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Install NowNCERT Solutions for Class 6 English How the Dog Found Himself a Master book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. These ncert book chapter wise questions and answers are very helpful for CBSE exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. Class 6 English chapter wise NCERT solution for English part 1 and English part 2 for all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free
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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter wise Solutions
- Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework
- Chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself
- Chapter 3 Taros Reward
- Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space
- Chapter 5 A Different Kind of School
- Chapter 6 Who I Am
- Chapter 7 Fair Play
- Chapter 8 A Game of Chance
- Chapter 9 Desert Animals
- Chapter 10 The Banyan Tree
- A House, A Home
- The Kite
- The Quarrel
- Beauty
- Where Do All the Teachers Go?
- The Wonderful Words
- Vocation
- Whatif
A Pact With The Sun
- Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds
- Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose
- Chapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure
- Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop
- Chapter 5 Tansen
- Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile
- Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep
- Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun
- Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles
- Chapter 10 A Strange Wrestling march
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English How the Dog Found Himself a Master
How the Dog Found Himself a Master
Page No: 21
Working with Text
A. Discuss these questions in pairs before you write the answers.
1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master?
Ans: The dog felt the need for a master because he was sick and tired of wandering about alone, looking for food and afraid of those who were stronger than him.
2. Who did he first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master?
Ans: The dog first chose a big, strong and fierce wolf as his master. Once, the dog saw that the wolf was afraid that the bear would eat them up. Since the dog wanted to serve only the strongest, he left the wolf and asked the bear who was stronger than the wolf to be his master.
3. Who did he choose next?
Ans: He chose the bear to be his next master.
4. Why did he serve the Lion for a long time?
Ans: He serve the Lion for a long time because he found there was no more powerful and stronger than lion in the forest and so no one dared to touch the dog or offend him in any way. Therefore, the dog lived happily by serving the lion for a long time.
5. Who did he finally choose as his master and why?
Ans: He finally chose man as his master because one day he realised that lion was afraid of man. As he wanted to serve someone who was the most powerful and stronger than anyone on earth, he chose man as his master.
B. A summary of the story is given below. Fill in the blanks to complete it taking appropriate phrases from the box.
a dog | stronger than anyone else | |
the strongest of all | a wolf | the bear |
afraid of man | his own master | a lion |
This is the story of —–––––—, who used to be —————. He decided to find a master —––––––——. First he found —————, but the wolf was afraid of –––————––. The dog thought that the bear was ————. After some time, the dog met ——————, who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the lion for a long time. One day he realised that the lion was ————. To this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.
Ans: This is the story of a dog, who used to be his own master. He decided to find a master stronger than anyone else. First he found a wolf, but the wolf was afraid of the bear. The dog thought that the bear was the strongest of all. After some time, the dog met a lion, who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the lion for a long time. One day he realised that the lion was afraid of man. To this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English How the Dog Found Himself a Master
Working with Language
A. Each word in the box given below indicates a large number of… For example, ‘a herd of cows’ refers to many cows. Complete each of the following phrases with a suitable word from the box.
school, fleet, brood, bundle, bunch, pack, flock, herd
1. a ——— of ships
Ans: fleet
2. a ——— of flowers
Ans: bunch
3. a ——— of chicks
Ans: brood
4. a —— of cattle
Ans: team
5. a —— of sticks
Ans: bundle
6. a ——–– of sheep
Ans: herd
7. a —––— of fish
Ans: school
8. a ––—— of wolves
Ans: pack
B. Make nouns from the words given below by adding –ness or –ity. (For some words we need to add just –ty, or –y.)
1. honest ———
Ans: honesty
2. kind ———
Ans: kindness
3. cruel ———
Ans: cruelty
4. calm ————
Ans: calmness
5. sad ———
Ans: sadness
6. active ————
Ans: activity
7. creative ————
Ans: creativity
8. sincere ————
Ans: sincerity
9. cheerful ————
Ans: cheerfulness
10. bitter ————
Ans: bitterness
11. sensitive ——————————
Ans: sensitivity
12. great ———————————
Ans: greatness
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English How the Dog Found Himself a Master
C. Word search
• There are twelve words hidden in this table.
• Six can be found horizontally and the remaining six vertically.
• All of them are describing words like ‘good’, ‘happy’, etc.
• The first letters of the words are given below:
Horizontal: H R F F S G
Vertical: A W S F L Q
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English How the Dog Found Himself a Master
D. 1. Find the opposites of these words in the text above.
(i) ancestor — — — — — — — — — —
Ans: descendants
(ii) wild t — m —
Ans: tame
(iii) ancient — — — — — —
Ans: modern
(iv) near d — — — — — t
Ans: distant
(v) suddenly gr — — — — — — —
Ans: gradually
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English How the Dog Found Himself a Master
2. Complete the following sentences.
(i) The dingo is ———————————————————–—————.
Ans: the wild dog of Australia which looks and behaves like domestic dog.
(ii) Dogs were the ——————————————————— animals tamed by humans. The other animals tamed by humans are ————————————————————————————— (Think and name some other such animals.)
Ans: first, wolf, fox and coyote.
(iii) The New World refers to ———————————–––—————. Dogs were brought there from —————————–—————.
Ans: Australia, Asia
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English How the Dog Found Himself a Master
Working with Poem
1. List out the action words in the poem.
dive, dip, snaps, ——————, ——————, ———————, ——————, ————— Find out the meanings of these words.
Ans: dive, dip, snaps, soars, rides, climbs, pulls, falls, run, blows, goes, flaps.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English How the Dog Found Himself a Master
2. Read these lines from the poem:
Then soars like a ship
With only a sail
The movement of the tailless kite is compared to a ship with a sail. This is called a simile. Can you suggest what or who the following actions may be compared to?
He runs like ——
Ans: snail
He eats like ———
Ans: horse
She sings like ———
Ans: canary
It shines like ———
Ans: diamond
It flies like ————
Ans: bird
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself a Master
NCERT Solutions Class 6 English PDF (Download) Free from myCBSEguide app and myCBSEguide website. Ncert solution class 6 English includes text book solutions from Class 6 English Book . NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 6 English have total 28 chapters. 6 English NCERT Solutions in PDF for free Download on our website. Ncert English class 6 solutions PDF and English ncert class 6 PDF solutions with latest modifications and as per the latest CBSE syllabus are only available in myCBSEguide.
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