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CBSE Chairman Speaks on CCE System

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) was set up with a mandate to prescribe conditions of examinations and conduct public examination at the end of class X and XII, to grant qualifying certificates to successful candidates of the affiliated schools and to affiliate institutions for the purpose of examination and raise the academic standards … Read more

CBSE Grading System and Improvement of Performance

Board has introduced Grading  at Secondary School level for Classes IX and X from the academic year 2009-10. (Circular No 40/29-09-2009). In this system, students’ performance has been assessed using conventional  numerical marking mode, and the same has been be converted into the grades on the basis of the pre-determined marks ranges. Accordingly, the “Statement … Read more

CBSE Class X Exam Results on 28 May 2010

CBSE has put a full stop to all rumors about class 10 result date. It will be declared on 28th May 2010 at 10:00 in the morning. Result for all Regions will be declared on the same day. Students can access the result at www.cbseresults.nic.in or Results can be accessed globally by dialing the following … Read more

CBSE Helpline : Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: Is it possible for a student who has failed in Science stream in Class XII to change subjects to pass at subsequent examination?
Ans.: Yes, but with prior permission of the Board

Q2: What is the eligibility criteria for a student to appear as a private candidate in Board examination?
Ans.: The Board prescribes following conditions under which a candidate can appear privately: –
Failed candidates
Teachers serving in educational institutions
Women candidates who are bonafide residents of NCT of Delhi and
Physically handicapped students

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CBSE counseling 2010 Centralized and Toll Free Helpline


The second phase of CBSE counseling will start from 21st May up to 4th June 2010, through TELE HELPLINE, IVRS AND CBSE WEBSITE. Psychological help is provided to the students during this time to cope with post result situations successfully.

Centralized and Toll Free Helpline for the First Time

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CBSE Application form for verification of marks and Rechecking 2010 Exam

Facility of verification of marks is available to all candidates. The candidates can apply for verification of marks in a manner that their applications reach the respective regional office(s) within 21 days of the declaration of result in case of Main Exam i.e. Exam held in March/April. However for Comptt Exam, i.e. Exam held in  July, the application must reach respective regional offices with in 15 days of the declaration of the result.

(A) The application forms can also be down loaded from CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in or you can get it from link provided below.
(B) Candidates may apply on the Photostat format of verification form also.
(C) Verification fee per subject is Rs.100/-.

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No race to top CBSE class X students take it easy

New Delhi: The day for the final results may be fast approaching but class X students are a relaxed lot. With grades replacing marks in class X from this year, racing for the top spot is now a thing of the past. In a first, students are going to be graded on a nine-point scale … Read more

User Friendly Website for CBSE students

The most useful website for CBSE students and teachers, www.myCBSEguide.com is now more user’s friendly and easy to access. The website provides CBSE Syllabus, Sample Papers, Last Year Papers, Chapter-wise Test Papers, Latest News and Updates, Important HOTS questions etc. all absolutely FREE of cost. Recently, the website has introduced four new web-pages for Class … Read more

CBSE Rules for Persons with Disabilities in Board Exams

CBSE has given the following exemptions to Spastic, Blind, Physically Handicapped, Autistic, Dyslexic and candidates with disabilities as defined in the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995:- 1. Exemption from studying third language up to middle school level (i.e. Class VIII); 2. At Secondary School level a candidate has an option to opt for one language … Read more

Conduct of Class IX March 2010 Examination under Summative Assessment II

CBSE recently issued a letter to all principals of affiliated schools regarding conduct of class 9th March 2010 Examination under Summative Assessment Part –II.

The Letter follows as below:

Dear Principal,

You are aware that the Central Board of Secondary Education has introduced Examination Reforms and Continuous & Comprehensive  Evaluation in its affiliated schools from this academic year. 

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CBSE 2010 Exams : CCE in Class IX and Grades in Class 10

Students of class X taking board exams in March 2010 will not get to know their percentage. Their ‘marksheet’ will only bear grades from now on and not marks.

As per a presentation on Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) made at conference on schools at IIT Delhi on Monday, the CBSE will switch to the grading system for class X from this session itself.

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Queries Related to CCE answered by CBSE Chairman

Question: It is mentioned  in the Circular that March 2011 Class X examination will be based on the syllabus published in 2011 Curriculum document. But nothing has been mentioned about question paper pattern. Please clarify

Answer by CBSE: In the light of recent changes introduced under CCE scheme, the termwise details of syllabus and question paper pattern for March 2011 are being worked out. Please wait for some time.

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Promoting Reading Habits as part of CCE in English Language

Inculcating good reading habits in children has always been a concern for all stakeholders in education. Now with the introduction of CCE and grading in secondary education there has been a paradigm shift from getting marks at an end of the term summative examination to the process of learning and acquiring better language skills.

With everything – information, entertainment, videos and even books within reach through the internet, it is indeed a challenge to convince students to pick up books and engage with the author, story, character and ideas presented in the reading passage or book.

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School Based Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in CBSE

The Certificate of School Based Assessment on Continuous Comprehensive Assessment will be available from the CBSE and the end of Class X. This will be filled up in the school and sent to the concerned RO in CBSE for countersignature.  All regular students who have undergone a course of study at the X class of an affiliated school of CBSE shall be issued this certificate with effect from the year 2011.

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Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation CCE

Continuous  and Comprehensive  Evaluation  (CCE)  refers  to  a  system  of  school-based  evaluation  of students  that covers all aspects of  students development.

It is a developmental process of assessment which emphasizes on two fold objectives. These objectives are continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning and behaviourial outcomes on the other.

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Certificate of School Based Assessment in CBSE Schools

Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi has issued a teachers manual on CCE for class 9 and class 10. The new scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation is being implemented in class 9th from the current session 2009-2010 and the same will be implemented in class 10th too from next session i.e. 2010-2011. In this new grading scheme, CBSE will not take board exam for class 10 and  a Certificate of School Based Assessment will be issued by the school authorities as per the guidelines given by CBSE.

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CBSE Grading System : Addressing the Concerns

The CBSE has been discussing the matter with its stakeholders all over the country. A number of issues are likely to be raised by students/parents regarding this initiative. A compilation of such issues, and solutions offered by the Board in the form of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) will be soon available on the CBSE website.

In case of further clarification you may mail your queries to the Chairman CBSE by superscribing “CBSE Examination Reform” on the top of the envelop.

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CBSE Grading System : Operational Modalities

1. The student’s performance shall be assessed using conventional method of numerical marking.

2. The ‘Grades’ shall be awarded to indicate the subject wise performance.

3. The ‘Grades’ shall be awarded on a nine point scale as per Table

4. Only Subject wise grades shall be shown in the  “Statement of Subject wise Performance” to be issued to all candidates.

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