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Install NowClass 12 Geography Secondary Activities Practice Questions. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 12 Geography. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These Questions with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Geography Extra Questions from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Board Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 12 Geography syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for class 12.
CBSE Class 12 Geography Practice Test
Geography Chapter 6 Class 12 Important Questions
Secondary Activities
What is meant by the term Industry’?
“Africa has immense natural resources and yet it is industrially the most backward continent.” Lack of which value leads to this backwardness in Africa.
Which area is called the Rust Bowl of the USA?
Give an example of agro-based industry.
List the groups of industries classified on the basis of their ownership.
What are the characteristics of foot-loose industries?
State any five important features of high-tech industries.
Compare and contrast the features of traditional large-scale industrial regions and modern high-tech industrial parks.
Explain the features of modern large scale manufacturing.
Explain three groups of industries classified on the basis of their size.
Secondary Activities
- Industry is a comprehensive term. It includes not only manufacturing industry but also we use the term like entertainment industry, tourism industry, film industry, etc. In these processes, there are no factories and processes but we use a term industry. So industry is used in the sense of a group of firms producing similar product. For example; All firms involved in production of films are a part of film industry.
- “Africa has immense natural resources and yet it is industrially the most backward continent.”.Lack of following values leads to the backwardness of Africa:
- Nationalism.
- Social welfare.
- Caring attitude towards people.
- Pittsburgh area is called the Rust Bowl of the USA.
- Examples of the agro-based industry are:
- Sugar industry
- Cotton textile
- On the basis of ownership, industries can be classified as:
- Public Sector: These industries are aimed and operated by the government agencies.
- Private Sector: These industries are owned and operated by private entrepreneurs, e.g., TISCO, Bajaj Auto Ltd., Reliance Industries and Dabur Industries, etc.
- Joint Sector: These industries are jointly run by the state and individual or a group of individuals. Oil India Ltd (OIL) is jointly owned by public and private sectors.
- Cooperative Sector: These industries are owned and operated by the producers or suppliers of raw materials, workers or both. They pool in the resources and share the profits or losses proportionately such as the sugar industry in Maharashtra, the coir industry in Kerala.
- The characteristics of foot-loose industries are:
- They can be located in a wide variety of places.
- They are not dependent on any specific raw material, weight losing or otherwise. They largely depend on component parts which can be obtained anywhere.
- They produce in small quantities and also employ a small labour force.
- These are generally not polluting industries.
- The important factor in their location is accessibility by road network.
- High technology, or simply high-tech, is the latest generation of manufacturing activities. It is best understood as the application of intensive research and development (R and D) efforts leading to the manufacture of products of an advanced scientific and engineering character. The features is as follows.
- Highly skilled specialist professional (white collar) workers make up a large share of the total workforce.
- Scientific and engineering products are manufactured through intensive research and development.
- Robotics, computer-aided design (CAD), electronic controls are notable examples of a high-tech industry.
- The office and plant buildings are modem and neatly spaced.
- Planned business parks for high-tech industries have been set up.
- Traditional large-scale industrial regions and modern high-tech industrial regions differ from each other in following ways:
- Traditional large-scale industrial regions are based on heavy industries whereas the modern high-tech industrial parks are based on small scientific industries.
- Traditional industrial regions are located near source of raw material whereas the modern industrial regions are located near market at the outskirts of cities.
- Traditional industrial regions employ a large number of blue collar workers whereas modern industrial regions employ a small number of white collar workers.
- Traditional industrial regions are facing environmental problems such as pollution waste whereas modern industrial regions have created green environment around themselves.
- Traditional industrial regions have massive assembly factories, storage areas whereas modern industrial regions have neatly spaced, Iow density of modern office-plant-lab buildings.
- Important features of modern large scale manufacturing are:
- Specialisation of Methods of Production: Under the craft method, only a few pieces of are made to order and hence, the cost is high but in mass production, production of large quantities of standardised parts by each worker takes place. Id leads to specialisation.
- Mechanisation: It refers to using gadgets which accomplish task. Its advanced stage is automation in which machines think and human being is not required anywhere.
- Technological Innovation: Technological innovations play an important part in modern manufacturing for quality control, eliminating waste and inefficiency and combating pollution.
- Vast Capital: A large amount capital is used in large scale manufacturing. It calls for heavy investment.
- Organisational Structure and Stratification: Modern manufacturing is characterised by the following:
- A complex machine technology
- Extreme specialisation and division of labour
- Vast capital
- Large organisation
- Executive bureaucracy
- Uneven Geographical Distribution: Major concentrations of modern manufacturing have flourished in a few places. Those nations where industries are concentrated have become economically and politically powerful. For example, 2.5 sq. km of the American com belt usually includes about four large farms employing about 10-20 workers supporting 50-100 persons. But if it were utilised for an industry, it could employ thousands of workers.
- The amount of capital invested, number of workers employed and volume of production determine the size of industry. Accordingly, industries may be classified into household or cottage, small-scale and large-scale.:
- Cottage or household industries:
- It is the smallest manufacturing unit.
- The craftsmen with the help of their family members produce everyday goods within their homes.
- They use locally available raw-materials and sell their products in the local markets.
- They use simple tools devised by them to produce goods.
- E.g. foodstuff, fabrics, shoes, pottery, furniture, mats, etc.
- Small scale industries:
- The place of manufacturing is outside the home/cottage.
- This type of manufacturing uses simple power-driven machines and semi-skilled labour to produce goods.
- Raw material is obtained locally.
- The industries are larger in size than the cottage industries.
- Products are sold beyond local markets.
- They provide employment to a large number of people.
- E.g.toys,furniture,edible oil,and leather goods.
- Large scale industries:
- These are heavy and capital-intensive industries.
- They use automatic machines and a large number of people to produce goods.
- The products are sold in national or international markets.
- Emphasis is given on quality control and production specialisation.
- Raw material is obtained from large areas.
- Production is on large scale.
- Cottage or household industries:
Chapter Wise Extra Questions for Class 12 Geography
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapters
- Human Geography Nature and Scope
- The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth
- Population Composition
- Human Development
- Primary Activities
- Secondary Activities
- Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
- Transport and Communication
- International Trade
- Human Settlements
India – People and Economy
- Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition
- Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences
- Human Development
- Human Settlements
- Land Resources and Agriculture
- Water Resources
- Mineral and Energy Resources
- Manufacturing Industries
- Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
- Transport and Communication
- International Trade
- Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems

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