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Modification in external Science practical examination syllabus

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Modification in external Science practical examination syllabus for class X from March 2009 Examination. As a part of its ongoing exercise in improving the curricular transactions in schools, the Board had earlier decided to restructure the science syllabus at secondary stage from the academic session 2005-06 in class IX and in the subsequent year in class X.  All affiliated schools were informed about these changes through Circular No. 19 dated 25th March, 2005.  The salient features of the scheme included :

a)    One Theory paper of weightage 60 marks with duration of 2 ½ hours.
b)    A year-end school based practical examination for 20 marks.
c)    A separate paper on practical skill based multiple choice questions of weightage 20 marks and duration of 1 ½ hours.

Thus a relative weightage of 60 marks and 40 marks was assigned to theory and practical work in the subject in the restructured syllabus.  Class X March 2007 examination of the Board was conducted on the basis of above scheme.  Another Circular No. 15 dated 21st June, 06 was also sent to all the schools with the objective of re-emphasizing the central place of practical work in science curriculum and the detailed procedure to be followed for ensuring greater objectivity in the assessment of practical work.

Taking into consideration the current situation of practical work in schools at secondary stage and suggestions received from the system, it has now been decided by the Board that the practical skill-based multiple-choice question type question paper for class X examination will also include the list of class IX experiments in the syllabus for this paper.  This will not only strengthen the acquisition of practical skills by the learners but also enable them understand the related theoretical concepts included in the syllabus to a greater depth.  The new scheme of the practical syllabus and assessment in practical work has the following salient features:

i)    The practical – skill based multiple choice question paper for Board’s class X examination will be based on list of experiments included in class X as well as class IX syllabus.
ii)    The Multiple choice Question paper will continue to have a weightage  of 20 marks and time allocation of 1 ½ hours.
iii)    Equal weightage in terms of marks (10+10) will be assigned to questions based on class IX experiments and class X experiments.
iv)    The theory paper and school-based practical examination in class X will include class X syllabus only as per the present practice and will continue to have a weightage of 60 marks and 20 marks respectively with same time allocation.
v)    There will be no change in the assessment scheme in the subject for class IX.

The scheme will come into effect from March 2009 examination onward for class X.  The schools need to understand and appreciate the Board’s initiatives to pay more attention and focus to practical work.  This calls for concerted efforts and constant monitoring.  The above  information may be brought to the notice of all concerned and desired attention may be given to practical work in the ongoing session for class IX.

Education Officer(Science) CBSE may be contacted at [email protected] for any clarification or suggestion in this matter.

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2 thoughts on “Modification in external Science practical examination syllabus”

  1. There is no heat chappter in class 9 syllabus. Then why should we have an experiment (Rate of cooling) based on heat?

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