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Install NowLatest circular issued by CBSE states that the affiliated schools may set their own question papers but they have to send these papers to the board for prior approval.
The Board will be sending separate CDs containing Question Paper Banks for Classes IX & X and the school may:
- pick up one question paper for each subject, OR mix and match the paper by using different questions/sections from different sets of question papers and prepare a question paper based on Board’s sample paper, design and blue print, OR prepare their own question papers as per sample paper, design and blue print available on CBSE’s website (www.cbse.nic.in) .
- However, in case the school prepares its own question papers, the question papers and marking scheme so prepared should be emailed to the Board (email id: [email protected]) for verification wihin a week of conduct of the respective papers.
- For Class IX, the Board plans to dispatch the CDs containing question papers to all schools so as to reach by 20th February, 2011.
- For Class X, the Board plans to dispatch the CDs containing question papers to all schools so as to reach by 07th March, 2011.
- Every School, Sahodaya Clusters or City may design their own date sheet for Classes IX and X examination accordingly.
The schools need to take out the print of the desired question paper (refer para 5 above) and, thereafter, the required number of prints/copies may be made at the school level. These question papers must be kept carefully.

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Question Bank, Mock Tests, Exam Papers, NCERT Solutions, Sample Papers, Notes
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i think u guys have exploited the board exams. now no one is going to study and there will be a lot of partiality for some students and some are exploited
i mean cbse getting easier
stupi put skt sample paper da
Is the date sheet is same of board condacting and non board condacting
plz mujhe sample papers bata do………..
Now in all cbse schools got 30 sets of question papers in each subjects for 9th and 10th……. will it be released to practice for next year?…….where we can download that?
I want cce based sample papers for 10th sanskrit
this system is a hell
Is the date sheet is same of board conducting and non board conducting
Is the datesheet same for school conducted and home exams for class 10th.
I have a doubt
how much set question paper will be ther for summative assessment 2
I have a doubt
how much set question paper will be ther for summative assessment 2 no iask that for eg… 14 students will be there in each class then in each classs how many set question paper