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Class 11 Chemistry Sample Papers, Notes | Mock Tests

Complete course content for CBSE class 11 Chemistry as PDF for download and online access is available on myCBSEguide. It includes sample papers, notes, a question bank, and textbook solutions.

Price 250
Valid till March 31, 2026




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Chemistry has a special position in the field of science. It plays a crucial role in specialization courses. Students who intend to opt for career options like medicine, engineering, or technology and study courses in applied areas of science and technology at the tertiary level have to study chemistry in basic sciences or professional courses. Hence, it is desirable to prepare budding professionals at their intermediate level with a sufficient conceptual background in the subject. The idea behind this is to make them competent to meet the challenges of academic and professional courses after the senior secondary stage.

We provide CBSE Class 12 Chemistry sample papers, NCERT solutions, sample question papers, and chapter-wise quick revision notes on our myCBSEguide App for free download. You can also access the same on our student dashboard which offers board exam question papers and their solutions free of cost. 

Class 11 Chemistry Course Material

Our complete course material for CBSE class 11 Chemistry offers you resources that are needed right from the preparatory level to the final stage. It includes the Class 11 Chemistry syllabus, exemplar solutions, NCERT solutions, revision notes, and sample papers. The icing on the cake is that all these are available in PDF files. Besides, our online quizzes, practice papers, and videos for class 11 chemistry work like a bonus.

The new and updated curriculum for senior secondary chemistry is based on a disciplinary approach with rigour and depth taking care that the syllabus is not heavy and at the same time it is comparable to the international level. The knowledge related to the subject of Chemistry has undergone tremendous changes during the past decade. We at myCBSEguide endeavour to keep up with these changes and bring quality course material to our learners' platter.

Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus

The syllabus is one such area that is updated and revised on a regular basis. The topics which seem important are added, and those which become redundant are removed. As per CBSE, many new areas like synthetic materials, biomolecules, natural resources, and industrial chemistry deserve to be an integral part of the chemistry syllabus at the senior secondary stage. The new formulations and nomenclature of elements and compounds, symbols, and units of physical quantities floated by global scientific bodies are of immense importance and need to be incorporated into the updated syllabus.

The revised syllabus takes care of all these aspects. Greater emphasis has been laid on the use of new nomenclature, symbols, and formulations, the teaching of fundamental concepts, the application of concepts in chemistry to industry/ technology, logical sequencing of units, removal of obsolete content and repetition, etc.

The prescribed CBSE syllabus is the first thing that is needed to begin the preparation for any given subject. Students must be very sure about the chapters and the topics they include. Therefore, to help the students to begin their preparation right, myCBSEguide publishes a detailed syllabus of each subject for every academic year. For the current session, Class 11 Chemistry includes the chapters listed below. 

  • Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
  • Structure of Atom
  • Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
  • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  • Chemical Thermodynamics
  • Equilibrium
  • Redox Reactions
  • Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques
  • Hydrocarbons

Some of these topics are further subdivided like Hydrocarbons have been subdivided into Aliphatic Hydrocarbons and Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Check out the class 11 syllabus 2024-25 where you find a detailed analysis of the syllabus.

Class 11 Chemistry NCERT and Exemplar Solutions

Our NCERT Exemplar solutions for class 11 Chemistry are available for free download on the myCBSEguide app. For the convenience of the students, we are also providing video solutions with each of the Chemistry exemplar questions. Exemplar problems are not simple ones, they are the tricker questions involving higher-order thinking skills, therefore students must be very well-acquainted with them. Hence, the video solution will be of great use in case of confusion as one can refer to these video solutions for the exemplar questions. 

We also provide chapter-based NCERT Solutions for class 11 chemistry. The details are linked at the tail-end of this article.

Class 11 Chemistry Revision Notes

Our Class 11 Chemistry revision notes are available in PDF format for free download in the myCBSEguide mobile app. Students can score really well with the help of our well-sorted class 11 chemistry Notes for the latest syllabus. These notes come in handy when a student sits for a quick preparation for their exams be it the board (CBSE exams) or school-based annual examinations. You can also access these revision notes from our official website.

Class 11 Chemistry Case Study Questions

Case study questions are the extension of competency-based learning. These questions are a way to test the real-life application of the acquired knowledge. These are interesting as well as complex questions. Very few such quality questions are available in the market. You can get a wide range of quality case study questions for class 11 chemistry from myCBSEguide. Our questions are prepared by experienced teachers and verified by knowledgeable subject experts. These questions cover all important topics of class 11 chemistry, making it a coveted resource for senior secondary students. Check out a few class 11 chemistry case study questions on our website.

Class 11 Chemistry Sample Papers

Every year soon after the release of the official CBSE sample paper, myCBSEguide prepares more such sample papers for almost all the core subjects of secondary and senior secondary classes. Our sample paper has proved to be a key to many success stories. Students have testified to getting better grades having solved our sample papers. Access the class 11 Chemistry sample papers for the 2024-25 examination on myCBSEguide.

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