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Install NowCBSE Class 10 Maths Sample Paper 2020-21 (Standard and Basic) has been released by CBSE, New Delhi. To get Solved Sample Papers, download myCBSEguide App today. This Model Question Paper has some very specific changes as compared to last year. These changes are:
- It is based on 30% reduced syllabus.
- The blueprint and marking scheme is totally different.
- Now you have MCQs based on case studies.
- Normal 1 marker MCQs are replaced with VSA type questions.
- Internal choice is increased a bit.
- There are overall 36 questions but the first 20 questions are very short answer type questions with objective answers.
What is the difference between Standard and Basic Maths?
This is the most common question asked by students and parents. The common reply is, Standard is for those who wish to continue with Maths in higher classes too and Basic is for those who are willing to continue without Maths in the next class. But, is there any difference in terms of difficulty level? Yes. There is a big difference. In Maths Basic around 75% of questions are easy (Knowledge & Understanding type) but there are only 50% such questions in Maths Standard. So, if you are planning to pursue your studies without Maths, you must go with Maths Basic.
Is Maths Standard Difficult?
Yes, if you compare with Maths Basic and No, if you compare with previous year papers. It means there is no change in difficulty level of Maths Standard but Maths Basic is based on knowledge and understanding of concept/formula. The application part is only 15% in Maths Basic. The same is around 25% in Maths Standard.
Class 10 Maths Sample Paper 2021
Here is CBSE Class 10 Maths Sample Paper 2020-21 based on the new revised syllabus. To get solutions and more Sample Papers download the myCBSEguide App Now.

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