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Install NowFinally CBSE has declared class 10 Result for Chennai Region on May 31, 2011. CBSE Result for other regions will come within next 2-3 days.
visit http://cbseresults.nic.in
Last week we publish a news that CBSE is going to declare class 10 result on May 16, 2011. It was a front page news in Times of India and Navbharat Times. We took this news from these news papers on May 5, 2011.
We are extremely sorry for the misleading information posted by these news-papers of repute. We apologize our news-letter subscribers and site visitors for the inconvenience caused.
The result is expected in 2-3 days. Copy of news-paper cutting attached below :

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plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pary for my result…allah sab ko pass karey aamin
thi guyzz r juzz ridiculous
i m gonna sue u
when will be the class 10th result declare?
BIG BIG BIG liersss….
finally tell when result will be declared
aur kab tak wait karvaoge . 100000 bacchon ki jaane atki hui hai
How cud u publish the date by just believing in newspapers. I thought that u have got news from cbse. U r jst stupid.
other sites it is written that resul will be announced till today evening
r u guys mad?????dont repeat t……..
then u please positively declaretheconfirmed result date of 10 class
Result on internet is not a proper system.We should get a seperate result comprising of marks of all formatives and summatives. This is not fair yaar.
How cud u publish the date by just believing in newspapers. I thought that u have got news from cbse. U r jst stupid.
then u please positively declaretheconfirmed result date of 10 class.
pls publish date as soon as possible….!!!!!!!
Why the hell did u publish the result without knowing properly…please infrom the date correctly at the earliest!
then pls tell the confirmed date…is it 2 days or 3 days or after 20 may….pls..
i want to know about the procedure of changing my name in my current 10 class certificate. could you help me in that.
ok.we had not scold you but you must send the correct date to us for your mistake and make us easy to view result and send the web address also.
wow…gr8……nly dis was left 2 listn….
is d date 19th confirmed or that is also fake…..
kindly publish the corr8 date or dont puplush nly….
i want to do my 12 as private candidate from CBSE board .can i fill forms or is there any condition regarding filling form of private candidate
areeeeeee yaaar result publish nai karoge toh bhi koi problem nai hai
pls check information that u get before publishing it it. Because of u i cancelled my tirp to delhi.
How could u do this…..??? You should confirm 1st then only u should inform others….// Just plz get confirm and publish it soon…..PLEASE…….///
@ANKITHA…I purely agree with you. Its so stupid that they inform by just relying on newspapers. Being the site name mycbseguide.com, i too thought this is completely updated on getting info from cbse direct. By doing such things,people are losing trust on such sites which was previously trustworthy.
Its our fault that we belive u….!! Ediots u r……….!!
please tell me exactly date of announcing result of class 10 by sending message on my mobile no.9568176356
yeh cbse walle result kab declare karenge
don’t misled people like this way a reputed site like your should confirm before publishing any report
kya kar raho ho dhang se date publish nahi kar sakte kya i m waiting for it
when we will get our result
ur news put me in intense trrouble bcze i was in very happy tour and returned reading ur news
oo…but i was so excited for my result.
Please try to publish the results of class X as soon as possible……
u ur making mad of the students
Thinking the result to be declared this 20th alone
Really…. they r stupid,,,,, de evn dnt knw… ven to declre d results,,,,,,
plzz tell us d date ……nd result
Its so sad to know that the CBSE didnt publicily declare the accurate result dates early… I think its their responsibility… Even the State board do not do things this unfriendly to their students…
guys plz let us knw whn the resukts are cmng out bcz we all waiting for the devil to appear fast
Wo! wo! wo! Its just getting tougher. Tell the confirmed date for class x results. Its not a joke.
U r just a fool…….. u should never giv wrong information on ur website………. nw i wil never believe on u……..
Hey friends don’t be panic on mycbseguide.com,it’s not their fault this news are leeched everywhere that cbse is going to announce 10th results on 16th may,but now it’s expected that they r going to declare our results after 19th of may.So,be happy and pray for good results 🙂
Please let us know when the class XII results will be declared. There are a lot of speculation as when it will be released. The CBSE site is of no help also.
please inform the correct result date of class 10th
pls don’t guess the date of result ………. u can better not let out the guessing dates without confirmation …….
hav u got any real latest news about our results??
plz. stop misguiding the students . only send us information when you are confirmed about that data . and one more advice :- NEVER BELIEVE ON NEWSPAPERS .
if u dont no the confirm date how could declear the date of result u r doing very bad effect to chidrens mind
its good that u r providing latest news for cbse students at free cost bt its also ur duty to provide correct news to students !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kyaa yar saari excitement hi khatam ho gayi result k liye… Wtf dey must nt do such thngs infuture…>:( let us noe d exact date of result….
i think u just want to publish the news whether it is right or wrong . in 12th bord exam also i will expect the same thing as u do so earlier in 10th class
Ya. I too agree that this is just folly. Being the site name mycbseguide.com, you should never have updated news relying on newspapers other than from cbse directly confirmed. By doing such things, this site is losing its trust which was previously trustworthy….
now can u plssss…. publish d xact date of class tenth result
itz on 20th or 21st….!!
hey,what is this plz publish the exact date of class 10th results soon we are very nervous………..
In the website icbse itz after may 19th…
pls publishe 10 result as soon as possible.becoz ma parents are wainting for the result of cce.wish you all the very best for result.
its on 20 or 21 pls reply fast.
@alice…how come you know it please?
how many marks and percentage of class 9th will be added in class 10th CBSE board according to the new CCEpattern
how many marks and percentage of class 9th will be added in class 10th CBSE board according to the new CCE pattern
when is our result
can u plz give the exact date of ur result
Why you say 2-3 days…Why are u not giving correct date of result? We are searching net each and every time for results.
plzz clarify the dates of cce results of 10 class…
means ur website is just a lier \………………………………….juthi juthi
can anybody finally tell me exact and true date of class x results??????????……………… i am very frustrated ?
is 20 may is our results date can we conform?
when r v going to get results of class 10 CBSE?
Can you please tell me when the class 10 results will be published
except u no one apologized as a good indian citizen i appreciate u kindly update the exact date
ya……..!!!!………..we are so anxious
plz declare the date positively 2morrow…………
this is too much . first u told that the result will be published on 16th and then 20th .
tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ………. much
hey….plz inform d correct date of publishin d results ppllz….!!!!
tank u…
hw cn d newspapers just lyk dat publish d wrong info…?
it isnt fair…..
you………………too…..this type of…….how can i believe on…
kya yar confirm to btao
kitna tension hai pata hai!!!!!
class10 ka result kab aa rha hai.sahi jankari den.
you r just giving the dates ……when will we get the results man
this is not fair…..you are supposed to inform us..Almost all schools of different syllabus recieved their results,……..
really this is too much if d reslts r 2 b publishd later y did u give wrong infrmaton on your websites and newspapers……… i swear u r nt trust able at least give a perfct and stable statement regarding our results. its our results not a joke u all r making stupidss
yr this is 2 much we r waiting 4 our results nd u r nt give it early u all r making the students fool
a hello..wat the hell these website is ….is it your aim to fool students .3 days completed results yet not released….simply publishing allnon sense without any source…u have to pay sevierly for this
Dear All,
Kindly give the exact date of the results as we are anxiously awaiting the results
pls tellll the exat date of clas tenth result ….u shuld never give wrong information to us so plz tellll the rigjt information
Its nt even on 20, then when.is it!!??
please give the result date as soon as possible………
it’s the 2nd time u have changed the result date.
from which news did u tell the result date is 20th.
wat d hell is goin on here,,,,,,,, y didn’t they give a perfect date……… wat they thnk r v fools sittin infront of screens…………. y cant they unrstnd our mental status………….
is it sure dat class 10 results r cmng 2day???
Will the result come today????
can u plz lemme knw wn is the result actually and at wat tym…. where do we check our result,….there’s nothing on the official website…… plzzzzzzzzzzz help as
Pls give a final word,does it cms tday?
not sure…!! sum say it will b declared on 22nd of this may..!!
plz tell saahi date otherwise u jaega………………………..
pls informe result imedietlly icant wait ot it any longer
please dont tell the expected date .tell me the the right date for result
plzz can i knw wen i will be able to get a real info of ma result wenitx gonna be published??? plzz in form as soon as possible
can you tell the exact date of result plzzzzzzzzzzzz
This is nothing more than a folly.
pls…………. announce the xact dat through media
which could reach everyone
we r awaiting for it for so long and u r making us tensed by supplying wrong infrmayion
it was published that there’s a drastic decrease in the candidates appearing for boards. so why it is that CBSE is taking so much time to declare our results.and if so why not a fixed date. there r so many dates given in other websites related to CBSE and all r proving to be wrong.
pls make sure that the information you supply is correct
Sir please inform the correct date for cbse ciass X results 2011 in my e-mail
mai ek accha insan banna chahta hu isiliya mujhe acche no. Se pass hona hai.
mujhe pass kar dijiye plz
derz no use blamin dis site….it merely publishes d news frm other sources…..!….the latest news is dat it’ll b bfore 28th n after 19th……(nt helpin is it?)……another thing is it’ll cum wen it’ll cum…….itz best 2 b checkin out the official cbse website rather dan ol dis….!
can you please tell when class 10 results will come.we are really confused about it. it is a bigg headache.Please inform about it as soon as possible.
Thank you.
This is what we call as stupidity. This is just injust.You are crossing all the limits of our patients.We are awaiting results from the first day of this month. You are just telling lies about the declaration of results.
An official site of cbse says that the results will be declared on 28th May.At least can we believe this date????????????????????
alice -pls check while you wrte and publish some thing–you check what is the meaning of CUM in engish language –very dirty word
akhir kb result diclare hoga,, bache ki jan loge kya tum log,, kitne bde jhoote ho tum board wale.. jldi se btao na..
may i plz know if this is CBSE’s official site or not?? if not plz tell us the abt the official one?
if u don’t know abt the result …… just keep shut ……………… u need not guess any dates …..and increase opur stress
hey guys…………..check d corr8 nd latest info on cbse website………http://cbse.examresults.net/ ……….
r reslt will b aftr 12th reslts…..
finally when will the results be declared.
i got an info. dat d clz 10th rslts r going 2 b declared 2mr (22-5-2011)
is dat true???????????????
no..itz not true….our results will publish after cbse 12th results r declared…cbse 12th results r likely to cum on 23rd may…. u can check in the website http://www.cbse.examresults.net
hey anursee u copied my wrds………..thts incorr8……..:P
not d info……d thng tht u did…….
@raji…..maybe “cum” has a bad meaning in english language……..but everyone knows that i mean “come ” here……!!
m very eager to know my result…….
is anybody here,who know the exact date of declaration result of 10th class?
Does any body knws surely the date when class 10th result will be out ?…….if knws then plz tell me soon thanks
hi, alice i saw ur coment i think u r tensed dont worry dear wen ur result cum it wil cum wid sum good news det u got the 1st place i heartly pray god to bless u..bye
Finally the results have ‘CUM’ ……….lol
anyways how does one go about the revaluation process…….??
what’s the exact date of result ………………………………
we loose our patience sir …. baccho ki jan loge kya…….
abe oye cbse walo class X k result ki date toh bata do………………!!
sir result aaa kab ra hai koi idea to de do
please declare the date as soon as possible
i feel restless………………………..
thari ma chudai nazdeek aa rahi hai…
bosdiko.. sahi dhang se bta do
Oh Man!! Thoda jaldi date bata do!!
Kids are going nuts here!! :/
when will be result for 10
Kya Hua Sir Result To Declare kar do ya fir Hame Dubara Paper dena padega
what’s the exact date of result
Plzzzzzzzzz sir.hm logo ki aur agnipariksha mat lijiye n tell us precisely wen our rslts r gonna be announced.& kndly dont make any assumptionsssssss.
result kb nikale ga
bahut dar lag raha hai yaar plz kal hi nikaldo result ko plz
abe results ka date tho batha do na
what is the right date of the announcement of the results
wats tis?
is cbse n all other sites tryin to fool us
we r all eagerly waiting students 4 the results n not bafffoooons
r u playin game on us?
what is the exact dete of class 10th result pls tell me:o
what is the exact date of class 10th result please tell me
please tell me the exact result date of class 10
I dont think that these guys gonna give us our results dis year
They don’t have any info guys, they just copy it from other sources
I think we should be patient & keep our eye on cbse.nic.in
What is the right date of result
what is the exact dete of class 10th result pls tell me:o
what is the exact dete of class 10th result pls tell me:o
Wat is da xact of result declaration…24 o 25….we guyz r geting impatient man!!
sri plz uttrakhand result kabh aayega tell me
hello hi how are you ……………………plz uttrakhand result dat tell me ok bye……………..
it is going messy.i am completely fed up with rumours going all around about the shifting of date of the result
It is nt a problem for me if result is not published and i dont have any urgency but plz duwa karna ke distinction mile…..
plz do tl me d date for class 10 rslt..its a humble rqst 2 u…
now tell me the exat date of the 10th result.
This is outrageous….!!…..v can understand it if there is a delay…..but y cany you say a proper date??????
It’s like they forgot about us :'(
When the f will our results get declared?
first it was 16th may, then delayed to 19th, after which it was postponed to 23rd may. Now new is that 25th is the screened date. There is also rumors about 27th being the finaized date…
When will it finally get declared
when the hell is our result going to be published
hell with……………………………
kya yaar kyon hum students ki watt laga rahe oh 10th ka result plz confirm kar ke bata to do yarrrrrrr plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…………mom-dad mithai ka dabba or chadi dono leke baithe hai pata nai kab kiska jarurat pad jai son plz yaar is summer vaccation ko barbad mat karo………plz yaar?>>>>>>>>>
are yar koi to confirm karo result kab aayega
what is the exact result date of class x?
what is the exact result date of class x?
sir/mam please confirm us the correct date of results. we are very tensed regarding our admissions. sir please inform us through any means as early as possible.
:O :O :O when are the results exactly released???!!! students are begging for the dates not 1 official is ready to reply…:O :O its the matter of our future …will they even give us our results??!!
plz……………….. declare the result of 10th………………
hum bachon ko kab tak hamare result ke pichhe tarsoge ?????????????????
please declared our result as soon as possible.
when wil d results be out…….???
Pl.tell us when class 10 result will declared. Pl send the message in my mob. 8895933579
result ke date keya hi
hey…..today is 28th may from 16th may we are hearing that today will be result announced but what the hell is this noone is confirming the date why so late sirrrrr……………
result iz on 31 may
shudn’t b surprised if it came in june…!!!
can u plz telll me the exact date for the 10th class result
i hope too,that the result will be decleared on 31st may 2011.
CBSE Class 10th Results 2011 expected on 30th May !
May 29th, 2011 by Admin No Comments CBSE has not yet announced the dates for the declaration of results of their class 10th results 2011 but its expected that it should come by 30th May. If not then it should be announced on the last day of month i.e. 31st May 2011. Although its not a confirmed date but you could expect a result as most of the results of CBSE are announced on Monday and 30th is the last monday of May. CBSE has delayed a lot this time in declaration of results as before this year they used to declare it around 25th May.
CBSE announced class 12th results few days ago and that too was delayed in two parts. On 23rd they declared results of all regions except Patna region which was later announced on 27th May. Students are fed up of waiting this long for the results. And CBSE should have done it earlier so that Students could take admission in their favorite colleges or courses. During 12th results for Patna region, CBSE didn’t update their site that its gonna be declared but it was out on time as said by us. And thats why you might get results on 30th May even when the CBSE site is not updated with details. And if its announced the time of results would be between 8am to 10pm.
plz send us results as soon as possible because we cant wait anymore and plz ensure the correct date so that we can be ready for it.
all the best guys.trust urself and go for the RESULTS.the news is partially confirmed that the cbse 10th results 2011 iz going 2 be declared on 31st may betn 8 to 10.30pm.so chillaz nd take care.keep ur fingers crossed nd hope 4 the best.party ki taiyari start karo coz everyone will pass with bright results.so keep all the documents [lyk skool leaving certificates,passport size photos,copies of ur result nd also of the tests/exams conducted in ur skool] ready in order to get admission into ur prefered colleges/schools.hold ur breath coz only one day left.
I wonder Why My parents EVER Got Me admitted in A cbse Affiliated School. This System Of Examinations and Evaluation Sucks BIG TIME..!! Wasnt the New Shitty CCE Enough to Torture Us? Those Ever ending Projects and assignments. And The Proper Doing Of Home Works In class 10th..?!
Oh! Gimme A break. These Officials Need to get a Life. They Should be Declaring our Results soon..Or Else Theyl be inviting Unwanted Opposition from the Student Body.
*Irritated* *Is Aiming On my dart board Which has Sibbals picture On It. Bloody Drunk Man. May He Go to Hell..O Lord! =P
I wonder Why My parents EVER Got Me admitted in A cbse Affiliated School. This System Of Examinations and Evaluation Sucks BIG TIME..!! Wasnt the New Shitty CCE Enough to Torture Us? Those Ever ending Projects and assignments. And The Proper Doing Of Home Works In class 10th..?!
Oh! Gimme A break. These Officials Need to get a Life. They Should be Declaring our Results soon..Or Else Theyl be inviting Unwanted Opposition from the Student Body.
*Irritated* *Is Aiming On my dart board Which has Sibbals picture On It. Bloody Drunk Man. May He Go to Hell..O Lord! =P
what the hell is going on?
when willl our results be declared?
this is very unfair. will you give me admission in your school?? CBSE is very lazy….
Kindly tl d exact date of results.If not capable then y take task of grading.Its d limit!Our children r losing hope of getting seats in good colleges.And all dis cos of d delay.
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz humara sabar ka bann tut gaya hai………the nonsence lyns everytym tarrikh pe tarikh tarrikh pe tarrikh……….we are fed up
can cbse do anything on tym?
can cbse do anything on tym?..pls give our result we r fed up
can cbse do anything on tym?..pls give our result we r fed up
it really is 2morrow….!!
Marks dont matter wat maters is intelligency so even if u get less marks dont worry at all by d wy result is on 31 may
just waiting for my results to come but today also no declaration for shillong region
anyone like to talk or answer my question call 9954153155.Q: when will be the results out?
yr plz plz plz we ol pray to u snd d rsult’s final date AS SOON AS……………………….hm sb ki jaan atki hui h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-p