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Install NowEvery School, Sahodaya Clusters or City may design their own date sheet for Classes IX and X examination accordingly.
The schools will conduct the SA-II for Class IX during the first half of March, 2011 and the SA-II for Class-X will be conducted during the second half of March, 2011.
Moreover, it may be ensured that in case of Summative Assessment-II for Class X, the dates for the subjects of English (Communicate/Language & Literature) and Science are kept after 23rd March, 2011.
The answer books should be evaluated by teachers as per the marking scheme provided by the Board.
KINDLY NOTE THAT ANSWER BOOKS OF SCHOOL BASED SA-II FOR CLASSES IX AND X SHOULD NOT BE SENT TO THE BOARD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. However these must be preserved and kept in the safe custody at the school for at least a period of three years (in case of Class IX) and two years (in case of Class X) along with question papers and Marking Scheme for any verification by the Board subsequently.

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Can i get the downloadable link for datesheet of class 10th.
What is d link for the date sheet of cbse class 10????
for those students who have opted for exams (cce) when are our results scheduled? and how do we go about it if we are changing are schools?is the cce certificate necessary for admissions in class 11?
can i get the downloadable sample papers for ninth class
Please give me shine! Students do not face the pressure of Education
plez mail me the datesheet of home exams of cce for class 10
this is a very helpful site i got all the things very easily
can i get datesheet of cklass 10th cce
will u guys please send me the date sheet of summative assesment 2 of classs 9th
Are the schools allowed to show the students their answers sheets of SA 2 and will the students get the final mark sheet from the CBSE board?
hiiiiiiiiiiii can i get the exam dates of sa-2 of class 9
pls provide s a 2 sample papaer for class 10th
pls. send s a 2 sample paper 2010-11 for class 10th
i want to ask that we can change our school after 9 class
i want to ask that when is the CCE exams for class10th going to be held..Any prescribed date????It wud help we the students a lot.
What is d Home datesheet for KVS?
thanx for the info.
please tell me our homeboard student answersheet will check in school.by school teachers only.and tell exam question paper will come from cbse or not.please give me the answer.
and tell me the grade system also..
Does the board expect that IX and X students to attach their Q.P. to their answer sheets of S.A 1 & 2 or is it sufficient that one Q.P And Key paper is attached for the whole class and preserved for future verification?
please send the sample papers of 10 class 2012
this site is really helpful…………..