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Install NowCBSE PSA Sample Papers for class 11 and CBSE solved sample questions for PSA syllabus are available at http://mycbseguide.com for free download. Problem Solving Assessment will replace class 11 FA-IV from 2013 onwards and the first PSA will be conducted by CBSE in January-February 2013.
Now access the support material in Quantitative Reasoning, Qualitative Reasoning and Language Conventions to prepare the students to meet the challenges of the twenty first century. It is an endless endeavour of education to develop skills like problem solving, decision making, critical thinking and creative thinking among the students. These dimensions of 21st century life skills will greatly assist learners in acquiring Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). All these, together ensure success by our students in higher studies and professional areas.
What is PSA
PSA is a MCQ based assessment that will replace FA-IV from 2013 onwards. The Problem Solving Assessment will be 60 marks one hour MCQ test and it will take place of FA-IV of 10 Marks. The 60 marks will be divided by 6 to get the marks out of 10 for formative assessment-IV.

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where we get papers…
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hw r humanitis studnts gonna crack mthematicl problms wich we havnt lrnd at all!??
Will this be counted in the 12th boards?
may be…or…may not be!!!
that descision is pending!!
is this compulsory to give this psa exam…and if we can’t clear this exam so it will harm our future…..???????
yah.. as per my concern.. this psa will only decide if we are to give our 12th boards or not.. nd this psa will also be checked when filing for graduation..
hi frnds i dont d sample papers
this is very simple not a hard
it is good that -ve marking is not added for PSA.
i thnk its good
is 11 maths and science are also involved in this question paper ?
plz reply me , because i am a commerce student .is it going to be hard for me?
will dere be a combine ppr for all d 3 streams?!??……and is dere any syllabus for it or its jst a IQ type???
aree nahi….its 10% will be evaluated in 11th final xams………n we will be getting a certificate for dat……
where we find sample papers for psa exam
no it wld b general maths
riya i don’t think ki level zyaada tough hoga.
as per my concern. its gonna b tough!!! nd 1hr fr 60 marks!!! maths take tym na….. nd we commerce nd arts ppl hv not been in touch wd sc for long tym. nd this 1hr xam will decide our future!.
do the marks which we score in psa will be carried forward to class 12 result….. please tell its about our future………..
I agree…………bt what about humanities students
bekar ka matha pachi………..
i hope that there wud be no questions related to science in the test…
do i need to worry abt it???
where we find sample paper for psa exam
Is 1 hr sufficient for d exam………. Ques. in maths are really taking long time!!!!!!!
I still don’t understand how it’s gonna decide out future..?
I still don’t understand how it’s gonna decide out future..??
Its making stress
how will commerce students do maths and science are they crazy
In India all the talent of students is hidden under the pressure of booksss
in india students are born intelligent but education ruined them ..
in foreign students are born intelligent and education polish them
do the mark which we score in PSA influence our class 12 results?
it is cumpulsory for our job. all entrance exam involved this type of questions also it helps us in getting good job.if someone get fail then he can’t get good job by seeing the certificate of this.so i think it is really good idea for our good future
no.we can sit in class 12 for further study and get another chance for pass this exam in class 12 . if someone again get fail then he can’t get his 12 result. so it is necessary to pass this exam for our better future.
well said Kiran……..
u can buy evergreen / oxford psa book.
it will give u samples of all types of ques comming.
all the best:D
hope so
all the best guys for the exam
hope u all do well
u can buy evergreen psa sample book
i’d just say it wouldn’t be much tough for commerce students also….just practice the maths of earlier class…i mean of class 10th..it would be more than enough….and mostly questions are just to check ur IQ..as i’ve seen the sample papers…practice sample papers….all the best to all of you guys…
it seems the exam will be interesting………i like it………….
yes u will be getting the certificate with your class 12 board exam certificate
d book dat I refrfered had 11th questions in it too
Life mein studies ki kam headache thi jo ye ek aur paper badha diya…….but anyways, thank God ye tough nahi h……..
will negative marking take place..??
Friends .., this exam is not so tough.. only u need is your brain.. ther is common english and aptitude.. ALL THE BEST
tomorrow’s the exam…..quite worried……..giv me some idea frnds……
how will commerce students be able to attend science related questions? can i get soon reply for this????
gonna get screwd tommarowww 😮
dont worry guys…..this year it is just an experimental level only for our batch…….the guys coming after us will have all the advantages and disadvantages…..so we are the experiment rats for CBSE….:p
is passing in psa is important….. ??….. sum people r sying taht we will not get pass certificate for 11 and 12 class if we dont pass in psa
will it affect our 12th results???
i forgot two give my psa exam ………………………..
will it harm our engineering future…..because of fever i was not able to give my best so will it harm my engineering and +2 future of scoring good rank and getting perfect job?
does anyone know what are the passing marks for psa?
what happen if any children does not give exam of psa