We have added new Practice Test Papers for class 12 at www.mycbseguide.com for FREE downloads. Almost all the subjects at CBSE Class 12 level are covered under these downloads. These practice papers include Unit Test papers, Half Yearly Examinations and terminal examinations held by Kendriaya Vidyalaya Sangathan KVS and other Public Schools. CBSE Test Papers given here are FREE to download for personal use.
Exam Alerts
CBSE Test Papers for class 11 based on NCERT
CBSE Test Papers for class 11 according to the latest syllabus prescribed by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi for year 2009-2010 have been uploaded at www.mycbseguide.com for FREE download.
These are Class Test Papers, Unit Test Papers, Term End Exam Papers, Half Yearly Exam Papers and Annual Examination Papers of various KV and public schools affiliated to CBSE. These free to download Test Papers are submitted by site users.
New Practice Papers 2009-2010 for CBSE Class 10
New CBSE Mixed Test Paper for class 10 as per the prescribed syllabus by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi for year 2009-2010 have been uploaded at www.mycbseguide.com for FREE download. These are unit test papers of various KV and public schools affiliated to CBSE. These free to download Test Papers are submitted by site users.
Test Papers for Class 10 English Communicative :
Total 6 New CBSE Test Papers uploaded in the given link.
CBSE Sample Papers and Marking Scheme 2010
Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi has issued Sample Papers for class 10 and Sample Papers for Class 12. CBSE also issued Marking Scheme for 2010. These Sample Papers for 2010 exams and CBSE Marking Scheme 2010 exams can be downloaded from the official site of CBSE or from www.mycbseguide.com for FREE of cost.
To download CBSE Sample Papers 2010, go to sample papers section of www.mycbseguide.com and click the desired class and subject. Then choose Sample Papers for 2010 and Click Download File Link.
CBSE 2010 Exams : CCE in Class IX and Grades in Class 10
Students of class X taking board exams in March 2010 will not get to know their percentage. Their ‘marksheet’ will only bear grades from now on and not marks.
As per a presentation on Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) made at conference on schools at IIT Delhi on Monday, the CBSE will switch to the grading system for class X from this session itself.
CBSE Class 10 Datesheet 2010
Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi Date Sheet for class 10, 2010 Examinations has been issued. The date sheet is being provided below. Visitors are advised to co-relate it with the same mentioned in student admit card.
CBSE Class 12 Datesheet 2010
Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi Date Sheet for class 10, 2010 Examinations has been issued. The date sheet is being provided below. Visitors are advised to co-relate it with the same mentioned in student admit card.
CBSE Date Sheet 2010
Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE issued a notification a few months back regarding CBSE Board Examination Dates.
As per that notification, CBSE Board Exams will start from first working day of March 2010.
The Detailed Date Sheet for class 10 and class 12 will be posted here at the earliest. Keep in touch.
Last Date Extended for Submission of CBSE Compartment and Improvement Form 2010
Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi has issued a notification regarding extension of last date for submission of forms and fee for the candidates appearing under compartment, improvement and additional subject categories for March 2010 examinations.
It has been decided that the request of the candidates seeking permission for appearing in the ensuing Board’s Examinations-2010 under compartment, improvement and additional subject categories received upto 15th December 2009 may be accepted. Now students can submit their form and fee upto 15th December 2009.
CBSE Date Sheet 2010 Examination
It has become a tradition for last 2-3 years to spread rumors about CBSE Examination Date Sheet. Even last year, it was being said that the exams will be conducted in the month of February 2009 as there are General Parliamentary Election in India. At last CBSE had to issue a notification regarding the examination dates and it was officially declared that there was no change in CBSE Examination schedule.
The same case is being repeated this year too. We are receiving lots of mails about CBSE Date Sheet for 2010 examinations.
CBSE Private Forms-List of Syndicate Bank Branches
CBSE Private Candidates who are filling their examination forms from Delhi or NCR can get examination form and deposit forms at the following branches of Syndicate Bank in Delhi/New Delhi area.
For other information related to CBSE private candidate, please visit http://mycbseguide.com/blog/ and go to admission and examination section.
CBSE Social Science class 10 Design of Question Paper
Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi has made some changes to the class 10 Social Science Question Paper for March 2010 examination. The Latest Design of Question Paper along with the unit wise distribution of marks and number of questions have been given here. There will be total 29 questions in the paper from 2010 onwards. Students are advised to go through the sample papers and marking scheme for details. The changes made in the question paper may also be accessed at CBSE official site.
CBSE Compartment Examination Dates 2009
CBSE Compartment Result for all Regions is Declared.
You can get the result at www.cbseresults.nic.in
Unsuccessful students will be given another chance to appear in Compartmental Examination.
The First chance compartmental examination will commence on 18th July, 2009. Candidates will route their requests through the Head of institution. The Heads of Institutions will ensure that the list of compartmental candidates reaches the respective regional office by 23rd of June, 2009.
The first phase of CBSE counseling will begin from 1st Feb. to 2nd April, 2009. This is the 12th consecutive year that CBSE will be providing counseling services to students and parents during examinations to overcome their anxiety and examination related stress.
The CBSE outreach programme is carefully designed keeping the heterogeneity of students’ population and geographical spread.
Online List of CBSE Board Candidates
CBSE board examinations for 2009 are starting from 2 Mar 2009 and the list of candidates has been prepared by Central board of secondary education, New Delhi. The list of candidates for board examinations 2009 is given school wise. Central board of secondary education issues and affiliation number and School identification number to each and every school that is affiliated to it. This identification number and affiliation number is required while getting the list of candidates online.
Modification in external Science practical examination syllabus
The salient features of the scheme included :
a) One Theory paper of weightage 60 marks with duration of 2.5 hours.
b) A year-end school based practical examination for 20 marks.
c) A separate paper on practical skill based multiple choice questions of weightage 20 marks and duration of 1.5 hours.
Thus a relative weightage of 60 marks and 40 marks was assigned to theory and practical work in the subject in the restructured syllabus. Class X March 2007 examination of the Board was conducted on the basis of above scheme.
CBSE Annual Examination 2009 Date Sheet for class 12
CBSE Annual Examination 2009 Date Sheet for class 12
Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE has issued the detailed date sheet for class 12 examinations. The examination will be held in the month of march 2009. The examination for class 12 will begin at 10:30 a.m. First exam for Chemistry will be held on 2nd March 2009 at 10:30 a.m. Date Sheet for all the subjects is given here. CBSE Date Sheet for 2009 is published approx 2 months in advance. CBSE class 12 date sheet for March 2009 CBSE exams is as below:
CBSE Annual Examination 2009 Date Sheet for class 10
CBSE Annual Examination 2009 Date Sheet for class 10
Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE has issued the detailed date sheet for March 2009 examination. CBSE board exams are going to start from 2nd of March 2009 and Exam will start at 10:30 a.m in the morning. The complete date sheet for Class 10 March 2009 examinations is published hare with date of examination, name of the subject and subject code.
CBSE Exam Date Sheet 2009
CBSE is issued a notice stating that the annual examinations for 2009 will start from second of March 2009. There is no change in the examination schedule of Central Board of Secondary Education due to general elections in the month of March-April next year. CBSE will issue the detailed date sheet by the end of … Read more
Online Application Form for AIEEE 2009
All India Engineering/Architecture Entrance Examination 2009 Students can applying online at the web site www.aieee.nic.in. All the necessary details can be filled online. Students can take a printout of online application after submission of the form. They are required to send this printout to CBSE at the address given. The fees can be deposited via … Read more