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Install NowNCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Forest our lifeline book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. These ncert book chapter wise questions and answers are very helpful for CBSE exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. Class 7 Science chapter wise NCERT solution for Science Book all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free.
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NCERT Class 7 Social Science Chapter wise Solutions
- Nutrition in Plants
- Nutrition in Animals
- Fibre To Fabric
- Heat
- Acids Bases And Salts
- Physical And Chemical Changes
- Climate
- Winds Storms And Cyclones
- Soil
- Respiration In Organisms
- Transportation in Animals And Plants
- Reproduction In Plants
- Motion And Time
- Electric Current And Its Effects
- Light
- Water
- Forests: Our Lifeline
- Waste Water Story
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Forest our lifeline
Class–VII (CHAPTER-17)
Question 1.Explain how animals dwelling in the forest help it grow and regenerate.
Animals help in dispersing seeds of certain plants. The decaying animal dung also provides nutrients to the seedling to grow. This is how animals help the forest to grow and regenerate.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Forest our lifeline
Question 2.Explain how forests prevent floods.
If trees are not present, rain will hit the ground directly and may flood he area around it. Heavy rain may also damage the soil. Roots of trees and grasses normally bind the soil together, but in their absence the soil will be washed away or eroded. Plants acts as natural absorber of rainwater and allow water to seep slowly. It prevents soil erosion. Thus forest help in preventing flood.
Question 3.What are decomposers? Name any two of them. What do they do in forest?
The micro-organisms which convert the dead plants and animals to humus are known as decomposers. Bacteria. Mushrooms etc. are common decomposer. They decompose dead organisms and provide nutrient to trees.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Forest our lifeline
Question 4.Explain the role of forest in maintaining the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Plants release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. They also maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. That is why forests are called nature lungs.
Question 5.Explain why there is no waste in a forest.
The decomposers decompose the dead organisms. The decomposed matter is absorbed by plants as nutrients. So, there is no waste in forest.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Forest our lifeline
Question 6.List five products we get from forests?
Products that we get from forests includes:
Question 7.Fill in the blanks:
(a)The insects, butterflies, honeybees, and birds help flowering plants in ——–.
(b)A forest is a purifier of ———— and —————.
(c)Herbs form the ————- layer in the forest.
(d)The decaying leaves and animals dropping in a forest enrich the ————.
Fill in the blanks:
(a)The insects, butterflies, honeybees, and birds help flowering plants in pollination.
(b)A forest is a purifier of air and water.
(c)Herbs form the ground layer in the forest.
(d)The decaying leaves and animals dropping in a forest enrich the humus.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Forest our lifeline
Question 8.Why should we worry about the conditions and issues related to forests far from us?
Forests are very helpful for us. They clean air, play a vital role in water cycle, provide various items and so on. So we should worry about the conditions and issues related to forest far from us.
Question 9.Explain why there is a need of variety of animals and plants in a forest.
Varieties of animals are necessary for their survival and maintenance of food chain. For example grass is eaten by insects, which in turn, are eaten by the frog. The frog is consumed by snakes which are eaten by eagles. Thus it forms a food chain.
Grass -> insects -> frog > snake -> eagle.
Many food chains can be found in the forest. All food chains are linked. If anyone food chain is disturbed, it is affects other food chains. Every part of the forest is dependent on the other parts. If we remove one component, say trees, all other components would be affected.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Forest our lifeline
Question 10.In Fig 17.15, the artist has forgotten to put the labels and directions on thearrows. Mark the directions on the arrows and label the diagram using the following labels: clouds, rain, atmosphere, carbon dioxide, oxygen, plants, animals, soil, roots, water table.
Question 11.Which of the following is not a forest product?
(iii)Sealing wax
(iv) Kerosene.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science Forest our lifeline
Question 12.Which of the following statements is not correct?
(i)Forests protect the soil from erosion.
(ii)Plants and animals in a forest are not dependent on one another.
(iii)Forests influence the climate ans water cycle.
(iv) Soil helps forests to grow and regenerate.
(ii) Plants and animals in a forest are not dependent on one another.
Question 13.Micro-organisms act upon the dead plants to produce.
(iii) humus
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science
NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science PDF (Download) Free from myCBSEguide app and myCBSEguide website. Ncert solution class 7 Science includes text book solutions for CBSE Class 7 Science have total 18 chapters. 7 Science NCERT Solutions in PDF for free Download on our website. Ncert Science class 7 solutions PDF and Social Science ncert class 7 PDF solutions with latest modifications and as per the latest CBSE syllabus are only available in myCBSEguide.
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