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Install NowThough Class X boards have become optional now, anxious parents and nervous students are finding it safe to opt for the stress of exams. And instead of one board exam, a student can chose to face three paper-pen based tests — Aptitude Test (AT) in January-February 2011 and Proficiency Test (PT) in May to be conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) besides the year-end summative assessment by the school.
The students who wish to move to a different board or change their school can still appear for the board exam which CBSE will be conducting. However, those who wish to continue in the same school are barred from doing so.
Although the aptitude and proficiency tests are sometime away, the schools are already witnessing a surge in enquiries by students and parents. CBSE has developed this mechanism and schools would definitely like the students and parents to know the aptitude of the child before he or she moves to a higher standard. But for the PT, schools would definitely like the best students to test themselves on their specific subjects.
Meanwhile, schools that bank on the Class X board results are now going to rely on the results of the aptitude test to offer specific streams like science, commerce or arts. These are definitely going to be a parameter for many schools while offering streams to students since schools earlier used to bank on the Class X boards. The aptitude test will definitely be an additional tool on the table for schools while deciding on the stream of study for the child. This will also give the students and parents some indication.
Ironically, some may question whether these tests, with the year-end summative a must, defeat the purpose of doing away with the boards. The boards never used to be a make-or-break exam. There was confused thinking. Moreover, there will be one set of students who will take the boards to shift schools.
Aptitude Test
The Students Global Aptitude Index (SGAI) is an aptitude test which will be conducted nationwide in all CBSE-affiliated schools. It is upto the schools if they want to implement SGAI or not. The schools should register the number of interested students through the CBSE official website. The CBSE is also conducting a training workshop to familiarize principals and teachers, who are interested in SGAI. The teachers and principals can in turn educate the students about the aptitude test and its benefits.
Proficiency Test
The test is optional for students and will be held in June 2011. It is for students who have passed Class X in March. The test will be based on the new CCE pattern. The test is for students who get motivated by examinations.
No additional fees will be charged. The test will comprise multiple-choice questions. Students will have the option of taking the test in just one subject or more. The result will declare the students percentile instead of percentage.

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i am appearing in board exam in 2010-2011 of class 10 .
tell me that , SA-2 syllabus is final syllabus for board exam or there is the new syllabus for the board exam
i am appearing in class 10 home exam 2010-2011
will i change my school ?
wot will b the syllabus for pt.????
What is the syllabus included for last Board Exam? is it the portion covered in both SA 1 and SA 2 ? please throw some light.. we are confused..