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Install NowNCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Transportation in animal and plants book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. These ncert book chapter wise questions and answers are very helpful for CBSE exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. Class 7 Science chapter wise NCERT solution for Science Book all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free.
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NCERT Class 7 Social Science Chapter wise Solutions
- Nutrition in Plants
- Nutrition in Animals
- Fibre To Fabric
- Heat
- Acids Bases And Salts
- Physical And Chemical Changes
- Climate
- Winds Storms And Cyclones
- Soil
- Respiration In Organisms
- Transportation in Animals And Plants
- Reproduction In Plants
- Motion And Time
- Electric Current And Its Effects
- Light
- Water
- Forests: Our Lifeline
- Waste Water Story
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Transportation in animal and plants
Class–VII (CHAPTER-11)
Question 1.Match the structures given in Column I with functions given in Column II.
Column I | Column II |
(i)Stomata | (a)Absorption of water |
(ii) Xylem | (b) Transportation |
(iii) Root hairs | (c) Transport of food |
(iv) Phloem | (d) Transport of water |
(e) Synthesis of carbohydrates. |
(i) (b)
(ii) (d)
(iii) (a)
(iv) (c)
Question 2.Fill in the blanks.
(i) The blood from the heart is transported to all parts of the body by the—————.
(ii) Hemoglobin is present in —————– cell.
(iii) Arteries and Veins are joined by a network of ————.
(iv) The rhythmic expansion and contraction of the heart is called ————-.
(v)The main excretory product in human beings is —————-.
(vi)Sweat contains water and —————.
(vii)Kidney eliminates the waste materials in the liquid form called ————.
(viii)Water reaches great heights in the trees because of suction pull caused by ——.
Fill in the blanks.
(i) The blood from the heart is transported to all parts of the body by the arteries.
(ii) Hemoglobin is present in red blood cell.
(iii)Arteries and Veins are joined by a network of capillaries.
(iv)The rhythmic expansion and contraction of the heart is called heartbeat.
(v) The main excretory product in human beings is urea.
(vi) Sweat contains water and salts.
(vii)Kidney eliminates the waste materials in the liquid form called urine.
(viii)Water reaches great heights in the trees because of suction pull caused by transpiration.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Transportation in animal and plants
Question 3.Choose the correct options:
(a) In plants, water is transported through
(i) Xylem
(ii) Phloem
(ii) Stomata
(iv) Root hair
(b) Water absorption through roots can be increased by keeping the plants
(i) in the shade
(ii) in dim light.
(iii) under the fan
(iv) covered with a polythene bag.
(a) (i) Xylem
(b) (ii) in dim light.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Transportation in animal and plants
Question 4.Why is transport of materials necessary in a plant or in an animal? Explain.
Different parts of the body perform different works. For example, in plants roots absorb water and leaves prepare food utilizing the water. The food is also required by root. So, there is no utility of water absorb by roots if it does not reach leaf or food prepared by leaf if it does not reach to root. So, transport system is necessary.
Question 5.What will happen if there are not platelets in the blood?
Blood cannot clot without the platelets. So, if there is any cut, blood continue to flow and ultimately the person dies.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Transportation in animal and plants
Question 6.What are stomata? Give two functions of stomata.
Small pores in leaves of plants are called stomata.
Functions of stomata-
(i)Exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
(ii)Transpiration to remove excess of water.
Question 7.Does transpiration serve any useful function in the plants? Explain.
Due to transpiration, a suction pressure develops which help in transpiration of water.
Question 8.What are the components of blood?
Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Transportation in animal and plants
Question 9.Why blood needed by all the parts of a body?
Blood carries digested food and oxygen to all parts of body. It also carries away the waste products.
Question 10.What makes the blood look red?
The presence of hemoglobin.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Transportation in animal and plants
Question 11. Describe the functions of the heart.
Heart collects and distributes blood from and to all parts of body. Rhythmic contraction and relaxation creates pressure to send blood to all parts of the body.
Question 12.Why is it necessary to excrete waste products?
The waste products produced in various metabolic process in our body are harmful for the body.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Transportation in animal and plants
Question 13.Draw a diagram of the human excretory system and label the various parts.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science
NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science PDF (Download) Free from myCBSEguide app and myCBSEguide website. Ncert solution class 7 Science includes text book solutions for CBSE Class 7 Science have total 18 chapters. 7 Science NCERT Solutions in PDF for free Download on our website. Ncert Science class 7 solutions PDF and Social Science ncert class 7 PDF solutions with latest modifications and as per the latest CBSE syllabus are only available in myCBSEguide.
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