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Install NowPrincipals may be aware that National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has been working at the National level for the all-round improvement in the quality of school education. The National Curriculum Framework 2005(NCF 2005) has been developed by NCERT for providing policy guidelines for the teaching and learning of all curricular areas including Mathematics.
NCF 2005 has recommended that the teachers of Mathematics have to conscientiously set about replacing the behaviorist paradigm with methods based on constructivist or other progressive models of learning. It reiterates that the use of technology can greatly aid the process of mathematical exploration and wiser use of such aids can help engage students. It further states that it must be understood that there is a spectrum of technology use in Mathematics education and research in this direction will be greatly beneficial to school education. In keeping with the broad guidelines enumerated in NCF 2005 for teaching and learning of Mathematics, the Department of Education in
Science and Mathematics (DESM), NCERT has developed the syllabi and textbooks for all stages of school education.
NCERT is now contemplating to exploit the potential of World Wide Web(WWW) for improving the quality of Mathematics teaching in schools. In this endeavour, they would like to associate active and enthusiastic PGTs in Mathematics from schools across India to participate in this research study.
As per the plan of action, initially they will provide a questionnaire to each participant teacher for their opinion and feedbacks. Subsequently, they will choose one sample content area, discuss with teachers and identify appropriate technological tools for the development of sample material.
The identified teachers from different school systems will participate in discussions on administration of sample materials and study tools will be prepared through virtual learning environment (VLE) with NCERT website. Once the teacher is convinced and trained properly to handle all the tools, the developed material will be provided to member teachers to conduct this study in their respective schools.
These communications with the teachers will be conducted through emails and NCERT website so that their day to day work is not affected.
The School Principals are, therefore, requested to please identify interested PGT in Mathematics from their school who would like to be associated with this research study.
Dr. P.K. Chaurasia(email [email protected] and mobile number 09868939552) is the Principal Investigator of this study. The list of teachers with their email addresses, correspondence addresses and contact numbers may be forwarded to Dr. P.K. Chaurasia through emails/hard copies. Also the participant teachers may be provided the email address of Dr. Chaurasia to make the communication easy and effective.

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