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CUET-UG Biology Online Tests | Mock Tests & Sample Questions

Practice CUET 2025 Biology sample questions as per the latest exam pattern. Get unlimited attempts for Biology mock tests and online tests for CUET (CUCET) from our diverse range of MCQs from myCB…

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Valid till June 30, 2025




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The Common University Entrance Test (CUET or CUCET) will be held in July 2025. Students who plan to get admission to the Central Universities will have to take this entrance exam. With very limited time in hand, students need to prepare smartly for this test. You can find sufficient material for CUET Biology from myCBSEguide Dashboard. We provide online tests and mock tests as per the CUET 2025 syllabus that is categorized topic-wise.

CUET Biology Syllabus

The July 2025 CUET exam format has been divided into three parts. It is an objective exam having a variety of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Section I (IA and IB) is the language skills, Section II is for the core subjects (there are 27 domain-specific subjects) and Section III is a general test. A candidate may choose a maximum of six Domain Subjects. For students with a science background scoring well in this CUET exam plays a key to their successful career. 

The topics under the CUET Biology syllabus are as follows:

Unit I: Reproduction
  • Reproduction in organisms
  • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
  • Human Reproduction
  • Reproductive health

Unit II: Genetics and Evolution

  • Heredity and variation
  • Molecular Basis of Inheritance
  • Evolution
Unit III: Biology and Human Welfare
  • Health and Disease
  • Improvement in food production
  • Microbes in human welfare unit
Unit IV: Biotechnology and Its Applications
  • Principles and process of Biotechnology
Unit V: Ecology and environment
  • Organisms and environment
  • Ecosystems
  • Biodiversity and its conservation
  • Environmental issues

CUET Biology Mock Tests

Earlier NTA released mock tests for many domain subjects of Section II. It has added a bunch of case-based MCQs (normally asked in class 12 exam format) in almost all domain subjects. It is observed that most of the CUET Biology questions were case-based questions and other types of questions that test the competency of the students. The difficulty level of the July 2025 CUET Biology paper looks to be similar to entrance exams like NEET and NCERT Exemplar level (for PCMB) subjects. This makes it indispensable for the CUET examinees to have a stronghold in their subject. 

Aspirants taking the CUET exam should practice online CUET Biology tests and take ample mock tests for better results. This will not only be helpful in time management but will introduce them to different types of questions that are expected in the examination. The official website of the CUET-UG specifically lays down the topic prescribed by NTA. Our question bank has hundred of questions which are updated regularly by our expert teachers. The CUET Biology mock tests provided by myCBSEguide have miscellaneous typologies of MCQs. If a student attempts our online tests and practice papers, s/he is sure to fare well in their CUET Biology paper. Our CUET UG test series is specially customized and dishes up the best questions for your platter. 

CUET Biology Question Paper

As we know, Section II of CUET-UG 2025 is a domain-based paper. Students have to attempt 40 out of 50 MCQs asked in this paper. Similarly, CUET Biology will have 50 questions from the aforementioned syllabus and students will have to attempt any 40 out of them. Given the fact that CUET Biology will be having questions from the chapters of class 12 CBSE, the twist here is the question type. Let's see what are major changes that we expect to see in the CUET Biology (and other science) paper. The table given below explains the typology of the questions of the domain subjects and their pattern of distribution:  

Typology of MCQs Number of MCQs Total Marks
Standalone 34 MCQs 170
Assertion-Reason/Incorrect Statement 4 MCQs 20
Table-based Match the Following 2 MCQs 10
Case-based 10 MCQs (2*5) 50

As seen in the mock test released by NTA, the CUET sample papers will also contain the case-based questions, assertion-reason incorrect statement-based, and table-based match the following questions for various domains. Therefore, our suggestion to all the aspirants is to practice as much as they can before facing the real exam. The CUET Biology mock tests, practice papers, and online tests will be handy in achieving this goal. 

Earlier getting into a college depended only upon the hard work done for the class 12 examination. But now for admission to central universities students need to fare well in the CUET. Therefore, for sturdy preparation for CUET 2025 students can refer to myCBSEguide and get course material subject-wise. Students must try out our customized study material for CUET Biology 2025.

We also have special sample questions and subject-wise mock tests for CUET English languageGeneral Test, and other domain subjects.

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