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Install NowCase–based questions in the Sociology class 11 question paper if attempted with the right approach will for sure facilitate the students to score better and ace the subject. Class 11 forms the base for many fundamental topics that are studied at an advanced level in class 12. The best part of having case study questions is that the answers or the hints for its solution lie in the provided passage only. You can download class 11 Sociology case study questions from the myCBSEguide app.
Class 11 Sociology Case Study Questions
What is a case study question? (Sociology)
In Sociology, a case study is more like a real-world test of how the implementation works. It is majorly a report of a particular group or an individual. The study helps to collect qualitative and quantitative data in a cost-effective manner. The case study questions for class 11 CBSE would be based on the textbooks prescribed by NCERT. Case-based questions will definitely carry a substantial weightage in the class 11 Sociology question paper. A hypothetical text will be provided on the basis of which the student is expected to solve the given case-based question asked in the Sociology class 11 exam. Initially, the newly introduced case-based questions created an air of confusion among the students and the teachers. The concept was relatively unexplored and new to all. Case study questions would be centered around any chapter or concept present in the NCERT textbooks. Thus, it is expected from the students thoroughly revise and memorize the key concepts.
What Is Sociology?
For students appearing for grade 11 CBSE exams from the Humanities/Arts stream, Sociology is a fundamental subject.
Brief insights about Sociology class 11
- Sociology is considered to be quite interesting
- It is occupying
- Sociology is purely theoretical
- It is comparatively easy to comprehend as it revolves around the prevalent trends of society
- The subject is scoring too
- It is a social science
- Sociology is a science of generalization rather than specialization
- Students need to religiously go through their NCERT textbooks in order to ace the sociology class 11 examination
- In order to excel in this subject, the student needs to have conceptual clarity
- CBSE has designed the syllabus for class 11 Sociology so as to enlighten the students with a basic understanding of the complexities of human behavior. The subject facilitates the beginners to focus on what they listen to and watch around them and thereby develop a constructive attitude towards society.
Case Study Questions in class 11 Sociology
Case-based questions have always been an integral part of the Sociology class 11 CBSE question paper for many years in the past. The case studies have always been considered to be challenging for the student because such questions demand the application of their knowledge of the fundamental concepts and principles. Last year i.e- 2021 CBSE decided to alter the question paper pattern for class 11 by giving more weightage to MCQs and questions based on case studies. A few changes were introduced in the Sociology question paper pattern too. Sample question papers were released by CBSE to clear the picture. The students were expected to answer questions after going through a provided comprehensive passage.
According to Dr. Joseph Emmanuel, the Director of Academics at CBSE, the new format would help to drift from rote learning and would test students on their:
- Understanding
- Writing skills
- Analytical capabilities
Competency-based and Skill-oriented
CBSE not only changed the way case-based questions were formulated but also incremented their weightage in the Sociology question paper. The sole purpose of increasing the weightage of case-based questions in the class 11 curriculum by CBSE was to shift towards a competency-based and skill-oriented teaching and learning system. Dr. Emmanuel focussed on the fact that case-based questions would enhance the critical reasoning skills of the students. He emphasized the fact that adding such questions to the examination was a step toward achieving the goals of the National Education Policy (NEP)2020. He clearly stated that the case-based questions would be predominantly based on real-life situations that we encounter in our day today lives.
Sociology syllabus of class 11 CBSE
The entire Sociology course is divided into 2 parts:
- Part A, Introducing Sociology
- Part B, Understanding Society
The class 11 Sociology exam is for a total of 100 marks, 80 marks are for the theory and the remaining 20 for the project. Most of the questions are centered around the exercises from the NCERT textbooks. It is recommended to rigorously go through the contents of the book. There are 2 prescribed books by NCERT for class 12 Sociology.
Prescribed Books :
- Introducing Sociology, Class XI, Published by NCERT
- Understanding Society, Class XI, Published by NCERT
CBSE Class – 11 Sociology (Code No. 039)
Units | No. of periods | Marks | |
A | Introducing Sociology | ||
1. Sociology, Society and its relationship with other Social Science disciplines | 18 | 10 | |
2. Terms, concepts and their use in Sociology | 16 | 10 | |
3. Understanding Social Institutions | 20 | 12 | |
4. Culture and Socialization | 16 | 12 | |
Total | 70 | 44 | |
B | Understanding Society | ||
7. Social Change and Social order in Rural and Urban Society | 20 | 12 | |
9. Introducing Western Sociologists | 20 | 12 | |
10. Indian Sociologists | 20 | 12 | |
Total | 60 | 36 | |
Total | 130 | 80 | |
Project Work | 40 | 20 |
Case Study Passage, A Quick Look (Sociology class 11)
- As part of these questions, the students would be provided with a passage, based on which analytical and reasoning questions will have to be answered by them.
- It is a must for the students to read the passage in depth before attempting the questions.
- The plot of the question revolves around day-to-day life problems.
- The case-based questions can be puzzling if not attempted with a rational/analytical mindset.
- These questions can be the highest scoring part of the examination if attempted with the right approach.
- In the coming examination cycle (2022-23), case-based questions have a weightage of around 15 to 20%.
These questions can be based on all the chapters in the NCERT textbooks for Sociology, grade 11. Students must prepare well for the case-based questions before appearing for their Sociology exam as these questions demand complete knowledge of the various concepts in their syllabus. CBSE plans to increase the weightage of such questions in the upcoming years.
Kind of case-based Questions in Sociology
Sociology as a subject provides a way of comprehending human relationships and institutions. It is a subject of paramount importance for class 11 students who opt for it from the Humanities stream. It is purely theoretical and fairly scoring. Class 11 Sociology syllabus is quite vast and demanding.
The case-based questions asked in the CBSE Sociology question paper for class 11 are of two types:
- Objective
- Subjective
As per the latest circular issued by CBSE on Assessment and Evaluation practices of the board for the session 2022-23, CBSE has clearly mentioned that competency-based questions including case studies will be different from subjective questions.
The questions can also be categorized on their difficulty level:
- Direct: such questions can be easily solved. Their answer is visible in the given passage itself.
- Indirect/ Analytical: such questions are confusing and tricky. These can be solved by the application of the theory or principle that is highlighted in the provided text.
How To Prepare For Case-based Questions? (Sociology grade 11)
Students need to prepare well for the case-based questions before appearing for their class 11 CBSE Sociology exam. Here are some tips which will help the student to solve the case-based questions at ease:
- Read the provided text carefully
- Think analytically and focus on the question asked
- Critically analyze the given text and then answer the question asked
- Practice extensively
- One can significantly save time if they follow a reversal pattern, that is going through the questions before reading the comprehensive case study passage.
- Provide to-the-point responses
- Do not jump to the passage for answers directly, think rationally
- Eliminating the options that you are sure of being incorrect can increase your chance of being right
- One should concentrate on solidifying key fundamental principles/theories
- Go through the NCERT textbook in depth. The language used is crisp and simple.
- While providing solutions to the case-based question, pick the keyword/keyline based on which you are driving insights.
In order to ace the class, 11 Sociology exam one needs to ignore the shortcut techniques and get to read the NCERT textbooks rigorously. Case studies can be easily solved if your key fundamentals are strong and clear. The best part of having these questions is that the asked question itself projects a hint of its answer. These simple points if kept in mind will definitely help the students to fetch good marks in case study questions, class 11 Sociology.
Remember, answers to social problems can never be straight so you will score better if they are original.
Case study question examples in Sociology class 11
Here are some given case study questions for CBSE class 11 Sociology. If you wish to get more case study questions and other study material, download the myCBSEguide app now. You can also access it through our student dashboard.
Sociology Case Study 1
Read the hypothetical text given and answer the following questions:
Nineteenth-century was also the period in which natural sciences made much progress. The success attained by those working in the field of natural sciences inspired a good number of social thinkers to follow them. The belief was that if the methods of natural sciences could be successful in the physical world to understand the physical or natural phenomena, the same methods could be applied successfully to the social world to understand the social phenomena. Scholars like Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and other sociologists advocated the methods of science to study society as they were inspired by the discoveries of natural scientists and wanted to study society in a similar way.
Q1.Why were social thinkers inspired to follow natural sciences?
Q2.Which sociologists studied society?
Q3.What were the views of sociologists about the methods of natural sciences?
A1. In the 19th century, natural sciences made great progress, and this inspired social thinkers to follow them.
A2. Scholars like Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and others studied society.
A3. Sociologists started believing that if the methods of natural sciences could be successful in the physical world to understand the physical or natural phenomena, the same methods could be applied successfully to the social world to understand the social phenomena.
Sociology Case Study 2
The Jajmani system in India was a Caste -Based System meant to cater to Rural India, where people professed hereditary occupations. Since the majority of the rural community was poor, they were totally at the mercy of their rich land-lords who patronized them by giving their daily necessities, and the rural poor returned their gratitude to their masters by serving them for life, generation after generation. Being a small homogenous society, where the majority were poor, relationships were reciprocal, and though they were always at the receiving end, they always remained thankful to their benefactors.
Answer the following questions based on the above passage:-
Q1. What according to you is the Jajmani System?
Q2. What do you understand about hereditary occupations?
Q3. Sociologists believe that the Jajmani System denotes, Bounded Labor which is kind of Slavery. Do you agree or disagree? Analyze the statement and explain it in the context of the Indian Caste system.
Sociology Case Study 3
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:-
A jaundiced view of the Taj 19 January 2015-The Taj Mahal is in the news again and – as can be expected-for all the wrong reasons. American and Indian researchers released a study last month which establishes and identifies the pollutants that are being deposited on the marble fagade of “the miracle in marble”, turning it from luminous white to brownish-yellow. It is as if the Taj, over the last four decades, is suffering from a prolonged – and possibly fatal-attack of jaundice. This finding has hit the headlines the world over. In experiments lasting over a year, the team, led by Dr Mike Bergin of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, collected airborne particulate matter (PM) in air filters at the site. These were “found to contain relatively high concentrations of light absorbing particles that could potentially discolor the Taj Mahal marble surfaces, that include black carbon (BC), light absorbing organic carbon (brown carbon, BrC), and dust”. Their analysis of particles deposited on marble “surrogate” samples suspended from the top of the Taj indicate that a large proportion of the surface is covered with particles that contain both carbon components and dust. The team developed a novel approach that estimated the impact of these particles on the reflectance of visible light. This in turn was used to estimate the perceived color by the human eye.
Q1. Which form of environmental hazard has affected the glory of Taj Mahal?
Q2. Why is environment management a complex and huge task for society?
Q3.Why ecology is not limited only to forces of nature?
Write the concluding paragraph here
Advantages of case study questions in Sociology
Class 11 Sociology syllabus is complex as well as vast and has to be focussed upon as it forms the base for class12 as well as for those who are willing to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Sociology Students are supposed to prepare themselves thoroughly from the NCERT textbooks. The Case-based questions prominently focus on the real and current scenarios of the society. Approximately 20% of the question paper will comprise case study questions that demand high-order thinking and reasoning skills from the students. The students ought to practice class 11 Sociology case-based questions from the various options available to them, so as to excel in the subject.
- Enhance the qualitative and quantitative analysis skills of students
- Provides an in-depth understanding of the social behavior
- Inculcate intellectual capabilities in students
- Help students to retain knowledge for a longer period of time
- The questions would help to discard the concept of rote learning
- Case studies promote and strengthen practical learning.
“Failure is success if you learn from it”

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