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Class 12 Sociology Syllabus, Sample Papers, Notes | Test Papers

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The subject of sociology is very important in general terms because Sociology studies society. The child’s familiarity with the society in which she /he lives makes the study of Sociology a double-edged experience. This subject is introduced as an academic elective at the senior secondary level. The course here prepares the learners for a broader perspective. Therefore, to study the subject correctly and imbibe the lessons, students need a suitable mentor or guideline. Along with the Textbook, get everything required to prepare for class 12 Sociology. The myCBSEguide app is designed to help CBSE students by making the learning process interesting and cool. For Class 12 Sociology you can avail of our complete course content that includes NCERT textbooks, the latest syllabus, important questions, revision notes, sample papers, learning videos, mock tests, etc.

 CBSE Class 12 Sociology Resources

The resources provided on our student's dashboard have every range of product that is required to cover the subject from tip to toe. Given the theoretical nature of the subject, students of class 12 Sociology can prepare for this subject pretty well by themselves. What they require in the process is valuable content. Like any other EduTech, myCBSEguide too provides some general content like NCERT solutions, Test Papers, Syllabus, and NCERT textbooks free of cost that too in PDF format. But what makes us unique is the quality of our content. Most of our solutions are prepared and verified by experienced subject teachers of CBSE. Also, we have been in the market for a decade and conventionally deliver the best results which can be verified by the number of downloads of our app. Therefore, to have the best course content for class 12 Sociology get the app. Our assured resources contain a syllabus, previous question papers, online tests, important questions, free notes, test papers, and most importantly Sociology model question papers with solutions.

NCERT prescribed textbooks for class 12 Sociology:

At one level Sociology studies institutions such as family and kinship, class, caste, tribe religion, and region- contexts with which children are familiar, even if differentially. India is a society that is varied both horizontally and vertically. The effort in the books will be to grapple overtly with this both as a source of strength and as a site for interrogation. There is scope in the syllabus not only for interactive learning, based on exercises and project work but also for teachers and students to jointly innovate new ways of learning. The names of Class 12 Sociology books are:

  • Indian Society
  • Social Change and Development in India

CBSE Class 12 Sociology Syllabus

The syllabus of senior secondary Sociology is designed to help learners to reflect on what they hear and see in the course of everyday life and develop a constructive attitude towards society in change; to equip a learner with concepts and theoretical skills for the purpose. The preparation for a CBSE subject must be as per the latest CBSE syllabus. So, the syllabus is the first and foremost thing that a student needs to be very sure of. The table below lists the chapters included in the syllabus, get the complete analysis of the CBSE Class 12 Sociology syllabus 2024-25 on our blog.

CBSE Class 12 Sociology Chapters

  • Introducing Indian Society
  • The Demographic Structure of the Indian Society
  • Social Institutions: Continuity and Change
  • Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion
  • The Challenges of Cultural Diversity
  • Structural Change
  • Cultural Change
  • Change and Development in Rural Society
  • Change and Development in Industrial Society
  • Social Movements

 The syllabus provides ample opportunity to make the child familiar with the excitement of fieldwork (in the form of project work) as well as its theoretical significance for the very discipline of Sociology. The syllabus provides a scope not only for interactive learning, based on exercises and project work but also for teachers and students to jointly innovate new ways of learning.

Class 12 Sociology Important Questions & Revision Notes

Every chapter of Sociology has its significance and respective weightage in the question paper. The lessons unfold various levels of societal structure and hence the calls for a matured approach to understanding. Our students of senior secondary Sociology must be acquainted with those sections quite well. Students can get revision notes for Class 12 Sociology sorted chapter-wise on myCBSEguide. We also provide the most important questions of class 12 Sociology, which should be practiced by everyone who wants to score well with a better understanding of the subject. Notes are best for last-minute revision. The sociology important questions or extra questions make sure that you are familiar with the crucial points and parts of a particular lesson. If you practice our important questions you have fewer chances of missing out on any significant scoring section. Check the chapter for Class 12 Sociology Revision Notes.

CBSE Class 12 Sociology Test Papers & Mock Tests

The test papers for Class 12 Sociology can be used for formative assessment. Students can set targets and check their progress and understanding. We also provide online tests for CBSE subjects and periodic mock tests. To get updates regarding the mock tests follow the blogs of myCBSEguide. Students can use Sociology test papers to prepare gradually. This can make learning easy and smooth. Our MCQ test for class 12 Sociology is best to practice the objective type questions.  

Our class 12 Sociology test papers facilitate easy learning of concepts and theories. conceptual learning test papers can be the best learning tool. It can also be your performance meter, which would reflect your progress each time you take a test. So, test papers and mock tests for psychology can also be used for self-assessment. You can get test papers for class 12 sociology for the chapter of your choice. You can also attempt the class 12 psychology mock test or an online MCQ test for a fun learning experience. Whichever way you choose the goal is to develop an appreciation of the nature of psychological knowledge and its application to various aspects of life in learners.

 CBSE Class 12 Sociology Case Study Questions

The learners of today need answers and explanations to satisfy the questions that arise in their minds while trying to understand the social world. Therefore, there is a need to develop an analytical approach to the social structure so that they can meaningfully participate in the process of social change. Following this idea, the new NEP focuses on competency-based learning. To achieve a proper understanding of the lesson and write their paper well, they need to have in-depth knowledge. The inclusion of the latest case-based questions for assessment encourages competency-based learning. You can download the best Class 12 Sociology Case Study Question from our website or app.

The relevant intellectual legacy of Sociology equips the discipline with a plural perspective that honestly engages with the need for defamiliarization, to unlearn and question the given. This interrogative and critical character of Sociology also makes it possible to understand other cultures as well as relearn about one’s own culture.

CBSE Class 12 Sociology Sample Papers

Sitting for the boards without solving enough sample papers is a complete no. The ideal way to prepare for a subject is to practice as many sample papers as one can. The sample papers for CBSE subjects that you get on myCBSEgude have inputs from the best CBSE teachers. This is the reason why we suggest solving our model question papers.  Get the details related to CBSE Class 12 Sociology Sample Papers 2024-25 here. Our sample papers acquaint you with the same blueprint and MS as the CBSE sample papers, which is a very important factor in scoring well. The curriculum of Sociology at this senior secondary stage should enable the learner to understand the dynamics of human behavior in all its complexities and manifestations.

Through our premium content, we look forward help the students and support in becoming self-sufficient in resources per se. With a basic price, students can give the right direction for their preparation. We consistently work to bring the best of the course material for CBSE to your disposal. Students with an equivalent quest to learn and achieve must download this app and begin the journey to success now.

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