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Class 11 Economics Sample Papers, Syllabus, Notes & Mock Tests

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As a social science subject has a great influence on every human being. Since we all are, knowingly or unknowingly, part of some sort of economic activity. Our economic life is bound to change, therefore our knowledge of economics needs to be updated according to these changes. Introduced at the secondary level, economics in the CBSE curriculum plays an important role. It grounds children's education in their own experiences. At the senior secondary level, students are exposed to this subject with an aim to make them well up on the economic realities through observation and analytical skills. One of India's best education apps myCBSEguide brings all the course content for Class 11 Economics to the students on one platform. 

CBSE Class 11 Economics Study Material

The learners are introduced to the subject of economics as a theory of abstraction at the senior secondary level. This gives them opportunities to explore various economic issues both from their day-to-day life and also from issues, which are broader and invisible. The academic skills that they acquire in these courses would help to develop the projects and activities. They need to exercise their power of thinking and develop their perception.

Students in the first leg of senior secondary i.e., preparing for class 11 Economics, should have the comprehensive study material to drive away any confusion. Hence, they require methodically-designed course content for Class 11 Economics which is available on myCBSEguide. Here they can find everything related to the senior secondary Economics curriculum. Here's a list of useful resources for Class 11 Economics.

  • CBSE Syllabus
  • CBSE Sample Papers
  • CBSE Last Year Papers
  • User Submitted Papers
  • CBSE Toppers Answer Sheet
  • Case Study Questions
  • Mock Tests
  • Online Tests
  • Learning Videos

Out of these, those which are available in PDF and you can easily download are CBSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus, Sample Papers, Last Year Papers, Test Papers, Revision Notes, Toppers Answer Sheet, and CBSE Important Questions.

CBSE Class 11 Economics Syllabus

The senior secondary Economics syllabus is expected to provide opportunities to use information in understanding national economic operations. It would also facilitate their learning process. Hence the chapters of the curriculum focus on honing these conceptual market skills of the students. CBSE class 11 Economics has two separate sections and respective books: Micro Economics and the other on Statistics, students can download the myCBSEguide app which provides complete course content for both books. 

Part A: Statistics for Economics Part B: Introductory Microeconomics
  • Introduction
  • Collection, Organisation, and Presentation of Data
  • Statistical Tools and Interpretation
  • Introduction
  • Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand
  • Producer Behaviour and Supply
  • Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple applications

The senior secondary economics courses also contain many projects and activities. For details check our blog on Class 11 Economics Syllabus 2022-23.

CBSE Class 11 Economics Important Questions & Notes

Every chapter has some important section that carries the maximum weightage. Students must know this section very well so that they do not miss out on the chance to score good marks/grades in the exam. We at myCBSEguide have an important questions section in all the subjects. You can find the important questions for Class 11 Economics on our dashboard. The important questions or extra questions are a set of a few questions which should not be skipped by anyone taking the class 11 economics test. 

Students can find the synopsis of every chapter in our revision notes section. These notes are sorted chapter-wise notes and can come in handy for quick preparation or chapter revision of school-based annual examinations. 

Class 11 Economics Chapter Wise Revision Notes 

Class 11 Economics Sample Papers

Following the marking scheme and blueprint of the official CBSE sample papers for 2022-23, the model question papers of class 11 Economics are now available on myCBSEguide. Every year we dish out quality sample papers for all the subjects of secondary and senior secondary levels. These question papers play a decisive role in students' grades. It is a well-known fact that students aspiring to get good grades must solve as much as sample papers as they can. This practice takes them closer to accuracy and boosts their confidence as well.  Download Class 11 Economics Sample Papers 2023 from my CBSE Guide website or app.

Class 11 Economics Case Study Questions

The introduction of case study questions in the CBSE question papers left the students perplexed as it was an unexplored area. However, the noble motive behind it was to foster analytical thinking by using their acquired knowledge in a real-life case or situation. The idea is to focus on competency-based education (CBE) fortifying the Indian education system. The case study questions test students' problem-solving skills of the students and they become aware of their ability to master a skill or competency on their own.

Since it is a new kind of question, much reliable content is not easily available. The question based on the source (case) can either be subjective or objective. Hence, students need to be acquainted with both these formats. With the help of the best CBSE  teachers we bring to you Class 11 Economics Case Study Questions. The fact that our resources have a record of being one of the most downloaded study material in India attest to the quality of our content. 

Class 11 Economics Test Papers and Mock Tests

Test papers define short-term goals for the students. It motivates them to take small steps which ultimately leads to bigger outcomes. These tests are designed to meet different learning abilities and can lead to efficient student outcomes. Our well-furnished question bank has questions of all types to cater to the needs of the students. You can practice the chapter-based Test Papers for class 11 Economics on the myCBSEguide app. Our mock tests and online test gives an opportunity for fun experiential learning. 

In the economics course, at the initial level, the learners are introduced to the present-day economic realities along with some basic statistical tools to understand these broader economic realities. However, the level of difficulty increases at the senior secondary level. Students need to hit the books if they aim to shine.

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