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UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus

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UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus in PDF format for free download. History syllabus for Class 12 UK Board is now available in the myCBSEguide app. The curriculum for Uttarakhand Board exams is designed by UBSE, Uttarakhand as per NCERT textbooks for the session.

UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus Download as PDF

UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus

UK Board Syllabus Class 12

UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus

  1. राजा, किसान और नगर
  2. बंधुत्व, जाति तथा वर्ग आरंभिक समाज
  3. विचारक, विश्वास आरै इमारतें (सांस्कृतिक विकास)
  4. यात्रियों के नज़रिए-समाज के बारे में उनकी समझ
  5. भक्ति सूफी परंपराएँ
  6. एक साम्राज्य की राजधान ी: विजयनगर
  7. किसान, जमींदार और राज्य
  8. शासक और इतिवृत्त: मुग़ल दरबार
  9. उपनिवेशवाद और देहात
  10. विद्रोही और राज
  11. औपनिवेशिक शहर
  12. महात्मा गाँधी और राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन सविनय अवज्ञा और उससे आगे
  13. विभाजन को समझना
  14.  संविधान का निर्माण एक नए युग की शुरूआत

Uttarakhand Board Class 12 History Chapter list in (English)

History Part I

  1. Bricks, Bead, and Bones
  2. Kings, Farmers, and Towns
  3. Kinship, Caste, and Class
  4. Thinkers, Beliefs, and Buildings

History Part II

  1. Through the Eyes of Travellers
  2. Bhakti – Sufi Tradition
  3. An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara
  4. Peasants, Zamindars and The State
  5. Kings and Chronicles

History Part III

  1. Colonialism And the Countryside
  2. Rebels And the Raj
  3. Colonial Cities
  4. Mahatma Gandhi And The Nationalist Movement
  5. Understanding Partition
  6. Framing the Constitution

Uttarakhand Board Class 12 History Syllabus

 Through a focus on a series of critical historical issues and debates (class XI) or on a range of important historical sources (class XII), the students would be introduced to a set of important historical events and processes. A discussion of these themes, it is hoped, would allow students not only to know about these events and processes but also to discover the excitement of reading history.

Objectives For UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus

  • An effort in these senior secondary classes would be to emphasize to students that history is a critical discipline, a process of inquiry, a way of knowing about the past, rather than just a collection of facts.
  • The syllabus would help them to understand the process through which historians write history, by choosing and assembling different types of evidence, and by reading their sources critically. They will appreciate how historians follow the trails that lead to the past, and how historical knowledge develops.
  • The syllabus would also enable students to store/relate/compare developments in different situations, analyze connections between similar processes located in different time periods, and discover the relationship between different methods of inquiry within history and the allied disciplines.
  • The syllabus in class XI is organized around some major themes in world history. The themes have been selected so as to (i) focus on some important developments in different spheres-political, social, cultural and economic,(ii) study not only the grand narratives of development-urbanization, industrialization and modernization-but also to know about the processes of displacements and marginalization. Through the study of these themes, students will acquire a sense of the wider historical processes as well as an idea of the specific debates around them.
  • The treatment of each theme in class XI would include (a) an overview of the theme under discussion, (b) a more detailed focus on one region of study, (c) an introduction to a critical debate associated with the issue.

UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus

Paper One Theory: Max Marks: 100(80+20)

Themes in Indian History Part-I
Units 1 – 4
Themes in Indian History Part-II
Units 5 – 9
Themes in Indian History Part-III
Unit 10 – 15
Unit 16: Map Work1005
Project work1020

Class XII: Themes in Indian History



  1. The Story of the First Cities: Harappan
    Archaeology. (13)
    Broad overview: Early urban centers.
    The story of discovery: Harappan civilization
    Excerpt: Archaeological report on a major site.
    Discussion: How it has been utilized by archaeologists/historians.
  • Familiarize the learner with early urban centers as economic and social institutions.
  • Introduce the ways in which new data can lead to a revision of existing notions of history.
  • Illustrate steps of making archaeological reports.
  1. Political and Economic History: How Inscriptions tell a story. (14)
    Broad overview: Political and economic history from the Mauryan to the Gupta period.
    The story of discovery: Inscriptions and the decipherment of the script. Shifts in the understanding of political and economic history.
    Excerpt: Asokan inscription and Gupta period land grant.
    Discussion: Interpretation of inscriptions by historians.
  • Familiarize the learner with major trends in the political and economic history of the subcontinent.
  • Introduce inscriptional analysis and the ways in which these have shaped the understanding of political and economic processes.
  1. Social Histories: Using the Mahabharata (14)
    Broad overview: Issues in social history, including caste, class, kinship, and gender.
    The story of discovery: Transmission and publications of the Mahabharata.
    Excerpt: from the Mahabharata, illustrating how it has been used by historians.
    Discussion: Other sources for reconstructing social history.
  • Familiarize the learner with issues in social history.
  • Introduce strategies of textual analysis and their use in reconstructing social history.
  1. A History of Buddhism: Sanchi Stupa (14)
    Broad overview:
    (a) A brief review of religious histories of Vedic religion, Jainism, Vaishnavism, Saivism.
    (b) Focus on Buddhism.
    The story of discovery: Sanchi Stupa
    Excerpt: Reproduction of sculptures from Sanchi.
    Discussion: Ways in which sculpture has been interpreted by historians, other sources for reconstructing the history of Buddhism.
  • Discuss the major religious developments in early India.
  • Introduce strategies of visual analysis and their use in reconstructing histories of religion.


  1. Medieval Society through Travelers’
    Accounts (13)
    Broad overview:

    Outline of social and cultural life as they appear in travelers’ accounts.
    The story of their writings: A discussion of where they traveled, why they traveled, what they wrote, and for whom they wrote.
    Excerpts: from Alberuni, Ibn Battuta, Bernier.
    Discussion: What these travel accounts can tell us and how they have been interpreted by historians.
  • Familiarize the learner with the salient features of social histories described by the travelers.
  • Discuss how travelers’ accounts can be used as sources of social history.
  1. Religious Histories: The Bhakti-Sufi Tradition (13)
    Broad overview:

    (a) Outline of religious developments during this period.
    (b) Ideas and practices of the Bhakti-Sufi saints.
    The story of Transmission: How Bhakti-Sufi compositions have been preserved.
    Excerpt: Extracts from selected Bhakti-Sufi works.
    Discussion: Ways in which these have been

    interpreted by historians.
  • Familiarize the learner with religious developments.
  • Discuss ways of analyzing devotional literature as sources of history.

New Architecture: Hampi (13) Broad overview:

(a) Outline of new buildings during
Vijayanagar period-temples, forts,
irrigation facilities.
(b) The relationship between architecture and the political system.
The story of Discovery: Account of how Hampi was found.
Excerpt: Visuals of buildings at Hampi
Discussion: Ways in which historians have analyzed and interpreted these structures

  • Familiarize the learner with the new buildings that were built during the time.
  • Discuss the ways in which architecture can be analyzed to reconstruct history.
  1. Agrarian Relations: The Ain-i- Akbari (13)
    Broad overview:
    (a) Structure of agrarian relations in the 16th and 17th centuries.
    (b) Patterns of change over the period.
    The story of Discovery: Account of the compilation and translation of Ain-i-Akbari.
    Excerpt: from the Ain-i-Akbari
    Discussion: Ways in which historians have used the text to reconstruct history.
  • Discuss developments in agrarian relations.
  • Discuss how to supplement official documents with other sources.
  1. The Mughal Court: Reconstructing
    Histories through Chronicles (13)
    Broad overview:

    (a) Outline of political history 15th-17th centuries.
    (b) Discussion of the Mughal court and politics.
    The story of Discovery: Account of the production of court chronicles, and their subsequent translation and transmission.
    Excerpts: from the Akbarnama and
    Discussion: Ways in which historians have used the texts to reconstruct political histories.
  • Familiarize the learner with the major landmarks in political history.
  • Show how chronicles and other sources are used to reconstruct the histories of political institutions.

PART – III ( Periods 80)

  1. Colonialism and Rural Society: Evidence from Official Reports: (13)
    Broad overview:

    (a) Life of zamindars, peasants, and artisans in the late 18th century
    (b) East India Company, revenue settlements, and surveys.
    (c) Changes over the nineteenth century.
    The story of official records: An account of why official investigations into rural societies were undertaken and the types of records and reports produced.
    Excerpts: From Firminger’s Fifth Report, Accounts of Frances Buchanan-Hamilton, and Deccan Riots Report.
    Discussion: What the official records tell and do not tell, and how they have been used by historians.
  • Discuss how colonialism affected zamindars, peasants, and artisans.
  • Comprehend the problems and limits of using official sources for understanding the lives of people.
  1. Representations of 1857 (13)
    Broad overview:
    (a) The events of 1857-58.
    (b) How these events were recorded and narrated.
    Focus: Lucknow.
    Excerpts: Pictures of 1857. Extracts from contemporary accounts.
    Discussion: How the pictures of 1857 shaped British opinion of what had happened.
  • Discuss how the events of 1857 are being reinterpreted.
  • Discuss how visual material can be used by historians.
  1. Colonialism and Indian Towns: (13)
    Town Plans and Municipal Reports
    Broad overview:
    The growth of Mumbai, Chennai, hill stations and cantonments in the 18th and 19th centuries.
    Excerpts: Photographs and paintings. Plans of cities. Extract from town plan reports. Focus on Kolkata town planning.
    Discussion: How the above sources can be used to reconstruct the history of towns. What these sources do not reveal.
  • Familiarize the learner with the history of modern urban centers.
  • Discuss how urban histories can be written by drawing on different types of sources.
  1. Mahatma Gandhi through Contemporary Eyes (13)

    Broad overview:
    (a) The Nationalist Movement 1918 – 48.
    (b) The nature of Gandhian politics and leadership.
    Focus: Mahatma Gandhi in 1931.
    Excerpts: Reports from English and Indian language newspapers and other contemporary writings.
    Discussion: How newspapers can be a source of history.

  • Familiarize the learner with significant elements of the Nationalist Movement and the nature of Gandhian leadership.
  • Discuss how Gandhi was perceived by different groups.
  • Discuss how historians need to read and interpret newspapers, diaries, and letters as a historical source.
  1. Partition through Oral Sources (14)
    Broad overview:

    (a) The history of the 1940s.
    (b) Nationalism, Communalism and Partition.
    Focus: Punjab and Bengal.
    Excerpts: Oral testimonies of those who experienced partition.
    Discussion: Ways in which these have been analyzed to reconstruct the history of the event.
  • Discuss the last decade of the national movement, the growth of communalism and the story of partition.
  • Understand the events through the experience of those who lived through these years of communal violence.
  • Show the possibilities and limits of oral sources
  1.  The Making of the Constitution (14)
    Broad overview:

    (a) Independence and the new nation-state.
    (b) The making of the Constitution.
    Focus: The Constitutional Assembly debates.
    Excerpts: from the debates.
    Discussion: What such debates reveal and how they can be analyzed.
  • Familiarize students with the history of the early years after independence.
  • Discuss how the founding ideals of the new nation-state were debated and formulated.
  • Understand how such debates and discussions can be read by historians.

Map Work on Units 1-15 (10)

Project Work (10 periods) Please refer Circular for project work guidelines. Project work will help students For UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus


  • Develop the skill to gather data from a variety of sources, investigate diverse viewpoints and arrive at logical deductions.
  • Developing skill to comprehend, analyze, interpret, evaluate historical evidence and understand the limitation of historical evidence.
  • Develop 21st-century managerial skills of co-ordination, self-direction and time management.
  • Learn to work in diverse cultures, races, religions, and lifestyles.
  • Learn through constructivism-a theory based on observation and scientific study.
  • Inculcate a spirit of inquiry and research.
  • Communicate data in the most appropriate form using a variety of techniques.
  • Provide greater opportunity for interaction and exploration.
  • Understand contemporary issues in context to our past.
  • Develop a global perspective and an international outlook.
  • Grow into caring, sensitive individuals capable of making informed, intelligent and independent choices.
  • Develop lasting interest in history discipline.

History Project Work
UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus
Few Suggestive topics for Project Work (Examples)

  1. The mysteries behind the mound of the dead – Mohenjo-Daro
  2. An In-depth study to understand Spiritual Archaeology in the Sub-Continent
  3. Buddha’s Path to Enlightenment
  4. Insight and Reflection of Bernier’s notions of The Mughal Empire
  5. An exploratory study to know the women who created history
  6. “Mahatma Gandhi” – A legendary soul
  7. To reconstruct the History of Vijaynagar through the Archaeology of Hampi
  8. The emerald city of Colonial Era – BOMBAY
  9. The vision of unity behind the first war of Independence
  10. Divine Apostle of Guru Nanak Dev
  11. Help, Humanity, and Sacrifices during Partition
  12. Glimpses inside Mughals Imperials Household
  13. The process behind the framing of the Indian Constitution
  14. The ‘Brahm Nirupam’ of Kabir – A journey to Ultimate Reality

UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus
Design of the Question Paper

Paper One Theory (QP 80 + 20 Project)=100 Marks

Themes in Indian History Part-I
Units 1 – 4
Themes in Indian History Part-II
Units 5 – 9
Themes in Indian History Part-III
Unit 10 – 15
Units 1- 16: Map Work105
Project Work1020

UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus

Weightage to content Note:

Each source-based question will have three questions with marks ranging from 1 – 3.
*1 Map question of 5 marks having 5 items carrying 1 mark each.

25 Marks25 Marks25 Marks

The theme in Indian History (Part I)
Themes in Indian History (Part II)Themes in Indian History (Part III)
Map Work5 Marks
Project work20 marks
Total100 Marks

Weightage to the Difficulty level

Estimated Difficulty LevelPercentage
(i) Easy (E)30%
(ii) Average (AV)50%
(iii) Difficult (D)20%
Scheme of Option: No internal choice except for blind students.
  1. Division of Question Paper

    The Question paper will be divided into A, B, C, D, and E.

  • Part A will carry 3 very short answer questions of 2 marks each.
  • Part B will carry 6 short answer questions of 4 marks each.
    (No change in the syllabus)
  • Part C will carry 3 long answer questions of 8 marks each (word limit ‘350’ with internal choice, each from the respective book).
  • Part D will carry three source -based questions. The number of questions will be three, carrying 7 marks each (no internal choice). The sources will be taken from the textbooks as directed therein.
  • Part E will have 1 map question of 5 marks. Items covered are Identification and Location.
  1. Scheme of Option

    Part A will have no choice.
    Part B will have 6 questions from all the three books, out of which the student will attempt any 5 questions. (From 3 books) (Note: Value-based question will not be asked)
    Part C will carry three Long Answer Questions. The number of questions will be 3, carrying 8 marks each. (Each question from three themes, with Internal Choice).
    Part D will be Source-Based Questions. There will be THREE sources, ONE from each book followed by questions. There will have “no internal choice”.
    In Part E, there will be one Map Question -Test items will be ‘Identification’ and Location.
    There is no change in the list of Maps.

Weightage of Marks Book-wise

2 marks
4 marks
7 marks
5 Marks
8 marks
The book I (Ancient India)2(1)4+47(1)8(1)25
Book II (Medieval India)2(1)4+47(1)8(1)25
Book III (Modern India)2(1)4+47(1)8(1)25
Map Work5×15
Project work-20

LIST OF MAPS For UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus

Book 1

  1. P-2. Mature Harappan sites: Harappa, Banawali, Kalibangan, Balakot, Rakhigarhi, Dholavira, Nageshwar, Lothal, Mohenjodaro, Chanhudaro, Kot Diji.
  2. P-30. Mahajanapada and cities : Vajji, Magadha, Kosala, Kuru, Panchala, Gandhara, Avanti, Rajgir, Ujjain, Taxila, Varanasi.
  3. P-33. Distribution of Ashokan inscriptions:
    1. Kushanas, Shakas, Satavahanas, Vakatakas, Guptas
    2. Cities/towns: Mathura, Kannauj, Puhar, Braghukachchha
    3. Pillar inscriptions – Sanchi, Topra, Meerut Pillar and Kaushambi.
    4. Kingdom of Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas.
  4. P-43. Important kingdoms and towns:
    1. Kushanas, Shakas, Satavahanas, Vakatakas, Guptas
    2. Cities/towns: Mathura, Kanauj, Puhar, Braghukachchha, Shravasti, Rajgir, Vaishali, Varanasi, Vidisha
  5. P-95. Major Buddhist Sites: Nagarjunakonda, Sanchi, Amaravati, Lumbini, Nasik, Bharhut, BodhGaya, Shravasti

Book 2

  1. P-174. Bidar, Golconda, Bijapur, Vijayanagar, Chandragiri, Kanchipuram, Mysore, Thanjavur, Kolar, Tirunelveli, Quilon
  2. P-214. Territories under Babur, Akbar and Aurangzeb: Delhi, Agra, Panipat, Amber, Ajmer, Lahore, Goa.279

Book 3

  1. P-297. Territories/cities under British Control in 1857:
    Punjab, Sindh, Bombay, Madras Fort St. David, Masulipatam, Berar, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Avadh, Surat, Calcutta, Daccan, Chitagong, Patna, Benaras, Allahabad and Lucknow.
  2. P-305. Main centres of the Revolt of 1857:
    Delhi, Meerut, Jhansi, Lucknow, Kanpur, Azamgarh, Calcutta, Benaras, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Agra, Avadh.
  3. P-305. Important centres of the National Movement:
    Champaran, Kheda, Ahmedabad, Benaras, Amritsar, Chauri Chaura, Lahore, Bardoli, Dandi, Bombay (Quit India Resolution), Karachi.

Prescribed Books For UK Board Class 12 History Syllabus Themes:

  1. Themes in World History, Class XI, Published by NCERT
  2. The theme in Indian History, Part I, Class XII, Published by NCERT
  3. Themes in Indian History Part-II, Class XII, Published by NCERT
  4. Themes in Indian History Part-III, Class XII, Published by NCERT
    Note: The above textbooks are also available in Hindi medium.
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