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Install NowCBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Syllabus 2024-25 offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to cover key topics such as Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications, Probability Distributions, Inferential Statistics, Index Numbers and Time-based Data, Financial Mathematics, and Linear Programming, among others, for the academic session 2024-25. This syllabus is crafted to ensure that students can gain a solid understanding of essential mathematical concepts that will prepare them for the upcoming exams. Accessing the CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths syllabus helps students manage their time effectively and prioritize topics for revision, ensuring a smooth and organized preparation process.
myCBSEGuide is now offering the updated CBSE syllabus for students, providing the most current and accurate syllabus for Class 12 Applied Mathematics and all other subjects. This resource helps students stay aligned with the official curriculum and equips them with the necessary information to plan their studies efficiently. By referring to this updated syllabus, students can easily focus on the important chapters, organize their preparation, and approach the exams with confidence.
To further assist in exam preparation, myCBSEGuide App also provides access to the latest sample question papers, chapter-wise test papers, revision notes, and other essential study material for Class 12 Applied Mathematics. These resources are designed to make exam preparation smarter, ensuring that students have all the tools they need to perform well in the 2025 exams.
Class 12 Applied Mathematics Mobile App
CBSE Class 12
Applied Mathematics (Code No. 241)
Syllabus (2024-25)
Number of Paper: 1
Total number of Periods: 240 (35 Minutes Each)
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
No. | Units | No. of Periods | Marks |
I | Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications | 30 | 11 |
II | Algebra | 20 | 10 |
III | Calculus | 50 | 15 |
IV | Probability Distributions | 35 | 10 |
V | Inferential Statistics | 10 | 05 |
VI | Index Numbers and Time-based data | 30 | 06 |
VII | Financial Mathematics | 50 | 15 |
VIII | Linear Programming | 15 | 08 |
Total | 240 | 80 | |
Internal Assessment | 20 |
- Modulo Arithmetic
- Congruence modulo
- Alligation or Mixture
- Numerical problems
- Boats and streams; (upstream and downstream)
- Pipes and Cisterns
- Races and Games
- Numerical inequalities
- Matrices and types of matrices
- Equality of matrices, Transpose of a matrix, Symmetric and Skew symmetric matrix
- Algebra of matrices
- Determinants
- Inverse of a matrix
- Solving system of simultaneous equations using matrix method, Cramer’s rule and
Differentiation and its Applications
- Higher Order Derivatives
- Application of derivatives
- Marginal cost and marginal revenue using derivatives
- Increasing/Decreasing functions
- Maxima and Minima
Integration and its Applications
- Integration
- Indefinite Integrals as family of curves
- Definite Integrals as area under the curve
- Application of Integration
Differential equations and Modeling
- Differential Equations
- Formulating and Solving Differential Equations
- Application of Differential Equations
- Probability Distribution
- Mathematical Expectation
- Variance
- Binomial Distribution
- Poison distribution
- Normal distribution
- Population and sample
- Parameter, statistic and statistical inferences
- t-Test (one sample t-test and two independent groups t-test)
- Time Series
- Components of Time Series
- Time series analysis for univariant data
- Secular Trend
- Methods of Measuring trend
- Perpetuity, Sinking Funds
- Calculation of EMI
- Calculation of Returns, Nominal Rate of Return
- Compound Annual Growth Rate
- Linear method of Depreciation
- Introduction and related terminologies
- Mathematical formulation of Linear Programming Problem
- Different types of Linear Programming Problems
- Graphical method of solution for problems in two variables
- Feasible and Infeasible Regions
- Feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solution
Practical: Use of spreadsheet
Graphs of an exponential function, demand and supply functions on Excel and study the nature of function at various points, maxima/minima, Matrix operations using Excel
Suggested practical using the spreadsheet
- Plot the graphs of functions on excel and study the graph to find out the point of maxima/minima
- Probability and dice roll simulation
- Matrix multiplication and the inverse of a matrix
- Stock Market data sheet on excel
- Collect the data on weather, price, inflation, and pollution analyze the data and make meaningful inferences
- Collect data from newspapers on traffic, sports activities and market trends and use excel to study future trends
List of Suggested projects (Class 12)
- Use of prime numbers in coding and decoding of messages
- Prime numbers and divisibility rules
- Logarithms for financial calculations such as interest, present value, future value, profit/loss etc. with large values)
- The cardinality of a set and orders of infinity
- Comparing sets of Natural numbers, rational numbers, real numbers and others
- Use of Venn diagram in solving practical problems
- Fibonacci Sequence: Its’ history and presence in nature
- Testing the validity of mathematical statements and framing truth tables;
- Investigating Graphs of functions for their properties
- Visit the census site of India
https://www.censusindia.gov.in/Census_Data_2001/Census_Data_Online/Language/Statement3.htm Depict the information given there in a pictorial form; - Prepare a questionnaire to collect information about money spent by your friends in a month on activities like traveling, movies, recharging of the mobiles, etc. and draw interesting conclusions
- Check out the local newspaper and cut out examples of information depicted by graphs. Draw your own conclusions from the graph and compare it with the analysis given in the report
- Analysis of population migration data – positive and negative influence on urbanization;
- Each day newspaper tells us about the maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and humidity. Collect the data for a period of 30 days and represent it graphically. Compare it with the data available for the same time period for the previous year;
- Analysis career graph of a cricketer (batting average for a batsman and bowling average for a bowler). Conclude the best year of his career. It may be extended for other players also – tennis, badminton, athlete
- Vehicle registration data – correlating with pollution and number of accidents
- Visit a village near Delhi and collect data of various crops over past few years from the farmers. Also, collect data about temperature variation and rain over the period for a particular crop. Try to find the effect of temperature and rain variations on various crops;
- Choose any week of your ongoing semester. Collect data for the past 10 – 15 years for the amount of rainfall received in Delhi during that week. Predict amount of rainfall for the current year
- Weather prediction (prediction of monsoon from past data)
- Visit Kirana shops near your home and collect the data regarding the sales of certain commodities over a month. Try to figure out the stock of a particular commodity which should be in the store in order to maximize the profit
- Stock price movement
- Risk assessments by insurance firms from data
- Predicting stock market crash
- Predicting the outcome of election – exit polls;
- Predicting mortality of infants.
Assessment Plan
- Overall Assessment of the course is out of 100 marks.
- The assessment plan consists of External Exam and Internal Assessment.
- External Exam will be of 03 hours duration Pen/Paper Test consisting of 80 marks.
- The weightage of Internal Assessment is of 20 marks. Internal Assessment can be a combination of activities spread throughout the semester/academic year. Internal Assessment activities include, projects and excel based practical. Teachers can choose activities from the suggested list of practical or they can plan activities of similar nature. For data-based practical, teachers are encouraged to use data from local sources to make it more relevant for students.
- Weightage for each area of internal assessment may be as under:
SI.No. | Area and weightage | Assessment Area | Marks allocated |
1 | Project work (10 marks) | Project work and record | 5 |
Year-end Presentation/Viva of the Project | 5 | ||
2 | Practical work (10 marks) | Performance of practical and record | 5 |
Year-end test of any one practical | 5 | ||
Total | 20 |
CBSE Syllabus 2024-25
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CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25
To download the CBSE Class 12 Applied Mathematics Syllabus in PDF format, follow these simple steps:
- Visit myCBSEguide.com, the official website.
- Navigate to the Class 12 Applied Mathematics section.
- Select the 2024-25 syllabus for Applied Mathematics.
- Click the download button to get the PDF version of Applied Maths Syllabus.
- Save the syllabus to your device for easy access during your exam preparation.
By downloading the CBSE Class 12 Applied Mathematics syllabus, you can access a detailed outline of the topics and chapters, helping you stay organized and focused. This syllabus will guide you through the essential concepts and ensure you cover all required material in time for the exams.
Frequently Asked Question:
When will the CBSE 2025 syllabus be released?
The CBSE 2025 syllabus has already been released by the board. To access the most accurate and up-to-date syllabus for all subjects, students can use reliable platforms like myCBSEGuide Website and myCBSEGuide App. These resources provide detailed syllabi along with study materials, sample papers, chapter-wise test papers, and NCERT solutions, helping students stay on track with their exam preparation. Students preparing for their exams should familiarize themselves with the CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Syllabus to plan their study schedule effectively.
In addition to the syllabus, myCBSEGuide also offers revision notes, practice tests, and other study aids to ensure students are well-prepared for their upcoming exams. To enhance your learning experience, you can download the app to access these resources directly from your mobile device. You can download the CBSE Class 12 Applied Maths Syllabus for 2024-25 from trusted educational platform.
For educators, Examin8 App and Examin8 Website offer an innovative solution to create customized mock tests and practice papers, allowing teachers to personalize assessments with their branding. This feature helps educators provide targeted assessments that improve teaching efficiency and boost student performance by focusing on the critical areas needed for exam success.
With these tools, both students and educators can optimize their preparation, ensuring a structured and efficient approach to learning and assessment.

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