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As we know business is something that sustains an economy. We are surrounded by a business world which makes it pertinent to have an operational knowledge of Business Studies. This subject is introduced in the plus-two level as an academic elective of the commerce stream. Students can access all valuable resources related to senior secondary Business Studies on the student’s best app myCBSEguide.
Study Material for CBSE Class 11 Business Studies
Knowledge of Business Studies gives a point of view of the business world and methods of interacting with the business environment. The senior secondary Business Studies curriculum develops an understanding of many social and ethical issues among the students. To prepare for this subject well, students can take the help of myCBSEguide where they can find the study material for Class 11 Business Studies. Right from the CBSE syllabus, NCERT textbook, Textbook Solutions, Revision Notes, Important Questions, online tests, test papers, learning videos, model question papers of class 11 Business Studies, etc. Our premium content has been trusted by millions of teachers and students alike.
CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Syllabus
The syllabus for CBSE Class 11 Business Studies prepares students to analyze and respond to the changes in the business world. The idea is based on the fact that business influences our social, political, and legal surroundings. Therefore the Business Studies syllabus attempts to keep the students up-to-date with the business market. The table below names the chapters included in the class 11 Business Studies syllabus for the current session. Knowing the syllabus right is the first step in beginning your preparation. To get more details about the topics of the mentioned units click on CBSE Class 11 Business Studies-syllabus 2024-25.
Part A Foundations of Business |
Part B Finance and Trade |
Class 11 Business Studies NCERT Solutions & Important Questions
As we know NCERT solutions are very important while preparing for the CBSE examination. These questions give an outline of the basic types and formats of questions that are probable. Knowing the NCERT textbook solution is a must for every CBSE student. Sometimes, the final board examination question paper is completely based on the NCERT. You can download the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Business Studies on the myCBSEguide mobile app.
We also get some important questions prepared by experienced teachers from significant sections of each chapter. These questions can be found under the extra questions or important questions section of our student dashboard. To know the important questions for Class 11 Business Studies, check out our course content now.
Class 11 Business Studies Sample Papers
Sample papers are the best tool to prepare for the final examination. The sample papers available on myCBSEguide are the true copy of the latest CBSE sample papers with the same blueprint and Marking Scheme. We have a team of experts who do a detailed analysis of the Business Studies question paper to prepare the model question papers provided by us. It is one of our most valued and marketed products. The best part is, we prefer to abide by the latest CBSE syllabus and guidelines for examination (if any). Therefore, students get huge benefits from our sample papers which are reflected on their mark sheets. You can check the details of Class 11 Business Studies Sample Paper 2025 from the app or website and download the same. At the senior secondary level, students need to be more attentive and serious towards their preparation and so they should not miss out the solving sample papers before writing their final papers.
Class 11 Business Studies Test Papers & Mock Tests
Students can also find chapter-based test papers for class 11 Business Studies on the dashboard. These test papers are a good tool for the formative learning process. The sample papers can be accessed after the CBSE releases its official sample paper. But test papers can be used at any point in time.
We also provide online tests for Class 11 Business Studies. These tests are good for objective types of questions like MCQs or one-word answers. Before the final examination, we also arrange for mock tests and test series for core CBSE subjects. Registered students are notified about these tests.
This year CBSE has already released its practice papers, check them on Practice Paper 2025 Class 11 Business Studies question papers are also available here.
Class 11 Business Studies Case Study Questions
Being a subject of profession Business Studies have a huge scope of presenting real-life situational questions. Hence, senior secondary Business Studies students need good practice with these types of questions.
According to the new education policy, competency-based education is promoted. With this aim, case-based questions were introduced last year. These types of questions are designed to hone the analytical thinking of the students and apply the knowledge and technique that they have acquired in the due course in solving real-life situation-based questions. It enhances the rational thinking of the learners and they eventually gain a critical and analytical understanding of the subject. We have best case study questions for Class 11 Business Studies. You may find many such questions in publication books, but we have an assortment of Business Studies CBQs which require the application of key business concepts covering all important topics. Check the link for Class 11 Business Studies Case-Studies Questions.
Class 11 Business Studies Case Study Sample Question
OLX and qickr are examples of well-known websites used to conduct business. Tarasha’s sofa set got spoiled in the rain. Her friend suggested that she should change the fabric so that it looks new and put it for sale on Olx. Tarasha followed her friend’s advice and got her sofa repaired so that it looked better and uploaded nicely clicked pictures on the website without disclosing the fact that it was damaged from the inside. She found a buyer and sold it for Rs 10,000. After five days the buyer found the real state of the sofa set and called Tarasha but she did not answer any of the calls.
- identify the type of business highlighted in the above case.
- Identify any two values which are overlooked by Tarasha.
- Explain any two benefits and limitations of e-business.
A well-furnished course plan of preparation is a must if you plan to shine in your exams. We have been assisting students in their learning process through our reliable content for a decade. We are a one-stop platform where you can get literally everything (for Class 11 Business Studies (be its textbook, syllabus, revision notes, or model question papers and mock tests. To get study material in other classes and subjects check our CBSE module. From the google play store download the myCBSEguide app now.
Class 11 Business Studies Case Study Questions
CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Case Study Questions are available on myCBSEguide App. You can also download them from our student dashboard. For students appearing for grade 11 CBSE exams from the Commerce stream, Business Studies is a fundamental subject. Business Studies is considered to be quite interesting as well …
CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Syllabus 2024-25
CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Syllabus 2024-25 The CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Syllabus for the 2024-25 session is designed to help students gain a strong understanding of the world of business. It provides a foundation for students aspiring to pursue careers in business management, entrepreneurship, or economics. This syllabus …
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CBSE Class-11 New Stream Selection Rules
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CBSE Syllabus 2021-22 Released
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Create CBSE Question Papers Online
Creating question papers online is easy. You can create question papers online with your name and logo in minutes. So, why to waste time consulting many books and finding suitable questions. Just log in to myCBSEguide Test Generator here and create question papers online. Follow 3 simple steps: Select your …
CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Business Studies 2019-20
CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Business Studies 2019-20 contains all the topics of this session. myCBSEguide provides you latest Syllabus for Class 11 Business Studies. The study of business is about how individuals and groups of people organize, plan, and act to create and develop goods and services to satisfy …
CBSE Released Syllabus for 2019-20
CBSE syllabus for 2019-20 is now available for download in CBSE official website and myCBSEguide Mobile App. The new syllabus for 2019 and exams to be held in March 2020. CBSE 2019-20 syllabus for March 2020 examination is released by CBSE, New Delhi. CBSE class 10 Syllabus for 2019 and …
Revision Notes of Class 11 Business Studies
Revision Notes of for Class 11 Business Studies in PDF are available for free download in myCBSEguide mobile app. The best app for CBSE students now provides class 11 Notes latest chapter wise notes for quick preparation of CBSE exams and school-based annual examinations. Class 11 Business Studies notes are …