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Install NowIt’s really very difficult to FAIL in the CBSE board exams. CBSE has designed the examination pattern in such a way that no one can fail easily. The student has to work very hard means he has to be almost 100% careless to fail. Otherwise, CBSE will never let you fail the exam in any case.
Why it’s Difficult to Fail?
Let’s take the example of the class 10 board exam. Students need overall 33% marks to pass the exam. Here, 20% marks are part of the internal assessment. So, in any case, students will get 17-18 marks. Now, students have to score around 17 marks out of 80 marks.
As most of the questions are MCQs, even if the student starts guessing the answers, he will definitely score 20+ marks. Thus, it’s really very difficult to fail unless the student is 100% careless and determined to fail.
95% will Pass the Exam
If you analyse the CBSE board exam result of the past few years, you will find that the pass percentage is above 90% and in some cases, it is more than 95%. So, most of the students will pass the exam easily. Even if some students get compartment in a subject, they usually clear it in their first attempt.
It means, there is no need to bother about Pass or Fail. Only 5% or less will manage to fail the exam and they should feel proud that they are the rare creatures who can do things differently.
Then What Matters the Most?
Now it’s very clear that the fight is not to pass the exam. It is to score high in exams. And be noted, there must NOT be any comparative analysis of the marks. When we say Score High, we really don’t want to say score higher than others. Please don’t compare. Score High means you are doing better or say you are improving your performance. Never compare it with other students.
Each student is unique. Each one has his own capabilities. So, the comparison will never work. Rather it will lead to an inferiority or superiority complex.
So, the Score matters the most.
How to Score High in Exams?
Everyone has a different answer to this question. People will start guiding you lots of the things to do to get good marks. But if you think rationally it’s not much difficult. You must have seen many perfect scorers in the past few years. It is not because students are now working much harder. It is just because exams are now much easier.
This is something CBSE has now realised and it has started working on it. They are trying to make exams more realistic and nearer to real-life situations. In place of measuring memorization capacity, they are now focusing on the measurement of problem-solving ability.
So, the question is how to score high in exams. Before telling you the secret sauce recipe, let us explain why it’s not so difficult.
- CBSE has a well-defined curriculum.
- Almost all the questions are asked from NCERT books.
- The nature of questions is very traditional.
- Even new pattern questions have nothing new.
- Students can get everything in NCERT & Examplar only.
- Student gets more than 30% internal choice within questions.
- Some chapters are purely optional and have choices.
- The average level of questions is moderate.
(a) Follow NCERT Books
Yes. The first and foremost advise it to follow NCERT books line by line. Don’t miss a single word given in the NCERT book. You will find most of the questions from NCERT directly or indirectly.
(b) Don’t Forget Exemplar Books
Most of the students complete NCERT books very honestly. They even revise it thoroughly but forget to go through NCERT Exemplar books. The so-called analysing type questions are asked from Exemplar books. So, don’t miss it in any case.
(c) Prepare Notes
Prepare notes and if possible prepare handwritten notes. If you write something there are 50% chances that you will remember it too. So, we recommend self-made, hand-written notes which you have prepared from NCERT books. You can take help from other books and myCBSEguide type learning apps too but do write them in your own handwriting.
(d) Revise Regularly
Revising is one thing and regular revision is another thing. Do you know, you will definitely forget 50% of things within a week. So, regularity is the only key to success. You have to revise it regularly.
(e) Practice Questions
Last but the most important point to note is the more you practice, the better you perform. So, there is no shortcut to success. The syllabus is very precise and you need regular practice to excel in exams. After a few days of practice, you will find that you can get it without even reading the whole question.

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