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Install NowNCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Political Science Women change the world book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. These ncert book chapter wise questions and answers are very helpful for CBSE exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT textbooks. Class 7 Social Science chapter wise NCERT solution for Social Science part 1 part 2 and Part 3 for all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free.
NCERT Solutions for Political Science Class 7 Download as PDF
NCERT Class 7 Social Science Chapter Wise Solutions
- Environment
- Inside our earth
- Our Changing Earth
- Air
- Water
- Natural Vegetation and Wild Life
- Human environment-settlement transport and communication
- Human-environment interactions the tropical and the subtropical region
- Life in the temperate grasslands
- Life in the deserts
- Racing changes through a thousand years
- New kings and kingdoms
- The Delhi Sultans
- The Mughal Empire
- Rules and buildings
- Towns, traders, and craftspersons
- Tribes, nomads and settled communities
- Devotional paths to the divine
- The making of regional cultures
- Eighteenth-century political formations
Political Science
- Equality in Indian democracy
- Role of the government in health
- How the state government works
- Growing up as boys and girls
- Women change the world
- Media and advertising
- Understanding advertising
- Markets
- A shirt in the market
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Political Science Women change the world
Q.1: How do you think stereotypes, about what women can or cannot do, affect women’s right to equality?
Ans: Stereotypes, about what women can or cannot do affect women’s right to equality by forcing society to give them certain roles and not allow them to take up other roles. Many girls do not get the same support that boys do to study and get trained. In most families, once girls finish school, they are encouraged by their families to see marriage as their main aim of life. In communities that taught sons to read and write, daughters were not allowed to read the alphabet. Even in families where skills were taught, the contribution of daughters and women was only seen as supportive. This is unequal treatment because the choice of the woman is not considered and she is not free to do what she wants. This leads to fewer opportunities and rigid expectations from women in society and hampers innovation.
For example, if women are not allowed to take up technical roles due to the stereotype that women can not handle technical things, then there will be fewer women scientists and hence, the lack of innovation. Many people believe that women make better nurses because they are more patient and gentle.
Q.2: List one reason why learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya.
Ans: Learning the alphabet was important to women like Rashundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya because women were forbidden education as it was considered dangerous for their moral development and family life. By learning how to read and write, these women achieved a degree of independence.
Through her own writing, Rashsundari Devi gave the world an opportunity to read about women’s lives in those days. Her book titled Amar Jiban is the first known autobiography written by a woman. At that time, it was believed that if a woman learnt to read and write, she would bring bad luck to her husband and would become a widow. Despite this, she taught herself how to read and write in secret after marriage. Ramabai set up a Mission in Khedgaon near Pune in 1898, where widows and poor women were encouraged not only to become literate but to be independent. They were taught a variety of skills, from carpentry to running a printing press. She never went to school but learnt to read and write from her parents. Rokeya started a school for girls in Kolkata in 1910.
Q.3: “Poor girls drop out of school because they are not interested in getting an education.” Re-read the last paragraph on page 62 and explain why this statement is not true.
Ans: This statement is not true. On reading the information, we realize that girls from poor families drop out of school because their parents are unwilling to send them to school because of lack of money for transportation and education costs. There are no toilets for girls in some schools. They face a lot of discrimination from the teacher. Also, in many poor rural areas, there are no proper schools and teachers who teach on a regular basis. Hence, many poor girls drop out of schools.
Q.4: Can you describe two methods of struggle that the women’s movement used to raise issues? If you had to organise a struggle against stereotypes, about what women can or cannot do, what method would you employ from the ones that you have read about? Why would you choose this particular method?
Ans: Two methods of struggle that the women’s movement used to raise issues are by raising awareness, protesting, showing solidarity and campaigning. Campaigns have led to new laws being passed. Women’s movements raise awareness on women’s rights issues. They spread their message through street plays, songs and public meetings. Women’s movements protest when violations against women happen or when a law or policy works against their interest.
I would choose the method of raising awareness as it will ensure that I will be able to put across my point of view effectively.
NCERT solutions for Class 7 Social Science
NCERT Solutions Class 7 Social Science PDF (Download) Free from myCBSEguide app and myCBSEguide website. Ncert solution class 7 Social Science includes textbook solutions from part 1 and part 2 and part 3 NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 7 Social Science have total 30 chapters. 7 Social Science NCERT Solutions in PDF for free Download on our website. Ncert Social Science class 7 solutions PDF and Social Science ncert class 7 PDF solutions with latest modifications and as per the latest CBSE syllabus are only available in myCBSEguide.
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