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Install NowCBSE Syllabus Class 11 French – in PDF
CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 French 2019-20 in PDF format for free download. French syllabus for 2019 2020 class 11 is now available in myCBSEguide mobile app. The curriculum for March 2020 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT textbooks for the session 2019-20.
CBSE Syllabus for class 11 French 2019-20
CBSE Syllabus Class 11 French
Time: 3 hours
Mark: 80+20
- Comprehension/ Reading (20 Marks)
- One passage from the prescribed book (10 Marks)
- One unseen passage (Factual/Descriptive) (10 Marks)
- Writing Skills/Compositions (20 Marks)
- Writing a story based on outlines provided (about 120 words) (10 Marks)
- Informal letter (about 80 words) (10 Marks)
- Applied Grammar (based on lessons 1 to 17) (25 Marks)
The following grammar topics will be tested through filling the blanks/ transformation of sentences/ sentence correction (not involving punctuation and spelling)- Prepositions
- Interrogative adjectives and pronouns
- Relative pronouns (simple and composed)
- Personal pronouns
- Tenses (excluding the passé simple)
- Culture (15 Marks)
- Prose (Lessons 1 – 17) (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)
- Fill in the blanks based on general information in the lessons (5 x 1 =5 Marks)
- Internal Assessment (20 Marks)
It may be divided into two parts- ASL – 10 marks [(Listening (5 marks) speaking (5marks)]
- Project work – 10 marks
(It may be a power point presentation or an illustrated file) The project may be on one of the following themes:
- A French/ francophone writer
- A Francophone country
- French cuisine
- A French region
Prescribed Book: Cours de Langue et de Civilisation Françaises – II by G.Mauger
Lessons 1-17
Examination Structure
CLASS – 11 (2019 –20)
Time: 3 hours (Marks: 80+20)
The Question Paper will be divided into four sections:
Section A: Comprehension / Reading (20 Marks)
Section B: Writing Skills/ Composition (20 Marks)
Section C: Applied Grammar (25 Marks)
Section D: Culture (15 Marks)
Section wise weightage:
Section | Details of Topics/Sections | Type of Questions |
Section A (Understanding) | 1 Unseen Prose Passage 1 seen Passage | True of False Short answer questions Vocabulary Search: Fill in the blanks/nouns/verb froms/opposites/synonyms/language expressions/adjectives/adverbs |
Section B (Creating Writing) | Writing Skills/ Composition
| Creative long answers |
Section C (Application) | Grammer (Any 5) |
Section D (Remembering and analyzing) | Culture (Lessons 1 -17) |
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