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Install NowCBSE Syllabus of Class 11 Biotechnology – in PDF
CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Biotechnology 2019-20 is now available in myCBSEguide mobile app. contains all the topics of this session. myCBSEguide provides you latest Syllabus for Class 11 Biotechnology in PDF format for free download. Biotechnology is a broad discipline in which biological processes, organisms, cells or cellular components are exploited to develop new technologies. The curriculum for March 2020 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT textbooks for the session 2019-20.
CBSE Syllabus for class 11 Biotechnology 2019-20
CBSE Syllabus Class 11 Biotechnology
One Paper
Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks 70+30
Units | Marks | No. of Periods | |
Unit- I | Biotechnology: An overview | 5 | 20 |
Unit-II | Molecules of Life | 20 | 50 |
Unit-III | Genetics and Molecular Biology | 20 | 50 |
Unit-IV | Cells and Organisms | 25 | 60 |
Practical | 30 | 60 | |
Total | 100 | 240 |
One Paper
Total Marks: 70
Time: 3 hrs
Unit-I Biotechnology: An overview (5 Marks)
Chapter 1: Biotechnology: An Overview
Historical Perspectives, Technology, and Applications of Biotechnology, Global market, and Biotech Products, Public Perception of Biotechnology, Biotechnology in India and Global Trends
Unit-II Molecules of Life (20 Marks)
Chapter 1: Biomolecules: Building Blocks
Building Blocks of Carbohydrates – Sugars and their Derivatives, Building Blocks of Proteins – Amino Acids, Building Blocks of Lipids – Simple Fatty Acids, Sphingosine,
Glycerol and Cholesterol, Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids – Nucleotides, Biochemical Transformations
Chapter 2: Macromolecules: Structure & Function
Carbohydrates – The Energy Givers, Proteins – The Performers, Enzymes – The Catalysts, Lipids and Biomembranes – The Barriers, Nucleic Acids – The Managers
Unit-III Genetics and Molecular Biology (20 Marks)
Chapter 1: Concepts of Genetics
Historical Perspective, Multiple Alleles, Linkage and Crossing Over, Genetic Mapping, Gene Interaction, SexLinked Inheritance, Extra nuclear Inheritance, Quantitative Inheritance, Genes at the Population Level
Chapter 2: Genes and Genomes: Structure and Function
Discovery of DNA as Genetic Material, DNA Replication, Fine Structure of the Genes, From Gene to Protein, Transcription – The Basic Process, Genetic Code, Translation, Regulation of Gene Expression, Mutations, DNA Repair, Human Genetic Disorders, Genome Organization
Unit IV: Cells and Organisms (25 Marks)
Chapter 1 The Basic Unit of Life
Cell Structure and Components, Tissues and Organs, Stem Cells, Biodiversity, Organization of Life
Chapter 2: Cell Growth and Development
Cell Division, Cell Cycle, Cell Communication, Nutrition, Gaseous Exchange, Internal Transport, Maintaining the Internal Environment, Reproduction, In Vitro Fertilization, Animal and Plant Development, Immune Response in Animals, Programmed Cell Death, Defense Mechanisms in Plants
Note: Every student is required to do the following experiments during the academic session.
- Recording practical results and safety rules in the laboratory
- Preparation of buffers and pH determination
- Sterilization techniques
- Preparation of bacterial growth medium
- Determination of bacterial growth curve
- Cell counting
- Isolation of milk protein (Casein)
- Estimation of whey protein by biuret method
- Assaying the enzyme acid phosphate
- Estimation of blood glucose by enzymatic and glucometer method(GOD/POD)
- Study of various stages of mitosis and calculation of mitotic index
- Preparation of karyotype
Scheme of Evaluation
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks 30
The scheme of evaluation at the end of session will be as under:
Two experiments: 20 Marks
Viva on experiments: 5 Marks
Practical record: 5 Marks
Question Paper Design
1) Board Examination – Theory
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 70
S.No. | Typology of Questions | VSA (1 Marks) | SA-I (2 Marks) | SA-II (3 marks) | LA (5 marks) | Total Marks | Percent -age |
1. | Remembering- Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers. | 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 9 (18) | 25.7% |
2. | Understanding- Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions and stating main ideas. | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 8 (17) | 24.3% |
3. | Applying: Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way. | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 (13) | 18.5% |
4. | Analyzing & Evaluating: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and evidence to support generalizations Present and defend opinions by making judgment about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria. | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 6 (14) | 20% |
5. | Creating: Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions | 1 | 2 | 1 | – | 4 (8) | 11.5% |
TOTAL | 15X1=15 | 7X2=14 | 7X3=21 | 4X5=15 | 70 |
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