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Install NowNCERT Solutions for Class 6 English The Monkey and The Crocodile book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. These ncert book chapter wise questions and answers are very helpful for CBSE exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. Class 6 English chapter wise NCERT solution for English part 1 and English part 2 for all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free.
NCERT solutions for Class 6 English Download as PDF
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter wise Solutions
- Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework
- Chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself
- Chapter 3 Taros Reward
- Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space
- Chapter 5 A Different Kind of School
- Chapter 6 Who I Am
- Chapter 7 Fair Play
- Chapter 8 A Game of Chance
- Chapter 9 Desert Animals
- Chapter 10 The Banyan Tree
- A House, A Home
- The Kite
- The Quarrel
- Beauty
- Where Do All the Teachers Go?
- The Wonderful Words
- Vocation
- Whatif
A Pact With The Sun
- Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds
- Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose
- Chapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure
- Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop
- Chapter 5 Tansen
- Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile
- Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep
- Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun
- Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles
- Chapter 10 A Strange Wrestling march
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English The Monkey and The Crocodile
The Monkey and The Crocodile
1. The monkey was happy living in the fruit tree, but his happiness was not complete. What did he miss?
Ans: The monkey was happy living in the fruit tree, but his happiness was not complete because he was lonely and missed a companion to talk to and share the fruits with.
2. What did the two friends generally talk about?
Ans: The two friends generally talked about birds and animals, about the villages nearby and the difficulties villagers faced in raising good crops for lack of rain.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English The Monkey and The Crocodile
3. Why was the crocodile’s wife annoyed with her husband one day?
Ans: The crocodile’s wife was annoyed with her husband one day because that day the crocodile stayed with the monkey longer than usual. She was waiting and waiting for him and managing the little crocodiles that had just been hatched. She felt that he was too fond of his new friend.
4. Why was the crocodile unwilling to invite his friend home?
Ans: The crocodile was unwilling to invite his friend home because he was afraid that his wife wanted to eat the monkeys heart.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English The Monkey and The Crocodile
5. What did the crocodile tell the monkey midstream?
Ans: The crocodile told the monkey midstream that he had to go under water as he wanted to kill him as his wife could not survive without eating his heart.
6. How did the monkey save himself?
Ans: Although the monkey was scared and distressed he remained cool and sensible like all clever monkeys. He calmly informed the crocodile that he would do anything for him or his family as he was his only friend. After all what was a monkey’s heart as compared to the life of a crocodile’s wife? But he hadn’t brought his heart along and so asked the crocodile if they could swim back so that he could bring his heart back from the tree. On the river bank the monkey jumped on to the tree with a deep sigh of relief and thus saved himself.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English The Monkey and The Crocodile
7. What does the last sentence of the story suggest? What would the crocodile tell his wife?
Ans: The last sentence of the story suggests that the crocodile was very sad as he now realized how foolish he had been in listening to his wife and in doing so he had betrayed the only friend he had in the world. He shed a few tears because he was genuinely sorry to have lost his best friend. He would go back to his wife and tell her what the monkey had said that fresh fruits were good for body and mind rather than a monkey’s heart. He would also tell her that because he had been foolish and listened to her he had lost his best friend but he would never ever make that mistake again.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 6 The Monkey and The Crocodile
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English What If PDF (Download) Free from myCBSEguide app and myCBSEguide website. Ncert solution class 6 English includes text book solutions from Class 6 English Book . NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 6 English have total 28 chapters. 6 English NCERT Solutions in PDF for free Download on our website. Ncert English class 6 solutions PDF and English ncert class 6 PDF solutions with latest modifications and as per the latest CBSE syllabus are only available in myCBSEguide.
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