CBSE - Class 08 - Social Science - NCERT Solutions
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NCERT Solutions for Class 08 Social Science
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NCERT solutions for class 8 Social Science
NCERT 8 Social Science Text book Solutions
NCERT 8th class Social Science book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. These ncert book chapter wise questions and answers are very helpful for CBSE board exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. Class 8 Social Science chapter wise NCERT solution for Social Science book for all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free.
Section-wise distribution for class 8 Social Science
UNIT 1: The Constitution
This unit focuses on the Constitution through first highlighting why there is a need for laws and then showing how the Constitution is the framework that determines the making of laws in this country. Aspects of secularism as well as economic justice are highlighted with respect to the Constitution.
Section 1
- The Role of the Constitution and the Need for Laws
- On need for laws discussed through an example like dowry,
- Role of Constitution in determining the authority/ legitimacy of the law,
- Laws and Dissent: Salt Satyagraha and a post-1947 example such as anti-liquor agitation. Section 2
- Vision set forth in the Indian Constitution with a focus on secularism.
- On how an ideal of the Constitution translates into a law
- On how ideals of secularism got translated into fundamental rights.
- On Fundamental rights as human rights.
- On Fundamental Duties.
- On whether the fact that a law exists to secure certain rights mean that in effect these rights have been realised for all. This will be discussed wit examples from current efforts of various marginalised communities to realise their rights.
UNIT 2: Parliamentary Government
In this unit the functioning of parliamentary government and the roles and responsibilities of the various individuals involved in explained in context. In addition the workings of the central government are explained through the steps involved in passing a new law that arose out of people’s struggles.
Section 1
- Reasons why parliamentary form chosen in India.
- Main features of composition of parliament and its role in debating a bill.
- Accountability of the government to the parliament.
- Role of President, PM and the Council of Ministers. Case Study: Debate between Nehru and Rajendra Prasad on the real powers of the President.
Section 2
Understand central government through issue of minimum wages or other struggles keeping following in mind:
- Translation of felt need into law and the critical features of the legislation.
- Implication of law.
UNIT 3: The Judiciary
This unit focuses on understanding the judiciary through tracing a case from the lower to the higher courts. It also examines the difference between civil and criminal cases and the difference between the police and the courts as well as provides information on an FIR.
Section 1
- The structure and process followed by the judiciary: Trace a case from lower to higher courts.
- Distinguish between civil and criminal cases.
- Indicate the rationale of the process
Section 2
Difference between the roles of the police and that of the courts.
- Role of the Public Prosecutor.
- On an FIR: filing one, on the illegality of the police not accepting an FIR and the Supreme Court’s directive on this.
Here is the list of topics covered under each chapter of class 8 Social Science NCERT text book.
Political Science
- Ch 01 The Indian Constitution
- Ch 02 Understanding Secularism
- Ch 03 Why do we Need a Parliament
- Ch 04 Understanding Laws
- Ch 05 Judiciary
- Ch 06 Understanding Our Criminal Justice
- Ch 07 Understanding Marginalisation
- Ch 08 Confronting Marginalisation
- Ch 09 Public Facilities
- Ch 10 Law and Social Justice
- 01 How When and Where
- 02 From Trade to Territory
- 03 Ruling the Countryside
- 04 Tribals Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age
- 05 When the People Rebel
- 06 Colonialism and the City
- 07 Weavers Iron smelters and Factory owners
- 08 Civilising the Native Educating the Nation
- 09 Women Caste and Reform
- 10 The Changing World of Visual Arts
- 11 The Making of the National Movement 1870s 1947
- 12 India After Independence
- 01 Resources
- 02 Land Soil Water Natural Vegetation and Wild Life Resources
- 03 Mineral and Power Resources
- 04 Agriculture
- 05 Industries
- 06 Human Resources
NCERT Solutions for Class 8th Social Science
NCERT Solutions Class 8 Social Science PDF (Download) Free from myCBSEguide app and myCBSEguide website. Ncert solution class 8 Social Science includes text book solutions. NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 8 Social Science have total 28 chapters. Class 8 Social Science ncert Solutions in pdf for free Download are given in this website. Ncert Social Science class 8 solutions PDF and Social Science ncert class 8 PDF solutions with latest modifications and as per the latest CBSE syllabus are only available in myCBSEguide.
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