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Install NowTo strengthen the importance of ‘Hands On’ experience in realizing the concepts and construction of knowledge, the practical – skill based multiple choice question paper for Board’s class X Examination were based on list of experiments included in class X as well as class IX syllabus.
Equal weightage in terms of marks (10+10) was assigned to questions based on class IX experiments and class X experiments. Accordingly, the publication on assessments of practical skills in science was revised and made available to schools.
No questions were asked from unit 5 on Disaster Management in the theory paper of Social Science class X. This unit was evaluated only through projects and assignments.
Performance analysis based on the Board Examination 2008 was undertaken in the subjects of English in Senior School level and Mathematics of Secondary level. The findings have been received and will be used for self diagnosis of the board’s question papers, facilitating the Board in remedial action including training of Head Examiners, Examiners and nodal supervisors.
The supplementary learning material in Economics and psychology, class XII on topics included in the Board’s syllabus was made available on the Board’s website for 2009 examination.
No. of pages in the main answer book for class X were reduced to 32 from 40 and from 48 to 40 for class XII.
The Board provided scribes free of cost to the Blind, Physically Handicapped, Autistic, Dyslexic, Spastic and candidates with disabilities as defined in the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995.
The cover page of answer books of class XII was changed to OMR sheets to ensure accuracy in secrecy of roll no’s.

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Dear Sir/Madam, I have a daughter of 3 years. I am confused to take a admission whether in State syllabus schools or CBSE schools. Therefore, I request you to clarufy me in this regard. ….
Dear sir/madam, could you give details of books for the science practical skills for cbsc