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Install NowDaily Practice Tests for NEET 2021 are now available for Free in myCBSEguide App. We have 500+ NEET-UG Chapter wise tests. Just download myCBSEguide App and get access to the daily dose of practice questions.
Practice Tests for NEET 2021
The more you practice the better you perform. So, reading books is not enough. You must practice more and more questions daily to score high in exams. NEET is not an exception. Here, we expect continuous engagement with new questions every day. Preparation for any exam is a three-step process.
myCBSEguide App helps you to read, review and revise the questions on the go. We have more than 10,000 questions for practice and more than 500 online MCQ tests to review your preparation.
Why use myCBSEguide for NEET 2021?
As you have already gone through the content during class 11 and class 12. Now it’s time to make yourself ready for the actual battlefield. Here, myCBSEguide helps you to practice new questions every day.
We have:
- 10,000+ questions for practice
- 500+ chapter tests
- 8000+ previous year questions
- 100+ free test series
- Previous year papers
- Latest syllabus for NEET 2021
- Curated videos for better understanding
NEET Syllabus 2021
Although NTA (National Testing Agency) has not released the syllabus for the 2021 NEET examination, yet no big change is expected. However, there may be some changes in the question paper pattern like some internal choices may be given. But these all are only speculations as of now.
Test Series for NEET 2021
myCBSEguide has introduced special test series for NEET-UG 2021. The Test Series covers each and every chapter. There are 3 tests every day that starts at 6:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm. Student can get their result on the all India leaderboard at 6:00 pm every day. This free test series will definitely help NEET students to revise their syllabus easily. They can also go through the learning videos and the questions asked in the last 10 years.

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