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Class 12 Biology Syllabus, Sample Papers, Notes & MCQ Tests

Download CBSE Class 12 Biology NCERT solutions and updated Sample Papers for free from the myCBSEguide app. Well-equipped with the latest model question papers and detailed revision note…

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CBSE Class 12 Biology latest syllabus, NCERT solutions, sample question papers, and chapter-wise quick revision notes are available on the myCBSEguide App for free download. The student dashboard offers board exam question papers with toppers' answer sheet and their solutions free of cost.

CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus

Say goodbye to your anxiety over the changes in the syllabus for the new academic session. Yes, the new syllabus is out and students who have just written their papers are all set for a quick perusal. Get rid of your doubts regarding the latest CBSE class 12 Biology syllabus 2024-25 here with a handy synopsis of every section.  

Class 12 Biology NCERT Solutions and Exemplar Solutions

We provide chapter-wise NCERT solutions for class 12 Biology. Ours is a one-stop platform, where you can have easy access to all possible material required to have an in-depth knowledge of the subject. For example, you can hop into the NCERT solutions for a specific chapter say, Organisms and Populations, simply by clicking on the NCERT textbook solution. Likewise, here you can also access the exemplar solution for class 12 Biology. Our class 12  NCERT Exemplar solutions are available for free download. You only have to register with us to get them. The difficulty level of Biology exemplar solutions is of higher order. Besides detailed answers, you can also refer to the video solution for better clarity. 

Class 12 Biology Case Study Questions

Our latest education system has revived with a focus on competency-based education (CBE). The CBSE too has incorporated this concept by including a new model of question called Case-based question or simply case study question. These types of questions test students' problem-solving ability in a given life-like situation or say real-life situation. This allows the students to advance based on their ability to master a skill or competency on their own. Our resources under the class 12 Biology case study questions section from various chapters are tailored to meet different learning abilities and can lead to efficient student outcomes.

Class 12 Biology Sample Papers

As we know that CBSE revises its model papers every year. Our sample question papers are based on the latest revised syllabus of the session. Our sample papers are a replica of the real question paper. This is why students tend to utilize these exam question papers to score their best. Like other subjects, CBSE provides a model paper for class 12 Biology too. You can access them through the links given above for the current academic session of CBSE class 12 Biology. 

CBSE Biology Question Bank

Mugging up concepts and definition is one thing and bringing them to an actual application is another. Hence, it is always advisable to physically practice what we have memorized. Our brain has a defined learning capacity, but to store them for the long run, it is always good to keep practicing. This can be done only through a regular exercise of testing our knowledge. Our question bank is made exclusively for class 12 Biology students which can be the key to this practice. You can easily get them free of cost through our dashboard myCBSEguide. What does it offer? Well, it brings to you the questions from previous years' board exams, NCERT textbook, and NCERT Exemplar book. These are the most important question from the board exam 2024-25 perspective. 

Biology Test Papers & Online Tests

Apart from full-length model papers we also provide chapter-level test papers and online MCQ tests. This will assist students to test their progress as soon as a chapter is completed on their end. It will help them to reap a long-term benefit. This regular practice of subject-wise mock tests will ease their exam stress and will help them to get command over the subject chapter-wise. 

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