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10 Social Science notes Chapter 8 History-Novels Society and History
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CBSE Class 10 Social Science
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History Chapter-8
- The novel is a modern form of literature.
- It is born from print, a mechanical invention.
- The novel first took firm root in England and France.
- Novels began to be written from the seventeenth century, but they really flowered from the eighteenth century.
- Now Shopkeepers, clerk along with traditional aristocratic and gentlemanly classes in England and France now formed the new readership for now.
- As the readership grew and the market for book expanded, the earning of authors increased.
- The novel allowed the flexibility in the form of the writing.
- For a long time the publishing market excluded the poor as the price of the novel was very high.
- But soon, people had easier access to books with the introduction of circulating libraries in 1740.
- The novel was one of the first mass – produced items to be sold.
- Novels allowed individuals the pleasure of reading in private, as well as the joy of publically reading or discussing stories with friends or relatives.
- In rural areas people would collect to hear one of the person reading a novel aloud.
- Apparently, a group at slough in England were very pleased to hear that Pamela, the heroine of Richardson’s popular novel, had got married in their village.
- In 1836 a notable event took place when Charles Dicken’s Pickwick Papers was serialised in a magazine.
- Magazines were attractive since they were illustrated and cheap.
- Novels are about ordinary people.
- They do not focus on the lives of great people or action that change the destinies of states and empires.
- In the nineteenth century, Europe entered the industrial age.
- Factories came up, business profits increased and the economy grew.Cities expanded in an unregulated way and were filled with overworked and underpaid workers
- Deeply critical of these developments, novelists such as Charles Dickens wrote about the terrible effects of industrialization on people’s lives and characters.
- Dickens criticized not just the greed for profit but also the ideas that reduced human beings into simple instruments of production.
- The vast majority of readers of the novels lived in the city.
- Thomas Hardy wrote about traditional rural communities of England that were fast vanishing.
- This was actually a time when large farmers fenced off land, bought machines and employed labourers to produce for market.
- The novel was the vernacular, the language that is spoken by common people.
- A novel may take a classical language of the streets and make them all a part of the vernacular that it uses.
- The most exciting element of the novel was the involvement of women.
- Women got more leisure to read as well as write novel.
- Novels began exploring the world of women – their emotions and identities, their experiences and problem.
- Many novels were about domestic life a theme about which women were allowed to speak with authority.
- The novels of Jane Austen gives us a glimpse of the world of women in gentle rural society in early – nineteenth – century Britain.
- But women novelists did not simply popularize the domestic role of women.
- Novels for the young boys idealized a new type of man: someone who was powerful, assertive, independent and daring.
- Most of these novels were full of adventure set in places remote from Europe.
- Love stories were written for adolescents girls also first became popular.
- The novel originated in Europe at a time when it was colonizing the rest of the world.
- The hero of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe (1719) is an adventurer and slave trader.
- Crusoe’s behavior was not seen as unacceptable or odd, for most writers of the time saw colonialism as natural.
- Stories in prose were not new in India.
- Tales of adventure and heroism in Persian and Urdu, known as Dastan.
- The modern novel form developed in India in the nineteenth century, as Indians become familiar with the western novel.
- The earliest novel in Marathi and Baba Padmanji’s Yamuna Paryatan(1857).
- Leading novelists of the nineteenth century wrote for a cause.
- Indian novelists wrote to develop a modern literature of the country that could produce a sense of national belonging and cultural equality with their colonial masters.
- Novel began appearing in the south India, languages during the period of colonial rule.
- O. Chandu Menon, a subjudge from Malabar, tried to translater an English novel called Henrietta temple written by Benjamin Disraeli into Malayalam.
- He gave up this idea and wrote instead a story in Malayalam in the manner of English novel books.
- Indulekha was the first modern novel in Malayalam.
- Many novels were actually translated and adapted from English and Bengali under influence.
- The first proper modern novel was written by Srinivas Das of Delhi.
- Srinivas Das’s novel, published in 1882, was titled Pariksha-guru(the master examiner).
- Pariksha Guru reflects the inner and outer world of the newly emerging middle class.
- Pariksha – Guru could not win many readers, as it was perhaps too moralizing in its style.
- Chandrakanta – a romance with dazzling elements of fantasy – is believed to have contributed immensely in popularizing the Hindi language and the Nagari script among the educated classes of those times.
- Premchand’s sewasadan deals mainly with the poor condition of women in society.
- Issues like child marriage and dowry are woven into the story of the novel.
- The early Bengali novels lived in two worlds.
- Many of these novels were located in the past.
- Another group of novel depicted the inner world of domestic life in contemporary settings.
- Bakim read out durgeshnandini(1865) his first novel, to such a gathering of people who were stunned to realize that the Bengali novel had achieved excellence so quickly.
- The prose style became a new object of enjoyment.
- The novel rapidly acquired popularity in Bengal.
- Telling stories in simple language made Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay the most popular novelist in Bengal and probably in the rest of the world.
- The colonial administrator found ‘vernacular’ novels a valuable source of information on native life and customs.
- They allowed how people dressed, their forms of religious worship, their beliefs and practices, and so on.
- Indians used the novel as a powerful medium to criticize what they considered defects in their society and to suggest a remedy.
- Novels also helped in establishing a relationship with the past.
- Although they were about imaginary stories, novels often spoke to their readers about the real world.
- Social novelists often created heroes and heroines with ideal qualities, who their readers could admire and intimate.
- Chandu Menon portrayed Indulekha as women of breathtaking beauty, high intellectual abilities, artistic talent, and with an education in English and Sanskrit.
- The heroes and heroines in most of the novels were people who lived in the modern world.
- The character like Indulekha showed readers how Indians and foreign lifestyles could be brought together in an ideal combination.
- Picture books, translation from other languages, popular songs sometimes compose on contemporary events, stories in newspaper and magazines.
- There was a flood of popular novels in the early decades of the twentieth century.
- Detective and mystery novels often had to be printed again and again.
- Many people got worried about the effects of the novel on readers.
- Women and children were often singled out for such advice: they were seen as easily corruptible.
- Some parents kept novels in the loft in their houses, out of their children’s reach.
- Young people often read them in secret.
- In some languages, the early creations of women were poems, essays or autobiographical pieces.
- A reason for a new popularity of novels among women was that it allowed for a new conception of womanhood.
- Some women authors also wrote about women who changed the world of both the men and women.
- It is not surprising that many men were suspicious of women writing novels or reading them.
- This concerned the marriage practices of upper – caste Hindus in Kerala, especially the Nambuthiri Brahmins and the Nayars.
- Novels like Indulekha and indirabai were written by the members of the upper castes, and were primarily about upper – caste characters.
- Potheri Kunjambu’s Saraswativijayam stresses the importance of education for the upliftment of the lower castes.
- The history written by colonial historians tended to depict Indians as weak, divided, and dependent on the British.
- In Bengal, many historical novels were about Marathas and Rajputs.
- The imagined nation of the novel was so powerful that it could inspire actual political movements.
- Premchand’s novels, for instance, are filled with all kinds of powerful characters drawn from all levels of the society.
- The women characters are strong individuals, especially those who come from the lower classes and are not modernized.
- The very act of choosing such a person as the ‘hero’ of a novel is significant.
- Godan (the gift of cow), published in 1936, remains Premchand’s best-known work.
- The novels became the part of the lives of different sections of the people.
- Developments in print technologies allowed the novel to break out of its small circle of readers and introduced fresh ways of reading.
- Bringing together people from varied backgrounds produces a sense of shared community.
- The most notable form of this community is the nation.
- We can say then that novels produce a sense of sharing, and promote an understanding of different people, different values and different communities.
History-Novels Society and History class 10 Notes
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