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Install Now1. When can we expect the sample papers for the March 2014 exams for the main subjects?
Modified syllabus and Sample Question Papers for class XII, March 2014 of main subjects are available in circular no. Acad-74/2013 on CBSE website www.cbseacademic.in. Please download them.
2. How many chances are there for the compartment examination in class XII?
There are three chances of compartment examination in class XII i.e., if a candidate appeared for 2013 examination and placed in compartment then he can appear in July the same year, Second Chance in March/April and Third Chance in July of next year.
For candidates who have appeared in 2012 or earlier shall continue to avail five chances of compartment.
3.What is the pass criteria for Class XII?
A candidate has to pass five subjects as per Scheme of Studies to be declared Pass.
4. How does a candidate apply for verification of marks in class XII?
1. Verification of marks/grades- is permitted as under:
•For urgent verification the fee is Rs. 300/- per subject and application received online within five days from the date of declaration of result.
•Fee of Rs. 200/- per subject for application received either off-line or on-line within 21 days of the date of declaration of results.
2. A candidate may apply for verification of marks within 15 days of the declaration of the result of the compartment examination held in July to the respective Regional Office of the Board.
3. The students appearing for Summative Assessment 2 under Scheme 1 apply for verification of Grades in their respective schools for the Main or the Improvement of Performance Examinations. .
5. When a candidate drops one year, what is the syllabus applicable for the following examinations?
The candidate has to study the syllabus prescribed for the year in which he/she plans to appear for the examination.
6. Can a candidate appear in two or more subjects in compartment examination in class XII?
No, since compartment examination in class XII is a single day examination so a candidate can appear only in one subject.
7. What is the procedure for appearing in additional subjects?
As per Rule No. 43 of the Examination Bye-Laws of the Board an additional subject can be offered within 6 years of passing the examination of the Board provided the additional subject is prescribed in the Scheme of Studies. No exemption from time limit is given after six years. This facility is available at the annual examination only.
8. Can a candidate simultaneously appear for Improvement as well as Additional subject examination?
No, a candidate appearing for Improvement of Performance in one or more subjects cannot appear for additional subject simultaneously.
9. Is a candidate eligible to improve his / her performance?
Yes, a candidate who has passed Class XII examination of the Board may re-appear for improvement of performance in one or more subjects in the main examination in the succeeding year only. The candidate may appear privately; those re-appearing for the entire examination can also appear as regular candidate if admitted by the school. The candidate(s) appearing for improvement of performance can appear in the subject(s) in which they have appeared for the Examination. However a candidate who has passed under vocational scheme may reappear in the succeeding year or the following year.
10. Will the mark sheet be same for Improvement of Performance and main examination in class XII?
No, candidates appearing for the Improvement of Performance will be issued only Statement of Marks, reflecting marks obtained in the improvement examination.
11. Is it mandatory to pass in Theory and Practical Examinations separately at class XII?
Yes, candidates have to obtain 33% marks in each subject to qualify the subject.. In a subject involving practical work, a candidate must obtain 33% marks in the theory and 33% marks in the practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate, in order to qualify in that subject.
12. Is studying the NCERT textbook enough to score well? Are there any other reference books one can use, to solve additional practice problems?
Textbooks published by NCERT are the only textbooks prescribed for classes IX & X and only text books recommended by NCERT for classes XI & XII by the Board, and these are sufficient. However, in order to have understanding of concepts covered under different sub-topics, if needed, one may refer to some other standard textbooks.
13. Does CBSE have any exemption for the differently abled candidates?
Yes, the CBSE provides relaxation for children with various disabilities like Visually Impaired, Physically Challenged, Autistic, Dyslexic, Spastic and other categories defined in the PWD Act, 1995 with regard to both Secondary School Examination and Senior School Certificate Examination. These relaxations are mentioned in the Circular No. 25 /2012 dated 12.04.2012.
14. Is it compulsory to appear in theory and practical in the improvement examination?
In case the candidate has passed in practical at the main examination, he/she is allowed to appear in the theory part only and marks in practical obtained at the main examination are carried forward and accounted for. In case a candidate has failed in practical he/she shall have to appear in theory and practical both irrespective of the fact that he/she has already cleared the theory examination.
15. What are the guidelines for Project Work in History for classes XI and XII?
There will be Project Work of 20 marks in both the classes XI and XII w.e.f. the academic session 2013-2014. Schools are directed to arrange 10 periods assigned to the Project work throughout the “1st term” to guide the students for drafting, reviewing, and finalization of the report.

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can a person who dont fail write a subject once again the same year_
If a person expects to get above 90 in 4 subjects and in maths which is 5th subject he expects not more than 30,then will he be exempted and made to pass?
If anyone got less marks in one of PCM subject. Can it be replaced by additional subject such as physical education which has higher mark.