Other Useful Resourses
The senior secondary curriculum for Class 12 History focuses on a detailed study of a set of themes in ancient, medieval, and modern Indian history. Students need to study these themes in some detail and depth. Therefore, the course requires special attention from the students. They can find all the relevant resources for class 12 History on myCBSEguide. Our resources for the History include PDF files for Sample Papers, tests, previous year question papers, videos, and NCERT solutions.
CBSE Class 12 History Study Material
History may be a subject of interest for some or an object of dislike for many. The reason being its extensive nature. It is a critical discipline as it involves a process of inquiry. It is a way of knowing about the past rather than just a collection of facts. Hence, with an aim to make the process of learning interesting and enjoyable, myCBSEguide, brings subject-related content under one roof for the students who would be facing the senior secondary board examination. To access our complete course material for Class 12 History, download the myCBSEguide app from the google app. We will discuss our resources one by one under the given sub-headings. Our course package offers the details of an updated syllabus, question papers, online tests, and important questions. There are sample papers with solutions and revision notes as per the CBSE syllabus. The best part is all this content is available in printable PDF format.
CBSE Class 12 History Syllabus
The best way to begin your preparation for the board examination is to understand the syllabus of the subject clearly. There should not be any room for confusion in the case of the syllabus, because it decides the roadmap of your preparation. Our students' dashboard has subject-related details in respective modules. The given table reflects the chapters of the latest History syllabus. Generally, the CBSE updates the syllabus to incorporate the latest developments in different situations. In the case of History, the chances of general updates are bleak, still, some deletion or addition of topics do take place.
Themes in Indian History Part-I | Themes In Indian History Part-II | Themes In Indian History Part-III |
Bricks, Beads and Bones | Through the Eyes of Travellers | Colonialism and The Countryside |
Kings, Farmers and Towns | Bhakti –Sufi Traditions | Rebels and the Raj |
Kinship, Caste and Class | An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagar | Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement |
Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings | Peasants, Zamindars and the State | Framing the Constitution |
You can get other details of the Class 12 History syllabus 2024-25 on this link.
Class 12 History Revision Notes & Important Questions
Students must know that certain parts and topics of a chapter are the most important sections. What makes it important is the frequency of questions asked in this section. Subsequently, there are some important questions from every chapter. This makes it important for the senior secondary board students to know and learn by heart these important questions, to save their minimum marks. The Class 12 History important questions curated by myCBSEguide are a key to good grades. You can also find Class 12 History NCERT Textbook solutions along with these important questions in this section.
Studying an arts subject like History and not having simplified notes is unimaginable. Students who are serious about their studies follow an ideal way which involves reading the chapter, jotting down points, and preparing their own notes. However, nowadays kids are bogged down with too many classes (which may be curricular or extra-curricular, or co-curricular), so they do very less pen-paper work. For them, our revision notes can be a valuable resource. Our well-sorted chapter-wise notes for class 12 History present the chapter synopsis for quick perusal.
Class 12 History Case Study Questions
The newest of its kind, the case study questions, is a form of testing the students' competency. The CBSE has introduced case-based questions at all levels of its curriculum. The reason for this change is to encourage competency-based learning. Our revised question bank has a good number of case-based questions for class 12 history. The quality of content is never compromised at MyCBSEguide and this fact is attested by the number of our users who believe in the authenticity and value of our content. So, the students who are looking for quality case-based questions can check our sample question for Class 12 History Case Study Questions here.
CBSE Class 12 History Sample Papers
The sample paper that the CBSE issues every year carry some surprise elements. Students preparing for their boards should never take a risk of writing their papers without solving sample papers. They need to know and eventually adapt to the changes and typology of questions given in the sample paper. This can benefit them in two ways, firstly it makes them confident, and secondly their chances of getting a better score increase. Our team at myCBSEguide prepares subject-related sample papers based on the CBSE original sample paper. Here you get to class 12 history sample papers which will secure your best grades in the finals.
Apart from the questions students can practice the map section in the same way as they will be asked in the higher secondary history board examination. Also, they will understand the area which covers the maximum weightage, and based on this conclusion they can revise their preparation. We also provide previous years' questions for class 12 History, which is again important for the students to solve. These history question papers are available in PDF format on our students' dashboard. You can check the details related to the 2024-25 Class 12 History Sample Papers here.
Class 12 History Test Papers & Mock Tests
In higher education, the content may remain more or less the same, the major changes that occur is that the subject becomes more intense demanding an in-depth understanding. Besides, the questions take a dynamic form as well. Mostly, the questions asked for class 12 history are in the form of multiple choice questions, case study questions, competency-based objective questions, description subjective questions, map questions, etc. Therefore, it is implied that students must be prepared for each of these types with accuracy. Our question bank can help them achieve this goal. Practice is the only mantra that is the best way to brave any kind of question.
The students must try the chapter-based test papers for class 12 History available on myCBSEguide. These test papers have questions from our question bank which has got the overwhelming support of the teachers' trust throughout India. Making short-term goals at the chapter level and achieving them one by one is the easiest way to acquire the information hidden in the chapters. Also, students can make a self-assessment through our class 12 History mock test and online tests for session 2024-25.
This is the most easy way for a robust preparation as students get to practice questions of all the weightage and difficulty levels based on the chapters. We advise our children to download their favorite app myCBSEGuide and solve as test papers and sample papers before taking any kind of final exam.
CBSE Model Question Papers 2024 – New Sets
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CBSE Sample Papers Class 12 History 2023
Class 12 History sample papers for session 2023 are now available on the myCBSEguide app for free download as a PDF. All these class 12 History model question papers include solutions. Sample Papers for Class 12 History 2023 – With Solution Download as PDF CBSE Class 12 History (Code No. …
CBSE Practice Papers 2023
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CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2025
CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2025 You can easily download the CBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2025 in PDF format for free via the myCBSEguide app or the official CBSE website. The sample paper is designed according to the revised syllabus for 2024-25, which has been rationalized to …
Class 12 History Case Study Questions
We know that CBSE is asking case study questions in all major subjects this year. We have the best Class 12 History case study questions. You can get them from the myCBSEguide App or our student dashboard. It is one of the best learning apps for CBSE students. We will …
CBSE Class 12 History Syllabus 2024-25
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