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Install NowAs we know CBSE is conducting MCQ based exam this year, we need more and more questions to practice. Here myCBSEguide Test Series helps you. We have started class 12 CBSE Test Series on all major subjects offered by CBSE. You can access it on the
myCBSEguide App.
Online Test Series for CBSE Class 12
This test series is online and there is no need to have a printed copy of the paper. Simply amazing technology that gives you instant results with detailed analysis. Just attempt the test and get your result immediately. That is the real benefit of being online.
This online test series has the following subjects:
- English Core
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Maths
- Biology
- Accountancy
- Business Studies
- Economics
- History
- Political Science
- Geography
- Sociology
- Physical Education
CBSE class 12 Test Series follows the latest exam pattern. It has MCQs, Assertion & Reasoning, Case Studies and another type of questions that CBSE will ask this year.
The format of the Test Series is 100% similar to that of CBSE Term-1 Model Question Paper. So, it is something that you will not dare to miss at any cost.
Free Online Test for Class 12 CBSE
Hurry !! Hope you won’t believe it but it’s 100% Free. The test series will start from October 23, 2021 till November 02, 2021. All students can attempt all the papers for free. There are no hidden charges at all.
As this exam series follows the latest board exam pattern, it will certainly help students to score high in exams. They will get lots of questions for practice in these CBSE online exams.
Mock Test for CBSE Class 12
Not only test series, myCBSEguide also offers Mock Tests to CBSE students. These mock tests are available under the freemium model. Here some tests are available for free and others are part of the paid subscription.
CBSE Mock Exams are exactly the same as the term-1 board exams. These will give you the real feel of examination at home. Students will not only understand how to attempt the paper but also learn to manage time.
It is a must to practice so that you can attempt 50 to 60 questions in 90 minutes.
CBSE Class 12 Maths Mock Test 2021
Why online Mock Tests are so important this year? It is just because CBSE will give only MCQ type questions this year. So, if you want to practice MCQs, the best way is to do it online so that you can get instant feedback. This is the only reason why students are downloaing myCBSEguide app and attempting Mock Tests and Online Test Series.
We have thousands of MCQ for class 12 Maths. These questions are updated for CBSE Term-1 examination. We advise students to practice them as much as possible.
Mock Test for Class 12 English
Usually student think that they will get online tests for core subjects like Maths and Sciences only. But you will be happy to know that myCBSEguide has introduced mock tests for English too. Again, we have number of questions in MCQ format for English as well as Hindi. You can access them online on myCBSEguide App or myCBSEguide
Student Dashboard.
Test Series for Class 12 Commerce
If you are a commerce student and willing to practice the latest pattern MCQ type questions online, you have only one destination to go and that is myCBSEguide App. You will not find such MCQs anywhere else. We have thousands of questions for Accoutancy, Business Studies and Economics. And these are all based on the new format of CBSE Term-I examination.

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