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Describe the structure and function of …



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Describe the structure and function of nephrons
  • 2 answers

Deepansh Bhati 6 years, 9 months ago

Nephron's are the largest cells in the human body... STRUCTURE A nephron has 3 main oarts: - Dendrites - cell body - Axon Dendrites are the nerve fibers which arise from the cell body. Cell body contains cytoplasm, nucleus along with other organelles. Axon can de described as the longest dendrite. It is the longest cell fibre which is protected by myelin sheath. It ends at nerve endings which are spherical in shape. FUNCTION The neuron has the main function of passing the nerve impulses from one neuron to another. This ensures the flow of information from receptors to nervous system and then from nervous system to effectors(muscles). Hence neurons pass on the electrical impulses from receptors to effectors and provide the reflex action. The pathway of electrical impulses from receptor to effector is called reflex arc.

Nancy Rajput 6 years, 9 months ago

It's given in internal question answer pls check it

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