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Install NowDiary Entry is one of the writing skills asked in CBSE class 9 exams. We at myCBSEguide provide practice questions and model papers to CBSE students through the myCBSEguide app and student dashboard. You can download sample questions on diary entries from our mobile app and website.
What is a Diary Entry?
Diary Entry or writing is noting down events, transactions and observations in a personalized way. It is a way of expressing one’s feelings and thoughts. A diary can be written on a daily basis or at intervals, depending on the writer’s mood. A diary can be a person’s best friend for it aids him/her to express freely without the fear of being judged. It is a vent for expressing like a free-ignited spirit.
Some Fundamental Elements of A Diary (class 9)
Here we focus on some key features of diary entry:
- You should clearly mention the following things while writing the diary;
- Day
- Date
- Place
- Time of entry
- It is written in the first person, it is a personalized account.
- It should follow the chronological pattern
- An eye-catching heading can be given so that it highlights the topic about which you will be writing
- The key topic should be briefly explained
- Try to write an accurate description of the incident, experience, place or person
- It should give paramount importance to the writer’s feelings and emotions. It should bring the best of one’s creativity and expression
- The writing should be informative, you should write in a manner as if you have faced the situation in real
- Use clear and crisp language
- The style of writing should be friendly and conversational
- You can end the day’s diary entry with your signature as it validates your writing and adds a personal touch
Diary writing format (class 9)
CBSE has included diary writing in class 9 syllabus for English so as to testify and enhance:
- Creativity
- Imagination
- expression
It usually carries 5 marks and comes with an internal choice in the English question paper (grade 9). In the coming examination cycle i.e 2022-23, the students would have to attempt one question out of diary writing and story writing. The recommended word limit for the diary entry question is about 120-150 words.
Prescribed format for diary writing
Following is the prescribed format for diary writing in class 9 English :
- Date/day
- Salutation ‘Dear Diary
- Heading of the entry
- Contents of the diary entry
- Signature
This is the format of the diary entry for class 9.
Day, Date
Salutation (Dear Diary)
Signature/ Name of The writer
Diary Entry questions according to CBSE curriculum (class 9, English)
A diary is a personal record of some specific incidents or events that a person encounters in his everyday life. It could be anything trivial that captures the writer’s mind and he wishes to record it in the diary. The tone and style of the diary is very cordial and informal. Students need to practice diary entry questions from various options available to them. This would help them to score well in this writing section question of class 9 English examination.
Following are some samples of diary entry questions that are formulated as per CBSE curriculum for class 9, English:
Diary Entry Questions – 1
Q1.You are going on a school picnic with your classmates and teachers. You are very excited. The night before the trip you sit down to write your diary. Describe what you have planned for the picnic and how you hope to enjoy yourself there. You are Rajesh. Write your diary in 100-150 words.
Answer 1.
Friday, 14 October 20XX
Dear Diary,
9 p.m.
A School Picnic
I am very excited tonight. I am going on a picnic tomorrow with my classmates. Some of our teachers will also accompany us. We have been planning for this trip ever since our Principal gave us permission a month ago.
We are going to Lodhi Park. It has a large ground where children can run and play freely. My mother has made a dozen sandwiches and a cake for me. My friends will also be bringing some food, and we shall all share, eat and play. For me, it’s like a dream come true as I had been longing to visit the park for a long. I am so much looking forward to it.
I feel I just cannot go to sleep tonight. I keep imagining all the fun that we ar& going to have tomorrow. But my mother warned me that if I do not go to sleep now, I might fall asleep at the picnic.
So, good night!
Diary Entry Questions – 2
Q2.You are Ankiit living in Punjab. You had to attend a wedding ceremony in Mumbai. Your father took you there by airplane. You are very excited as it was your first journey by plane. Write a diary entry in 100-150 words sharing your experience.
Answer 2.
Thursday, October 2, 20XX
Dear Diary
8:45 p.m.
I wish to share with you the excitement of my first flight to Mumbai. As it was my first experience, I was a bit nervous.
On Monday, we boarded the huge aircraft where an air hostess greeted us with a smile. I occupied the window seat to enjoy my flight. As our plane took off I felt relaxed. When I looked down everything appeared to be very small.
It was so picturesque that if I were a poet I would have composed a poem. I was enjoying every moment of my journey.
After about two hours, we landed at the Mumbai airport. Before landing at the airport, I looked down to see the largest slums of Asia, ‘Dharavi slums’ about which I had heard so often from my father. Mumbai airport really looked amazing. I along with my family also bought a few chocolates from the shop. It was a great adventure in my life.
Diary Entry Questions – 3
Q3.You are Sneha. Today is your birthday and your father has gifted you a laptop. You are very happy to own it as you wanted to have for a long time. Before going to bed you intend to share your joy with your diary. Write a diary entry in 100-150 words expressing your feelings.
Answer 3.
Tuesday, 19 October 20XX
Dear Diary
10.30 p.m.
My joy knows no bounds today. It is my birthday and my father has given me a portable laptop as a gift. It is like a dream come true as I wanted to possess one for a long time. Now I would be able to browse the necessary information that I could not find in the library. I can’t thank my father enough for the gift that he has given. He has never deprived us of anything in life.
Now, I can communicate with people through email and even chat with my friends. I can play games during my leisure time. Although it is a small thing it holds the entire world. I hope I am able to use this gift effectively. The Internet today can make us global. So, it has great relevance in today’s world.

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lala lala lori dhudh k katori …..
Eras Defxf-fad teegeet vesserfvvethvgts
It was an amazing idea .
The father had asked for an old pair of shoes.The son did not notice that his father . Suppose you are in the place of the author and felt so sad for that. You left for your diary entry of your feelings and concern for your father.
This is a beautiful website with lots of diary entries examples..I love it …It has different topics which are very interesting …. Moreover , there are even gorgeous themes which help us build curiosity…Thank you for helping young Children with English grammar
OK but its boring
Makke ki roti sarso ka saag
Tu mera beta m tera baap