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Download the app to get CBSE Sample Papers 2024-25, NCERT Solutions (Revised), Most Important Questions, Previous Year Question Bank, Mock Tests, and Detailed Notes.
Install NowCBSE has issued sample papers for 2011 examination. The date sheet is already announced and it can be downloaded from the links below :
The datesheet for school based home examination will be decided by schools as per CBSE guidelines. They can set their own papers or use papers sent by CBSE.
The Class 10 board exam is optional this year. Those who are sitting in CBSE class 10 Board exams must know that the exam will carry only 40% marks and other 60% marks will be given by school in form of SA-1 and FA-1 to FA-4.
The syllabus for all class 10 board examinees and school based home examinees is same. CBSE will ask questions from second term syllabus only. No question will be asked from First term syllabus. The latest syllabus is available below :
1. Class 9 Syllabus 2011
2. Class 10 syllabus 2011
3. Class 11 Syllabus 2011
4. Class 12 Syllabus 2011
The sample Papers for class 10 and class 12 can be downloaded from the links provided below :
1. Class 9 Sample Papers 2011
2. Class 10 Sample Papers 2011
3. Class 12 Sample Papers 2011
These sample papers are provided alongwith their marking schemes. The blue print and marking scheme is available under download solution link.
Happy Exams !

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