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Install NowCBSE Circular regarding use of mobile phones in schools is given below. For details visit cbse official site.
The ubiquitous Mobile Phone has seeped into the lives of every individual irrespective of whether they are students, teachers, professionals or others. It is imperative for us to reflect on this over dependence on technological interventions which can have both positive and negative impacts.
The use of Mobile Phones definitely needs to be restricted in school environments. The Board is of the opinion that all stakeholders connected with school education such as students, parents, teachers and heads of institutes need to arrive at a consensus on the use of mobile phones in their schools and restricting its entry in the school campus. This is because mobile phones can be a serious cause of distraction, lack of concentration, anxiety, fear and sometimes even misuse. Even if the mobiles are in silent mode they can be a source of disturbance within the classroom as students can make use of Short Messaging Service (SMS) during the class or even during an assignment. The cameras which are a common feature now in most mobile phones can also be misused.
There have been enough lessons that have been learnt in the past regarding the use of mobile phones and the Board strongly recommends that students should be convinced about not carrying mobile phones to the school. The principal, teachers and other staff should also not be seen using the mobile in classrooms, playgrounds, common areas, laboratories and other parts of the school premises.
The school authorities may provide land line telephone/s from where the teachers and students can make calls in need and emergency, if necessary. There could be a centralized system of receiving and recording calls for teachers and students of the school.
CBSE want that this should be brought to the notice of all teachers, other staff, students and parents so that a more meaningful learning atmosphere can be created in the classroom which makes for a better ambience and school environment.

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Well as a student i feel that use of mobile phones in schools should not be restricted as many times i’ve faced difficulties like my aunt always came to pick me up from the school but once because of some emergency she had to go somewhere and my mom and my freind’s uncle knew it! so no one came to pick me, my sister and my friend we all were waiting since one hour in our school my friend tried to convey her mom but could not even i tried to call at my phone and some problem was there in the phone so we had to walk to our homes back as no school bus was free! so in such cases i feel mobile phones should not be banned in schools.
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What CBSE can actually make work:
Make meaningful syllabus, check if schools are working that out, be honest in dealings, don’t give marks to students who dont deserve them, give marks to students who deserve them, stop corruption in CBSE’s offices, make education meaningful,