analytical insights into politics.
- It provides a systematic understanding of political phenomena.
- It seeks to establish general principles and theories.
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myCBSEguide offers a comprehensive range of resources including sample papers with solutions, chapter-wise test papers, NCERT solutions, NCERT Exemplar solutions, quick revision notes, CBSE guess papers, and important question papers 2024-25. All study materials are aligned with the latest CBSE syllabus, making them a reliable source for exam preparation.
Download the myCBSEguide app today or visit the myCBSEguide website to access these valuable resources and boost your chances of success in the Class 11 exams 2024-25. Students can download free CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Political Science from reliable educational websites for effective exam preparation.
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If you’re looking for a comprehensive and reliable educational platform to help you excel in your CBSE exams, MyCBSEGuide is the perfect choice. Here’s why thousands of students trust MyCBSEGuide for their academic needs:
1. Comprehensive Study Material
MyCBSEGuide offers a wide range of study materials designed specifically for CBSE students. From NCERT solutions and sample papers to revision notes and chapter-wise tests, our resources cover the entire CBSE syllabus. Whether you’re in Class 10, Class 12, or preparing for competitive exams, you’ll find the content you need to succeed.
2. Interactive Learning Experience
Our platform provides interactive features like video lessons, quizzes, and chapter-based exercises, making learning more engaging and effective. This dynamic approach helps you grasp concepts better and retain them for longer periods.
3. NCERT Solutions for All Subjects
We provide detailed, step-by-step NCERT solutions for all subjects, helping students clear their doubts and strengthen their understanding. These solutions follow the official CBSE guidelines and are updated to match the latest exam patterns.

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Rama vihar
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