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NCERT-National Talent Search Examination ( NTSE) 2009

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) 2009 by NCERT schedule has been worked out.  Students of class VIII studying in any recognized school can appear for the Stage-I (State Level) examination  which will be conducted by the respective states and Union Territories.

The stage-I exam will be held on November 15, 2008 for Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Andaman & Nicobar Islands and on November 16, 2008 for all other states and Union Territories. The Stage-II exam ( National Level) will be conducted by NCERT, New Delhi on May 10, 2009 for all states and Union Territories.

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KVS will Provide CBSE HOTS Question Bank Online

The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is planning to provide an online database of question bank based on HOTS (higher order thinking skills) concept introduced by CBSE this year. This database is being prepared and it will be uploaded to KVS website soon.

The KV students will get an interactive platform of online testing. Students will be able to test their knowledge online, based on questions thrown up by a question bank. They will get the response instantly through a report which will be generated after completion of the test.

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Revised distribution of marks for Class X Social Science syllabus 2008

CBSE has decided to evaluate Disaster Management in Social Science of class X through Projects and Assignments only from the current academic session 2008-09 and the Board Examination 2009.

Since the theory paper in Social Science will not contain any questions from Unit 5 on Disaster Management.,  the revised distribution of 80 marks over the four units of Social Science syllabus for Class X  will be as follows :-

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Answers Sheets of High Scoring Students of 2008 Examination

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued answer scripts (answer sheet) of High Scoring Students of 2008 Examinations. These answer sheet will be helpful to understand the writing style and content weightage given to the main points while answering the questions.

The students will get an idea on how to write answers to score high and what points must be kept in mind while writing the answer.

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CBSE Compartmental Exam Results – 2008 Announced

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced compartmental examination results for July 2008 exams. The results are available at the official site of CBSE at http://www.cbseresults.nic.in/ The results are made available to the students from 31st July 2008. Students can log on to the site to know their result status.

Higher Order Thinking Questions-Economics class 12

In the Board’s question paper in Economics of Class XII, there will be a few higher order thinking questions.  The objective is to assess the students’ understanding and analytical ability.
In the course content for Economics, an attempt is made to introduce basic concepts used in the study of this subject.  Many of these concepts are also interrelated.

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Online List of Candidates and Duplicate Admit Card

Central board of secondary education has introduced a new service of online generation of list of candidates and duplicate admit cards. This is a most awaited service. Now the educational institutions affiliated to CBSE can generate the list of candidates and can get duplicate admit cards in case and love the candidate lost his or her admit card just before examination.  The service is available for both the board classes class 10 and class 12. 

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Correction in marks assigned in English Communicative Class IX for 2010

The class nine syllabus in examination specifications English communicative given in the secondary school curriculum volume -1 ( 2010-main subjects) has some discrepancy in the marks at Page number 38. Total Marks allotted to section D literature are 30 marks. Question number 12 and 13 carries four plus four total eight marks the curriculum document to 2010. It should be corrected to three plus three total six marks. Question number 14 carries five marks.  It should be corrected to four marks.  Question number 15 has no marks but it should be corrected to four marks. All other questions given there are correct.

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IGNITE 2008: A Campaign to Harness the Creative and Innovative Spirit

CBSE had made attempts jointly earlier with National Innovation Foundation to organize competitions for children’s ideas and innovations and traditional knowledge learned/acquired from elders, which evoked good response from the students.

We are taking this initiative again this year as part of a campaign called IGNITE 2008 (Annexure 1) through the launch of ‘Honey Bee Creativity Clubs’ (Annexure 2) in the schools.  The campaign will be launched in June this year and the awards will be given on 15th October 2008.

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FAQ for CBSE Board Exams

Frequently asked questions by students preparing for CBSE Board exams

Q.1. I am studying from NCERT books and I have completed latest CBSE Sample Papers. Will I be able to score good marks ( say 80% or more ) ?
Ans. Marks scored by any student depend upon their preparation and performance during examination. The students are adviced to remain focussed and do their best.

Q.2. How many sets are there for a particular question paper ? Can questions in one sets may be easier than the other set ?

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Wrong Question in class 10 Maths Paper

A question given in class 10 Mathematics Question Paper 2009 in Set 3 for construction of a Triangle is seems to be wrong. The same question in other sets can be answered. This questions is given below for reference.

Q.19 Construct a triangle ABC in which BC=6.5 cm and AB=4.5 cm and angle ACB=60. construct another triangle similar to triangle ABC such that each side of new triangle is 4/5 of the corresponding sides of triangle ABC.

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Revised distribution of marks Social Science Class X

Kindly refer to this office Circular No.15 dated 13th March, 2008 and Circular No.20 dated 14.05.2008 conveying Board’s decision to evaluate Disaster Management in Social Science of class X through Projects and Assignments only from the current academic session 2008-09 and the Board Examination 2009. Since the theory paper in Social Science will not contain any questions from Unit 5 on Disaster Management., the revised distribution of 80 marks over the four units of Social Science syllabus for Class X will be as follows :-

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Correction in marks assigned in English Communicative Class IX

The Class IX syllabus in Examination Specifications (English Communicative) given in the Secondary School Curriculum – Volume I – 2010 (Main Subjects) has a discrepancy in the marks on page 38. These correction must be read with the latest syllabus issued by central board of secondary education, new delhi. Students are advised to go through the complete syllabus at the syllabus section of http://mycbseguide.com for details. CBSE syllabus for english communicative for class 9th is also available for free download at http://onlineteachers.co.in . The syllabus for other subjects is also available there.

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Topics Themes for Project Work on Disaster Management

Do any one of the following:-
Project 1_ Role of Govt./Non-Government functionaries in your locality in Disaster Management.
Interview any two of the Govt. /Non-Government functionaries in your locality on their role in Disaster Management.
Senior District Magistrate
Additional District Magistrate

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Approach to the Internal Evaluation of Disaster Management Unit 5 of Social Science

Reference is made to circular no.15/08 dated 11.04.2008 intimating the Board’s decision to evaluate Disaster Management in Social Sciences of class X through projects from the academic session 2008-09 and the Board Examination 2009 in Social Science of class X.
The Board has further decided that in addition to Project Work, Disaster Management will be evaluated through assignments also.  For further, you can visit CBSE official site or myCBSEguide.com

Following is the revised marks distribution over the three components:

1.    Tests – Formative and summative 10 marks
2.    Assignments – class and Home     4 marks

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Change of Syllabus in German Language

Certain changes in the syllabus for German language in classes IX to XII have been made with a view to remain updated with the recent trends in the political and geographical scenario of the country. These changes are effective from 2008-2009 for classes IX and XI and from 2009-10 for classes X and XII. You may refer to the Secondary and Senior School Curriculum Document Volume II- 2010 in which these changes are incorporated.

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Change in Assessment Scheme of Social Science class X

In continuation of the circular No. 33/07 dated 24-07-2007   this is to bring to your kind notice that from the academic session 2008-09 and the Board examination 2009 in Social Science of Class X, unit 5 on Disaster Management will be evaluated only through projects.

No questions will be asked from this unit in the theory paper of Social Science. Hence, the students will be required to do project work compulsorily in Disaster management only.   The revised distribution of marks over other units of Social Science syllabus and new topics/themes of project work, class X will be communicated to the schools shortly.

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Guidelines in Sociology for Project Work and Marks distribution for class XI

Consequent upon revision of syllabus as per National Curriculum Framework 2005 the new textbooks in Sociology have been introduced in class XI in the year 2006-07 and in class XII in the year 2007-08.

Sociology as a discipline also is more a mode of enquiry rather than a fixed body of knowledge and hence the importance of Project Work. Projects in Sociology are not only a tool facilitating construction of knowledge by the students and fostering creativity in them, but also a major contributor in infusing the right attitude for social issues and concerns in an individual and capacity building for problem solving.

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Practical Examination for Introduction to Financial Markets – I for 11th class

One of the very strong salient features of FMM is development of employable skills. The success of FMM will depend upon whether students on completion of this course are able to acquire necessary competence and skills for financial markets.

In Stock and Commodity Markets, both speed and accuracy are extremely important. Due to globalisation, entry of FIIs (Foreign Institutional Investors), instant spread of information (impacting the share prices) through electronic and print media such as T.V. channels, Internet, introduction of futures and options, the share and commodity markets have become highly volatile.

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Introduction of General Health Care

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is implementing competency based vocational education with industry support and collaboration in a phased manner. As there is a felt need for skilled workforce in the field of health care services, Board is planning to introduce a vocational course in General Health Care in collaboration and joint certification with relevant organisation


The General Health Care consists of three compulsory Vocational subjects each in classes XI & XII in addition to two academic electives one of which must be a language.

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